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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #75 on: March 23, 2012, 08:29:54 PM »
I believe 1kg/week is the best for long term weight loss  :cup:

Offline johnyd

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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #76 on: March 23, 2012, 08:31:57 PM »
I recently hooked in and lost the weight, 26kg in 9 weeks,
Happy to advise how but its a bit of typing, if anyone is genuinely interetsed just shoot me a PM

Do what I did and upload a doc, (as long as you are happy share that is). I believe this forum actually has FTP so the doc can be hosted here without you needing to set up an external site like I used (I already had skydrive set up).

Would be interested in hearing how you did it so I might shoot you a PM anyway.

I believe 1kg/week is the best for long term weight loss  :cup:

I've heard similar, I was warned by various trainers and such that rapid weight loss programs often result in rapid weight gain afterwards.  Patience is another key element to successfully losing weight.

A summary so far of our collective knowledge as I see it:
You need
  • A target: Something tangible to strive for. 
  • Willpower: The ability to stick to your guns and power through doubts and doubters.
  • Honesty: With yourself, you can't just claim to be on it.
  • Support: A positive strong support network will do wonders.  Can provide some friendly competition and help keep you honest and prop up your willpower when it gets tough.
  • The right information:  Making sure you have the right information for your needs.  If you have a medical condition that might be causing the problem it's going to be a hell of a lot easier to lose the weight if you know about it and are able to manage it somehow. 
  • Patience: You have to keep at it, don't panic if the weight doesn't come off straight away, or if it stalls just keep at it.
  • Positive Outlook: Be confident that you can do this, it IS possible and you WILL do it.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 08:46:21 PM by johnyd »

Offline Tjupurula

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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #77 on: March 23, 2012, 08:32:23 PM »
I believe 1kg/week is the best for long term weight loss  :cup:

That seems like a realistic and obtainable goal for me.  My goodness it is Friday and I have not had any amber fluid...

Offline cheekygirl668

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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #78 on: March 24, 2012, 09:04:06 AM »
That is a really good effort, you have every reason to be proud of that achievment.

thanks l am...... ;D

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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #79 on: March 24, 2012, 11:38:56 AM »
Hi Nomad
I am happy to learn all that I can, so that I can determine the best way to go.  I would like hearing from you all relevant data about the way in which your friend lost weight, and had the continuation afterwards.

Hey Tjupurula,

I asked him last night and he told me it was called Abundance. I have googled it quickly and came up with a heap of sites that could be it.

As others have mentioned he was on the powder stuff for 3 or 4 days at the start and drinking heaps of water. Then the remainder of the time he was grazing on prepackaged food that was supplied as part of the program.

With that he lost the 7kg's.

Both of us have been doing a lot of paddling around the points for the last month, probably 5 or 6 k's a day and he is also running. I hate I have been skipping that.

He has also moved stations to the Maroochydore airport, where one of the guys is an absolute fitness nut. They get paid to train so he spends a fair bit of our tax payer dollars in their gym.

He is down to 90kgs, but has replaced a fair bit of flab with muscle tone and said if he can get back to around 87kgs he'll be stoked.

Cheers Nomad. :cheers:

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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #80 on: March 24, 2012, 03:49:22 PM »
Hey Tjupurula,

I asked him last night and he told me it was called Abundance. I have googled it quickly and came up with a heap of sites that could be it.

As others have mentioned he was on the powder stuff for 3 or 4 days at the start and drinking heaps of water. Then the remainder of the time he was grazing on prepackaged food that was supplied as part of the program.

With that he lost the 7kg's.

Both of us have been doing a lot of paddling around the points for the last month, probably 5 or 6 k's a day and he is also running. I hate I have been skipping that.

He has also moved stations to the Maroochydore airport, where one of the guys is an absolute fitness nut. They get paid to train so he spends a fair bit of our tax payer dollars in their gym.

He is down to 90kgs, but has replaced a fair bit of flab with muscle tone and said if he can get back to around 87kgs he'll be stoked.

Cheers Nomad. :cheers:

Hi Nomad
I have just googled that Abundance site, and you are right, it is going to take a while to search all the options, but I am more than happy to gradually work my way through as I get the opportunity to do so.

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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #81 on: March 24, 2012, 04:43:26 PM »
HCG diet ... have a look at it ..... it does work .

