The Off-road Camper Trailer Forum

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: muzza01 on September 24, 2014, 07:16:24 PM

Title: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: muzza01 on September 24, 2014, 07:16:24 PM
Some of you Swaggers may remember me having a rant a couple of months ago after I had an accident with a push bike rider. Long story short, I was a pedestrian crossing the road on a green walk sign when a push bike rider flys in from my left, through a red light and collides with me. >:D

About two weeks ago, driving to hardware store at lunch time I encounter a rider going the wrong way around the roundabout, cuts me off and gives me the look as if I was supposed to give way to him ???

This morning on the way to work, peak hour (well 0655) intersection of Cairns Bypass road and Aumuller ST which is probably the busiest intersection in Cairns. Anyway, I am stationary at intersection as I have a red light. Light changes to green, I start to drive through intersection when push bike rider comes flying in from my right (obviously went through red light). I slam on brakes, I just pull up in time then I am pi55ed off and let him have it with my horn. He gives me finger and continues through intersection.  ???

In case the other states weren't aware, we have new rules in QLD where if passing a pushbike you must give them 1 meter clearance if in a 60km/h zone or less or 1.5 meters if above 60km zone.  This afternoon driving along the main road out of the city I see a push bike rider riding on the road about 0.5 of a meter to the right of the actual bike lane???. Apparently riders don't have to ride in the bike lane but what really cheesed me off was the the bike rider was wearing his bike club shirt and on the back of the shirt in large letters was "SHARE THE ROAD". WTF!!  Now tell me that's not ironic.

I know there are idiot car drivers that break the laws too but the last 8 weeks or so have been very busy for idiot bike riders.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: oldmate on September 24, 2014, 07:19:38 PM
Here we go again :cup:

but im with you muzza, the amount of them you see running reds around here on the GC is crazy.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: D4D on September 24, 2014, 07:20:04 PM
Agree, they're a law unto themselves. Working in the CBD I see them running red lights and breaking the law all the time. I have started to yell at them typically starting with 'hey fwit, you just ran a red light, you're supposed to stop'. It is amusing to see the responses, especially last week when a uniformed member of the constabulary was standing beside me waiting to walk across the road :)
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Bird on September 24, 2014, 07:40:26 PM
Agree, they're a law unto themselves. Working in the CBD I see them running red lights and breaking the law all the time. I have started to yell at them typically starting with 'hey fwit, you just ran a red light, you're supposed to stop'. It is amusing to see the responses, especially last week when a uniformed member of the constabulary was standing beside me waiting to walk across the road :)
and didn't do anything about it???
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: StrvnMrvn on September 24, 2014, 07:46:51 PM
Just because they have these new laws that are so in their favour, they can do what they want!

Video footage is the best way to keep them from getting away with it, especially when the cops have to rock up because of an accident!

My mate was stopped at the lights, indicator on to turn left and a cyclist pulled up beside him and stopped. But instead of unclipping his foot, he grabbed onto the bull bar on the front of his ute!! WTF!!! My mate wanted to turn left, so slowly moved when the light changed and got a mouth full because he  'inconvienienced' a lazy cyclist!!
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: edz on September 24, 2014, 08:13:10 PM
15 kg bike 1800kg 4x4, " bike " what bike ... They should have to be registered to use the roads and made to wear a slip over high vis vest with the rego number visible at all times ..
Going on the close calls Ive been in and seen  each week around here its a wonder the local morgue isnt full of them ..
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Elky on September 24, 2014, 08:24:40 PM
i used to race mountain bikes so i have been on both sides of the debate, when we did "urban" runs thru brissy centre at night we used to do the most illegal things, police chased us (but never had a hope) the difference was we never took risks where we depended on motorists to stop or swerve or impeded them. I had a road bike but hated it becuase normal training on the road posed more risk as opposed to blazing trails without cars.

