Yes it is better...
If there is internet to the modem, then they will always work.
I do agree with Bird sort of - ethernet cable is better.....
But, most devices such as mobiles, laptops etc need wireless. So the need for good wireless coverage is still there.
Mesh wireless is still great, and can be made better with ethernet running to each of the repeaters. But maybe you dont need to go to the effort (& Expense if you're paying someone to do it).
So to start off with, my recommendation is to get the mesh first - because it does not critically need ethernet (But can be improved with it) then if you find you have further needs (which I dont) then get ethernet through the house.
I can do speed tests on wifi all through my house and get 100/40 - thats the limit of my NBN connection.
FWIW - my TV is 4K and running on wireless very happy. I also have my xbox and game online often on wireless too. It's all good.