We are all going to get booked for speeding considering we are actually travelling at somewhere below 1000 miles per hour within the earth's rotation. I wonder if they take that into account when booking you? Is it really an accurate reading you've got there officer, I put it a few 100 miles per hour short ...
"The circumference of the Earth at the equator is 25,000 miles. The Earth rotates in about 24 hours. Therefore, if you were to hang above the surface of the Earth at the equator without moving, you would see 25,000 miles pass by in 24 hours, at a speed of 25000/24 or just over 1000 miles per hour.
Multiply by cosine of your latitude to see how fast the Earth is rotating where you are.
Earth is also moving around the Sun at about 67,000 miles per hour."
From: http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/ask_astro/answers/970401c.html