One thing i have noticed with road bike users is they take risks based on their right of way, righteousness does not guarantee safety! what good is telling peter at the pearly gates "i had right of way!"  One problem with a road bike is that the tyres pinch flat easily, and the verge is always littered with stones and garbage hence why some ride closer to traffic flow, some just do it to the extreme because they legally can as does riding 2 abreast.

most cyclists do the right thing but as is always the case there is always bad apples!
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Dingo0163 on September 24, 2014, 08:26:01 PM
15 kg bike 1800kg 4x4, " bike " what bike ... They should have to be registered to use the roads and made to wear a slip over high vis vest with the rego number visible at all times ..
Going on the close calls Ive been in and seen  each week around here its a wonder the local morgue isnt full of them ..
That's a great idea. If they have a rego number on a hi-vis it's one way they can be identified  :police:
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Diesel Power on September 24, 2014, 08:33:49 PM
Wait until tropic fever hits!
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: weeds on September 24, 2014, 08:52:22 PM
Get over it.......if a cyclist is in the wrong and gets cleaned up it no difference to a car being in the wrong and getting cleaned up.

See cars doing the wrong thing way more than bikes......there are more car accident than bike
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: MrHorsepower on September 24, 2014, 08:55:28 PM
Things are no better over here in Adelaide (worst time is when Tour Down Under is on), the "New Breed" of cyclists are a BLOODY ARROGANT bunch. I agree that a lot of drivers are oblivious and can be dangerous however most cyclists make a rod for their own back through the way they hog the road. I used to race when I lived in Sydney in my mid teens (early 80's)and part of my training ride was Parramatta to Sydney and back (along Parra Rd) 5 days a week without one incident in 4 years. These buggers would end up DEAD with doing same with the way they ride...
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: dazzler on September 24, 2014, 09:03:57 PM
What I hate is when you spy some lycra up ahead, the ass looks good, then you realise its a bloke.

Fair dinkum.  They must be half woman. 

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: TheWall on September 24, 2014, 09:33:13 PM
Here we go again...

Why the us against the time? I ride 200klm a week for fitness as there are few other activities that my rugby ruined knees can handle. I know the new rules have made cycling far safer for all road users. Yep, there are some silly bike riders but I sometimes cannot say I love the high horse attitude of the "car" side.

Couple of points
I get there are stupid bike riders but it is other car and truck drivers that will kill me if I am not careful.

I pay rego on both of my cars (and my camper of course!) so I figure I contribute enough to the roads.

Why are you not posting on all of the cars and trucks that you have had close calls with?

Rego plates on vehicles does not stop them from speeding, running red lights, crossing double lines etc etc. Not to mention scaring the beejebees out of cyclists for the sake of 2-3 seconds gain. A case in point is three times in the past couple of weeks I have had cars trying to enter roundabouts at the same time as me when I am doing 35k/hr. Would they try that on another car or a motorbike?

The reason some cyclists ride near the lane or on the lane is that they do want to be in the door zone or there is debri that can cause a puncture or wheel failure. Both not fun at high speed...

I also am a member of bike forum and the videos of stupid motorists are truly frightening.

And if cars aren't bad enough, then there are the Magpies we have to worry about!!!! :-)

Riding a bike has certainly made a better driver.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: discoteddy on September 24, 2014, 09:37:15 PM
and didn't do anything about it???

Just a warning for offensive language. ;D ;D


Disco teddy.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Marcus73 on September 24, 2014, 09:50:33 PM
[quote author=TheWall link=topic=39579.msg646352#msg646352 date=1411558393

I pay rego on both of my cars (and my camper of course!) so I figure I contribute enough to the roads.


I pay for 3 cars and 2 trailers, so does this mean if I wanted a motorbike I won't need to register it?

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Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: TheWall on September 24, 2014, 09:58:12 PM
Marcus73...the logic you follow is infallible...Why not charge pedestrians, skateboarders, rollerbladers etc etc etc?
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: noel_w on September 24, 2014, 10:04:47 PM
What I want to know is what gives bike riders the right to go through red lights. Saturday mornings along Old Cleveland road I see them slow down, ride between the cars and go straight through the red light. If I did that on a motorbike I would be booked within 10 minutes, not them though and it peeves me off. They don't even obey the 1 metre rule that was made for them. 
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Marcus73 on September 24, 2014, 10:05:45 PM
Marcus73...the logic you follow is infallible...Why not charge pedestrians, skateboarders, rollerbladers etc etc etc?

