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General Discussion / Re: Funny Photos 2024
« Last post by Hairs on September 16, 2024, 04:04:43 PM »
That makes my eyes hurt,

You don't use magic to disappear, ya use a 4x4 & Swag.

General Discussion / Re: Funny Photos 2024
« Last post by Bird on September 16, 2024, 03:50:46 PM »
WTF of the year... gets 1/100 I'd say?

Bit of info

Snapped this monstrosity on the Gold Coast a little while ago. It had WA plates so he may have driven cross country with this set up which would be rather impressive. What GVM 🤣?
Straps with tek screws to the bull bar
General Discussion / Re: What's making News - 2024
« Last post by Bird on September 16, 2024, 03:41:44 PM »
many nomads and caravanners be slashin their wrists at this news, although nobody on earth has ever been booked for it.
its their right ot sit on 80 in 110 zone then hit 140 when the overtaking lane kicks in....

Drivers who speed up while being overtaken are breaking the law and creating danger[/url
General Discussion / Re: Fastening fridge tiedowns to false floor
« Last post by paul.o on September 16, 2024, 01:25:18 PM »
Have a look for Tee Nuts at the hardware shop. They will allow you to fix anything you like to the floor.

Couldn't attach an image, but a quick google will show you.

I have a similar set up in my tub and just use a pair of pull down straps through a saddle that is screwed to the 8mm ply floor and it is fine.

General Discussion / Re: Fastening fridge tiedowns to false floor
« Last post by Bird on September 16, 2024, 10:09:40 AM »
Last slide I had just rattled and was distracting, I hate rattles. I'll steal down as suggested and rem7ove when not required
in my patrol, I bolted down a sheet of ply, then mounted the storage unit to that using small sections of angle.. Takes 10 mins to remove storage or refit.
General Discussion / Re: Fastening fridge tiedowns to false floor
« Last post by Bird on September 16, 2024, 10:08:21 AM »
Yep but I thought that was a given.  ;D

some use tiedowns

General Discussion / Re: Fastening fridge tiedowns to false floor
« Last post by 2010banditsa on September 15, 2024, 10:38:29 PM »
Last slide I had just rattled and was distracting, I hate rattles. I'll steal down as suggested and rem7ove when not required
General Discussion / Re: Fastening fridge tiedowns to false floor
« Last post by Foo on September 15, 2024, 06:17:35 PM »
General Discussion / Re: Fastening fridge tiedowns to false floor
« Last post by xcvator on September 15, 2024, 04:46:46 PM »
Install a fridge slide
General Discussion / Re: Fastening fridge tiedowns to false floor
« Last post by 2010banditsa on September 15, 2024, 03:12:12 PM »
Plus turnbuckles

Yes, thats it. The fridge is the white Evakool with the big handles, so might need to be d shackles to hold the turnbuckle to those, pull slightly outwards on an angle to the floor and im in.

Sick, thanks to you both,
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