Offline galloping gumboot

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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #82 on: March 24, 2012, 05:10:21 PM »
Hello Tjupurula,
My simple weight loss program trimmed me down by 10kg in 3 months. I just cut sugar out of the diet and divided my meals into "carb" and "no-carb" meals.  ie. if you have a feed of spag bols for example (a carb meal) make sure yopu dont have any sugar to go with it eg beer or dessert for at least 2 hours after. The idea is that sugar excites the pancreas and converts all carbs and sugar to storeable fat. If you dont have sugar with your carb meal it will be digested and supply energy but not be stored as fat on your body. Conversely you can have for example chicken and salad but no carbs eg bread with it. So in the end by just regulating sugar intake you can still enjopy food. Good luck - it worked  for me

Offline johnyd

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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #83 on: March 24, 2012, 06:30:40 PM »
The idea is that sugar excites the pancreas and converts all carbs and sugar to storeable fat. If you dont have sugar with your carb meal it will be digested and supply energy but not be stored as fat on your body.

That doesn't sound right to me.  Any high carb meal will inflate your blood sugar level and cause the pancreas to create insulin to both transport the energy to the cells that need it and store some energy as fat.  You have  a potato mash without burning enough energy to compensate and you will gain weight.  Not having the sugary foods with the starchy carbs will reduce the excess amounts of energy and means you'd be storing less fat though at the meal time, although having it 2 hours later will still spike the insulin levels causing it to be stored as fats in the end anyway, so not sure how that is supposed to work.

Cutting sugar out is pretty much always a good thing and what you've done has obviously worked for you  :cheers:

I don't envy anyone in our situation trying to find out about the healthiest life style choice.  There is so much conflicting evidence out there and lots of it published by leading experts in the field.  I believe the problem lays in the fact that there is a lot of money to be made in the field with the "obesity epidemics" and bad mouthing the opposition is seen as necessary to ensure that people will use "YOUR" method and give "YOU" money.

Just comparing the Paleo diet and some opposition to low-carb diets (Paleo is actually low to moderate since it allows free use of fruits) that I found.

Paleo says: Grains are partially responsible for autoimmune disease and a major cause of many chronic problems in society such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease.  Burning fats for energy is how our bodies are supposed to work.

Op says: That low-carb diets restrict health protecting grain foods.  Burning fats for energy makes our bodies acidic and can cause diabetic comas and death.

Grains, sugars and fats (basically anything high in energy it seems) make the body more acidic. The amounts of alkaline foods in the Paleo diet seems to easily counteract the effect.

I've been testing my pH levels since before starting the diet (just collect a bit of piss and stick a normal pH strip in it, you should be slightly alkaline, between 7-7.5).  When I started I was quite acidic, during the first couple of weeks I went to near even and currently I'm dead on the healthy alkaline levels.

So it seems like the diet is healthy, I haven't so much as had a sniffle or a headache since starting either, coming from an extremely weak immune system on my old diet. I'm in easily the best health of my memory and it's thanks to my diet, so I'm inclined to believe it's claims over the others that I have already tried and have had fail.

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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #84 on: March 24, 2012, 06:46:09 PM »
Hello Tjupurula,
My simple weight loss program trimmed me down by 10kg in 3 months. I just cut sugar out of the diet and divided my meals into "carb" and "no-carb" meals.  ie. if you have a feed of spag bols for example (a carb meal) make sure yopu dont have any sugar to go with it eg beer or dessert for at least 2 hours after. The idea is that sugar excites the pancreas and converts all carbs and sugar to storeable fat. If you dont have sugar with your carb meal it will be digested and supply energy but not be stored as fat on your body. Conversely you can have for example chicken and salad but no carbs eg bread with it. So in the end by just regulating sugar intake you can still enjopy food. Good luck - it worked  for me

Hi Gumboot
I have to be honest, I cannot use anything with sugar at all, and that is part of my problem, as I love a bit of amber fluid.  I have not had a drink in a few weeks though, and I am doing a lot better.   Yes, I am a diabetic.

Offline johnyd

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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #85 on: March 24, 2012, 07:33:11 PM »
  Yes, I am a diabetic.

You should definitely go for professional help.  A lot of diets can be dangerous for diabetics.  Paleo seems like it might be a good option though.

Some reading that might interest you.

Also found this website ranking various diets

Paleo doesn't go all that well, too much fats and far too little carbs and calcium for their guidelines (uses US government recommended intakes, which Paleo would claim to be wrong so...).