Because as a rule they're not using the road

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Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: TheWall on September 24, 2014, 10:14:59 PM

Because as a rule they're not using the road

Sent from your iPad using Mental telepathy

Lol. Makes sense now! Must remember to charge walkers next time I am out on a bike track. Or perhaps charge families for having the hide to play on the Teewah or Fraser Island beaches. They are roads right???

Maybe it is all a conspiracy as us cyclists ( who remember drive cars too) just love to charge car users as we were around 1st and you came along later. :-)

Ever considered that there is actually less traffic, more car parking spots, and less wear on tear on roads, less pollution, less heart disease, better health etc etc because of cyclists?

Be patient out there, lives depend on it.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: TheWall on September 24, 2014, 10:20:17 PM
PS: I agree, bikes should not run red lights and they should observe all road rules. Not ever going to argue against that and makes me ill when I see it. The point I am making is everybody who critiques cycling always picks up that stuff, when perhaps they are forgetting all of the times that they speed (114 in a 110zone?) or break other road rules. Everybody who comments must be amazingly disciplined with their own driving.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Marcus73 on September 24, 2014, 10:23:10 PM
I know where you are coming from, but unfortunately I find that here in Tas there seems to be almost a majority with no value for their lives. Can't say many really bothered me when I lived in Adelaide.

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Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: NewieCamper on September 24, 2014, 10:58:41 PM
I'll agree there are some pretty stupid cyclists out there and they give a bad name to all the cyclists doing the right thing that aren't noticed. The ones doing the wrong thing tend to stick in your mind, just like all those ratbag p platers spoiling the image of the safe P plate drivers.

I'm a cyclist and ride a fair bit. It scares me that people think it's funny to say that running a cyclist down is 'what they deserve'. I want to be able to get from a to b in one piece, sharing the road with everyone else, which incidentally doesn't mean that I must get out of the way for every car, nor does it mean that when there is space on the shoulder that I won't ride clear of the faster traffic.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: ATC on September 24, 2014, 11:19:08 PM
Teaching my 16 yr old daughter to drive, we were a National Park in Sydney heavly frequented by bike riders for it's very smooth roads.

Threre is no shoulder that the bikes can go onto, and the road is very windy, with blind curves and double yellow lines.

We were behind a few bikes, I told the daughter that if she was on the bike would she think it safe to be passed?
Each time she though it might be Ok, a car came around a blind curve.

Eventually came to a long uphill section, his mate pulled ahead, and the crossed (to start another circuit), then as his slightly overweight mate struggled up the hil he saw the long line of traffic he was holding up.

We were delayed a little bit, but im sure his mate game him a ribbing for being so slow & I expect he was able to go home to his family.

I used to ride a bike, didn't like getting hit & knocked off by a car!
Recently saw a motor bike rider come off - !@#$%

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: edz on September 25, 2014, 12:21:02 AM
The real issue is the " I'll do what ever I want stuff you  " attitude, that gets up peoples noses ... And its not just bike riders either.
Can't for the life of me see how anyone thought mixing a minority  light realatively slow transport with a majority of heavy faster moving transport on crowded thin road ways would be a good thing ..
Bit like putting a pedo in a primary school, you can bet ya life at some point in time its not going to end well .
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: TheWall on September 25, 2014, 07:10:48 AM
On my 40klm bike ride this morning...

1. A hundred vehicles who were kind, considerate & respectful of other road users.
2. Only one bike rider observed breaking road as I hit 66 down a hill before I had to slow for a dawdling car. There was a really fast group out who were often riding two abreast but they avge 50klm so they do not hold up cars much at all!
3. 7 less than one metre passes, three of those were 4x4's, with the worst being passed whilst doing 40ks around a corner with the car and the trailers left wheels were over the White line and the shoulder was less than a metre wide itself. Almost let out a poo! Scary as and completely avoidable and uneccessary. Will be getting front and rear camera's shortly.
4. Had to ride in the lane despite there being a shoulder on much of the journey as there are trees that encroach, broken glass(dropped by cyclists ya think?), broken gutters and multiple pot holes.
5. A motorcyclist who over took a car through two road islands and across double lines and around a blind Cnr
Oh and No 6 was another Magpie strike
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: dazzler on September 25, 2014, 07:54:21 AM
Someone grab a violin for gods sake.

