I'm taken the p155 out this whole, green energy crap(imo).
Do you remember 15 years ago or so, you could purchase 'Green Power' from your power supplier?
You were charged a higher tariff for this 'Green Power' privilege.
The money from this was to fund the transition to green power, it lined the pockets of those who had their snout in the trough.
The next scheme was Solar panels on your roof.
We invested $15K in our system, which are are lucky to get 6cent a KW now.
Our house insurance was I creased because of the panels.
Seems every week, there is a new household item that needs power to operate,

We had our PM attend COP28, beside albo flying there, Australia sent over 100 public servants to tell the rest of us that we have to go green.
He's not called Airbus Albo for nothing.
Industry, is telling the goverment that there will not be enough energy in the system and to expect blackouts.
Which we seem to have most weekends.
Anyway, if people want to believe they are saving the planet by buying an electric vehicle, they have a right to believe that, and do that.

You don't use magic to disappear, ya use a 4x4 & Swag.