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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #86 on: March 24, 2012, 08:04:28 PM »
Hi again John
The diabetes is not a problem, I have the correct medication already, I am not on insulin yet, it is for the most part diet controlled, I just get in trouble when  I have a couple of beers.  That is in trouble with sugar, and a loss worse trouble with the better half, but I do not need further medical help yet, I just have to lose more weight.

Offline cheekygirl668

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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #87 on: March 24, 2012, 08:24:48 PM »
l'm a Type 2 Diabetic as well...... medication controlled

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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #88 on: March 24, 2012, 08:32:51 PM »
it is for the most part diet controlled

Giving diet pointers to someone who is using diet to control things can go a bit haywire was my only concern.

I figured you wouldn't be silly enough to try some "miracle diet" that happens to be pure sugar, but there are people out there that would just go out and do it because they heard it was an awesome healthy diet from some random on the internet.

By professional I mean someone like a nutritionist or dietician that can help you set a meal plan that will meet your needs and help control the diabetes. 

Although all of them are working on systems that many others of them say are completely wrong :S  Almost enough to drive you to drink, except for the fact that they all agree that alcohol is bad, and if they can agree on something it has a fair chance of actually being bad in my opinion.

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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #89 on: March 26, 2012, 11:06:14 PM »
Blimey, whoever suggested to drink a lot more was not wrong about one thing, the time spent standing up in the littlest room in the house.  I did take a lot of the comments in, and did a stir fry with water, chilli, garlic, and varioius chunky vegetables, kept the meat out of it twice on the weekend.  The chillies did not lose there flavour and heat, lovely.  Certainly slept a heap better, big lunch and small evening meal.
Leave the scales alone for a month and check the progress.

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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #90 on: March 26, 2012, 11:31:59 PM »
Leave the scales alone for a month and check the progress.

You will find by weighing in weekly you will keep your momentum better as you will see a difference and want to keep it up.  Weigh in first thing in the moring after you have visited the littlest room in the house on the same day each week and before you eat or drink anything.
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Offline Fridge Magnet

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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #91 on: March 27, 2012, 01:26:28 AM »
G'day Tjupurula,

Good on you for making the effort to lose weight. Lots of great advice here. I don't have any issues with weight but am a type 1 diabetic so I 'm pretty much on a diet all the time so we're in the same boat I guess. I love a beer and a mars bar and mashed potatoes and chips and all that tasty stuff but have to deal with the consequences if I over do it. Believe me you don't want to get to the stage where you need to control your diabetes with medication.

For me, motivation is the key to controlling what I eat. I've got pictures of my family on the fridge and as morbid as it sounds, I think about what it would be like if I wasn't here for them, and how my kids would feel if I wasn't around. I still eat all that fatty, salty, tasty, beery goodness but having that image in the back of my mind makes me think before I go beyond moderation. I think about all the extra years that I'll have to embarrass my kids and it gives me strength  ;D

Good luck with your weight loss mate!
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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #92 on: March 27, 2012, 02:41:10 AM »
Hi Fridge Magnet
Type 1 tells you have had diabetes since childhood.  Mine only started when I was hospitalised for quite a period of time for something else, and the medication they had to use for nearly 5 months put some 50+ kg's on me, and that was with a controlled diet, ntohing could be done.  I made the comment that I don't want to get any medication, I said that because I take enough now to rattle, all prescribed and none that are covered by the PBS.
I too love a bit of amber liquid, and a bit of rice, pasta and other things, but I am cutting them totally out at the moment, which will hopefully be benficial.  I have had a few PM's from others who are dieting, and they have given me some great tips, which I will look into.  I am realstic enough to know that with me height and frame, I will never get below 100 kg, but if I can get around that mark I will be happy.

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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #93 on: March 27, 2012, 04:08:46 AM »
On 23rd March, 2011, I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.  I was devastated. I'd had a couple of talks from various doctors over time, and given enough warnings about being borderline, but I ignored the advice and reaped the rewards of my negligence.

My doctor put me on 2 tablets a day and implemented a 'Care Plan' involving a dietician, podiatriast, opthomologist, and the Surgery's Registered nurse.  I also had access to a diabetes educator.

As well as this, my wife purchased a book titled 'the CSIRO and BAKER IDI Diabetes 'Diet and Lifestyle Plan,' and cooked nearly every meal out of this book for about 4 months.  There was only 1 meal that I didn't like (not the wife's cooking techniques, either).  I acknowledge her for all the time and effort she put in.  She was the main reason for my success.