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Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Bird on September 25, 2014, 07:56:24 AM
Someone grab a violin for gods sake.

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: dazzler on September 25, 2014, 07:57:03 AM
Thank you dear sir. I bet HE rides a bike too! 

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Green rv on September 25, 2014, 07:59:23 AM
My mate was stopped at the lights, indicator on to turn left and a cyclist pulled up beside him and stopped. But instead of unclipping his foot, he grabbed onto the bull bar on the front of his ute!! WTF!!! My mate wanted to turn left, so slowly moved when the light changed and got a mouth full because he  'inconvienienced' a lazy cyclist!!

if they're going to make rule and laws they should ban pedal clips these things are dangerous!!!
the last thing i want to do is kill someone, but nearly did of no fault of my own when a bloke lost balance and tipped over which would have been directly under my ps wheel. i near pooped myself wonder how old mate felt?

one more, in fear of a flat tyre on the road.. get damn road tyres ...
to heavy you say ... get over it ...
when you want to race put your damn race tyres on (you will go faster as you've been training on your heavy wheels)

no use being self righteous if what you're doing on the road ends up with you dead or on youtube
everyone wants you to stuff up so they can capture the next funniest video
think about what you're doing and stay safe

thats my pov
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Bird on September 25, 2014, 08:01:42 AM
Quote from: dazzler
Thank you dear sir. I bet HE rides a bike too!

Come on, we haven't had a bike whinge thread in at last 2 weeks...

blah blah blah bike riders make me
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: JD-120 on September 25, 2014, 08:13:29 AM
let he who has not sinned cast the first stone.

ever not come to a complete stop at a stop sign
ever exceeded the speed limit while over taking
Ever parked in a handicap space, a senior space or a no parking space
Jay walked or dropped a ciggi on the ground
ever chucked a sickie, thats probably fraud

is all this really worth getting bothered about.

The original post was about a rise in recent bicycle related incidents with  a finishing admission that there are idiots in cars as well. We always seem to get our shirts off over stupid crud like this

Why do they pick on 4x4's where there is a crash involving a 4by and a sedan? Who cares. Its media, they get paid for clicks. News articles with the most clicks find their way to the top of the page.

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: edz on September 25, 2014, 08:35:17 AM
This will fix it for ya (
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: time on September 25, 2014, 08:42:41 AM
I'm constantly amused by people who bet their lives that I am a good driver and will not run into them irrespective of their actions.  The reality is I'm a hopeless driver (who obeys traffic rules), it is just a matter of time  :angel:
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Bird on September 25, 2014, 08:53:58 AM
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: dmax13 on September 25, 2014, 12:36:20 PM
Here are some recommendations that the Victorian government are evaluating.

The biggest issue is that the lanes have become narrower to cope with the increased traffic of all different types. This is especially true in the city, with the introduction of the elevated tram stops. If you now look at many new estates there is not enough room for cars to park and the traffic to flow.

Until all levels of government start to invest in infrastructure, this problem will continue to grow as will the angst for all.

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Symon on September 25, 2014, 12:46:15 PM
Get over it.......if a cyclist is in the wrong and gets cleaned up it no difference to a car being in the wrong and getting cleaned up.

See cars doing the wrong thing way more than bikes......there are more car accident than bike

Source for this statistic? Or are you just making this up?
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: grafy82 on September 25, 2014, 01:19:44 PM
At the end of the day it doesn't matter who's right or wrong, it comes down to 2 very important words. SELF PRESERVATION. Being within your rights will not keep you out of a pine box.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Bird on September 25, 2014, 01:28:03 PM (
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: briann532 on September 25, 2014, 05:28:02 PM
At the end of the day it doesn't matter who's right or wrong, it comes down to 2 very important words. SELF PRESERVATION. Being within your rights will not keep you out of a pine box.

