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General Discussion / Re: What's making News - 2024
« Last post by MarkGU on Today at 05:01:12 PM »
I cant believe that any one is commenting on the incident BEFORE the investigation has even finished.

Resect, its meaning is easy to look up.
General Discussion / Australian Manufactured Camper Trailers Guild
« Last post by Wol on Today at 02:13:30 PM »
Just wondering ehat happened to them?

The facebook page still exits but very dated and the web page it links to is suspended?

Introductions / Re: Hi All,
« Last post by GGV8Cruza on Today at 11:42:31 AM »
Welcome to the forum, enjoy your stay and ask away for any good and bad info  ;D

General Discussion / Re: What's making News - 2024
« Last post by Hairs on Yesterday at 09:01:23 PM »
A mammoth effort,
The Cane Truck has been retrieved from the River.
3 heavy vehicle Tow Trucks and a dozer.
The main Ferry is operating again.
The smaller ferry, which the cane truck rolled off the back, is still non operational.
Investigations are still in operation to attain what took place.
Seriously, people commenting on social media that have no f#$%en idea what happened, only creates more comments and feeds the rumour Mill.

Anyway, a family, and his mates still have a great loss to deal with.

You don't use magic to disappear, ya use a 4x4 & Swag.

Introductions / Re: Hi All,
« Last post by Bird on Yesterday at 08:03:20 PM »
General Discussion / Re: What made you Smile - 2024
« Last post by Hairs on Yesterday at 05:43:17 PM »

Hmm. :)

You don't use magic to disappear, ya use a 4x4 & Swag.

Hello from Loyalty Beach for 2 nights :)
Introductions / Re: Hi All,
« Last post by GeoffA on Yesterday at 03:30:49 PM »
General Discussion / Re: Second hand camper trailer prices.
« Last post by xcvator on Yesterday at 12:22:40 PM »
I am assuming that the “who” did not include placing various different partners…. :)
What happens in the van stays in the van   :angel:
General Discussion / Re: Second hand camper trailer prices.
« Last post by Wol on Yesterday at 11:41:48 AM »
We went to the dark side, not because of wet canvas, (never had a wet packup , had a couple of very fast ones  ;D ) just the muscles etc didn't like the camper, even though it was a brilliant design. So we started looking, length was a problem, very narrow street to reverse from, we wanted seperate shower/toilet.So the size made it a bit of fun, but we found a brand new 16 foot van that suited us. We did a 5 month trip and we are still married. Once you work out who and what goes where it's very doable in a small van.

I am assuming that the “who” did not include placing various different partners….:)
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