I was very strict on what I put in my mouth.  I was allowed 2 standard drinks a day, but chose not to drink at all, because I wouldn't/couldn't stop at 2, so I made a conscious decision 12 months ago not to drink at all - and I've stuck to it.  The extra cash has paid for a mod or two on my Patrol.  lol

I forget the timeline, but I've gone from about 115kg to around 95kg.  Drinking water is also a big plus, undoubtedly.

I'm 53 this year and have heaps of energy and do at least half an hour a day exercise.  I try and ride my bike 30k's a day, two or three times a week, depending on my shifts.

I went from 2 tablets a day to no tablets in 76 days.  So, technically I'm 'in remission' from a chronic disease, which is now controlled by diet and exercise.  I still regularly check my own BSL and have my own BP monitor too.  I'm down to one BP tablet a day and working on reducing the strength of that, too.

To quote the book I've mentioned.....'Each day in Australia, 275 people develop type 2 diabetes.'  I was staggered.  That got me off my butt and into gear.

My first port of call was my doctor.  I followed instructions and did what I was told.  Although I control my diabetes through exercise and diet, I still see the dietician every 2-3 months, to make sure I'm 'on track.'  She keeps me honest.  lol

I hope I've helped at least one person by giving my testimony.

I'm on a Nissan Patrol forum and we have a weekly weigh in every Monday morning.  The easiest way to do it is to put your weight in, and the next week, add the previous weight as a quote and put in your current weight.  That way you can see where you're at.   Just like this.....well mostly just like this ( it occasionally gets hyjacked.  lol)

We also have a weight chat thread, where we talk about 'things'

Take care out there.


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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #94 on: March 27, 2012, 03:23:05 PM »
Hi DX grunt
Many thanks for what you have shared, and I can relate to most of it.  I was diagnosed in January last year, but my weight was a lot more than you had.  My BSL this morning was 10.2, which is reasonable, and my BP 110/70, which is incredible for me.
Thankyou again for sharing your fantastic story, I had better not stay here too long, lunch break.

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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #95 on: March 27, 2012, 05:22:03 PM »
Bit of an update.  I continue to eat less than I used to and stick with smaller portions and no seconds for dinner.  Dont eat much during the day usually have an apple, a ham sandwich and maybe a slice of homemade cake during the day.

I weigh myself each morning and notice the weight change all the time.  Down a 100g or so per day.

Had to buy new work pants yesterday.  Others looked like bozo the clowns  :D

From this read it seems like there are lots of ways of achieving it.  I dont run at all due to damaged knees but am active most times when awake.

cheers to all
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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #96 on: March 27, 2012, 10:48:31 PM »
Hi Dazzler
Don't worry, I don't run either...I would be too afraid they would record that on the Richter Scale "Earthquake in the desert".  I am absolutely stoked with the numbers that I got today, but left the scales alone for now.  I have switched shifts at the moment, do night work to get a contract completed so I will have to be a lot more careful, as it is during these shifts that I tend to snack instead of having meals.  The wife has come up with a term I like, she tells me that I am not fat, I am comfortable....Got to love a woman who knows when to lie.

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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #97 on: March 27, 2012, 11:30:05 PM »
Sugar is what does it for me. If i cut sugar out, my pot belly dissappears within 2-3 weeks.

cheers |
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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #98 on: March 27, 2012, 11:56:26 PM »
DX nailed it in the sub text of his post. It takes will power,,, one of the hardest hurdles to get past. I have managed to shed 10% since Christmas by eating smaller portions, no snacking , and if I did, I limited it to 1 bit of fruit, half a handful of nuts or a small strip of beef jerky. It was more about tasting something than feeling fed, or if you can drink water instead.
 As for alcohol, I only on weekends and rationed the amount, If you cant stop at a couple, do like DX and have zero.
I have an active job where I only sit down driving to and from, morning tea and lunch, I'm moving (walking) the rest of the time. But I have always had a job like this.
As for exercise, I swim for about 30min once a week.
I purposely didn't go all out and exercise all the time to see if it was possible to do it with just cutting down on intakes. At the end of the day we are just very efficient machines, If we eat or drink it and don't burn it as fuel, we store it for when its needed, and if we refuel before we use it, it stays there as extra weight. Now if I could do that to my Patrol id be  ;D
All the best, Dave

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Re: Weight Loss
« Reply #99 on: March 28, 2012, 12:25:14 AM »
Sugar is what does it for me. If i cut sugar out, my pot belly dissappears within 2-3 weeks.


Hi Jeeps
That seems to be quite a recurring theme here as well, something well worth looking at.