Ah well said..................

Better to be alive than correct!
I've just given up. I'll be wrong all the time, I no longer care, I just want to keep living as long as I can........ :D

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Rumpig on September 25, 2014, 05:39:43 PM
hoons the lot of them those cycylist (
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: JD-120 on September 25, 2014, 05:41:45 PM
hoons the lot of them those cycylist (

this is blatant double standards, if this was a motor vehicle, it would be impounded, fines incurred and loss of license  :police: ;D
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: whitey1 on September 25, 2014, 06:27:46 PM
I ride a mountain bike and try to keep off the roads as much as possible. As such I don't consider myself a cyclist even though I do ride to work a lot. But I keep to the cycleway or even footpath because I don't feel all that safe sharing the road with cars.
I also ride motorbikes and that has taught me to always assume that drivers don't see me! Because quite often they don't. That would be the same for a pushy(or even more so).
I do get annoyed with cyclists on the road when there's a perfectly good cycleway right alongside too.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: dazzler on September 25, 2014, 06:42:57 PM
You know, I get cyclist whining like poodles. 

If a bike gets hit by a car they go squish.

If a bike hits a car they still go squish.

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Jeepers Creepers on September 26, 2014, 06:25:43 AM
You know, I get cyclist whining like poodles. 

If a bike gets hit by a car they go squish.

If a bike hits a car they still go squish.


Mate, nothing a good hose can't fix to get rid of the blood and guts, but I do hate it when a wheel gets stuck in the suspension though.
Back and forth, back and forth.....boinnng...there it goes, all good again.
Add one more stamp to the door and go hunting again.  :D
Title: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Bullant4x4 on September 26, 2014, 06:42:04 AM
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Marcus73 on September 26, 2014, 07:02:38 AM
Lol... This ain't gonna end well :)

Sent from the machine that goes..... Bing!
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: 1302toby on September 26, 2014, 08:58:09 AM
I grew up on beach rd in Hampton, Melbourne bayside. The amount of cyclists along there now is amazing on the weekend and if you own a house on that road now you can't even park out the front due to traffic restrictions due to cyclists. Even 10 years ago it was popular with the infamous hellride. From memory they did kill at least one pedestrian due to running red lights. However we used to tie the next door neighbours blue heeler (who had a massive dislike of bikes) to the front gate with just enough rope to reach the gutter, he used to sit in the drive and wait then tear out the front barking and snarling..the cyclists called the police one day who called the ranger who fined us. I took the dog back next door and left the fine in the mail box..
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Green rv on September 26, 2014, 09:06:48 AM
.the cyclists called the police one day who called the ranger who fined us. I took the dog back next door and left the fine in the mail box..

now thats funny made me LOL  :cheers: mate  :D :D :D
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: jillybean on September 26, 2014, 10:11:31 AM
I was really trying hard to stay out of this because I don't want to get caught up in the 'us' and 'them' mentality, but some of the comments/suggestions on here are quite frightening.  I assume (hope) most of these are made in jest, but there is a small percentage of idiot drivers that read this stuff (or listen to the 'shock jock' idiots) and think it is ok to do things to scare cyclists.  It is not - there are no circumstances where it is acceptable.  The outcome for the cyclist could easily be deadly.  I know there are cyclists that do the wrong thing, just as there are drivers that do the wrong thing, but there are many, many more that you don't notice because they are doing the right thing. 

I am a 56 year old wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, accountant, surf lifesaver, driver - and road cyclist. 
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: time on September 26, 2014, 10:34:45 AM
Couldn't possibly condone this sort of behavior :( (
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: tourin n fishin on September 26, 2014, 10:40:21 AM
I ride on the road a lot, sometimes in a big group and I must say some of my fellow riders are asking for it. It's the nature of humans and vehicles that means you get bad operaters of all vehicle classes. I try to do unto others so to speak but I have been tempted to nudge the odd rider doing something I'd never do :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: BigJules on September 26, 2014, 10:49:02 AM
In life, try not to be a f#ckwit.

Whether you're riding a bike, driving your 4wby, wheeling your child in a pram or perambulating on shanks pony, try to have some awareness of others around you and be considerate, understand the impact of your actions on the rest of the world.

Edit: same when you're posting in this and other threads.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Bullant4x4 on September 26, 2014, 11:24:12 AM
^^^ Now that made me google.

You tell em Jules :)
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: fishfinder on September 26, 2014, 11:39:52 AM
off topic but no need to start a new thread --- you think motorists v's cyclists is a recipe for road rage ..... It got nothing on wheelchairs v's gophers ... Funniest thing I witnessed last night a bloke in a gopher was a little irate that this bloke in a wheelchair was not letting him pass so the gopher driver nudged the wheelchair driver out the way over took him got about 50 mtrs in front then he decided a game of chicken would finish things so at full throttle he turned full lock to line the wheelchair up only to roll it at an intersection with on coming traffic lost a lot of bark smashed lights but no major damage, I was in disbelief at what i witnessed and between laughter and being dumbfounded at what just happened it took me about 30 seconds to realise he needed help.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: dazzler on September 26, 2014, 12:05:16 PM
In life, try not to be a f#ckwit.

Whether you're riding a bike, driving your 4wby, wheeling your child in a pram or perambulating on shanks pony, try to have some awareness of others around you and be considerate, understand the impact of your actions on the rest of the world.

Edit: same when you're posting in this and other threads.

Sank you glasshopper...   :D
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Symon on September 26, 2014, 01:46:04 PM
As a pedestrian in the Brisbane CBD I have no time for cyclists.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: cancan on September 26, 2014, 03:27:27 PM
I think the are idiots in all forms of transport. .. In Brisbane everyday I would see someone run a red light. .. mostly cars but cyclist and trucks and some whilst on the mobile. ..I cycle more km a year than I drive but I think having grown up on motorcycles I have learnt to try and read what drivers are doing. .. doesn't always help as the have been some near misses but thankfully I have not been hit yet. ... The scarey moment was when I was cycling in a wide cycle path and a 4wd decided to play chicken with me. .. He pulled into the bike Lane and would accelerate right up to me. . Back off  and repeat...I was sitting well in the bike Lane and traveling around 45km/hr... As mentioned the are idiots out there in all modes of transport. .I just take each driver as they come and don't group label
Sorry about predictive text. . Boarding plane so can't edit
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: pinarelloman on September 27, 2014, 12:19:35 AM
I have been cycling a long time & these cowboys who run red lights & break the road rules give us all a bad name.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Topender on September 27, 2014, 12:22:55 AM
I have been cycling a long time & these cowboys who run red lights & break the road rules give us all a bad name.

^^^^ What he said x2
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: trevc on September 27, 2014, 12:56:22 PM
Mate, nothing a good hose can't fix to get rid of the blood and guts, but I do hate it when a wheel gets stuck in the suspension though.
Back and forth, back and forth.....boinnng...there it goes, all good again.
Add one more stamp to the door and go hunting again.  :D

My sisters husband ended up under a dump truck whilst cycling, killed instantly. Left behind a grieving family and 3 month old child.
So whilst you boof heads make jokes about squishing bike riders, punching them out and setting dogs on them stop and consider that they are husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters.

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: shanegtr on September 27, 2014, 01:26:34 PM
I'm a very patient drive on the road, so cyclist don't worry me in the slightest. If they choose to ride on the road then so be it, No skin off my nose. I did see a while ago a couple of riders riding side by side on a duel lane road - effectively taking one lane. It was a busy road so I was just waiting for a good gap to move over to the other lane, but the number of idiot drivers I seen getting impatient and making stupid overtaking maneuvers was beyond belief. If I was riding a bike it's not something I would feel comfortable doing just due to the dickhead factor of the car drivers, but a workmate who rides on the road a fair bit tells me that he thinks it's better  than riding single file on a dual lane road. I just wouldn't ride a bike on a busy road period
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: richee on September 27, 2014, 01:59:02 PM
My sisters husband ended up under a dump truck whilst cycling, killed instantly. Left behind a grieving family and 3 month old child.
So whilst you boof heads make jokes about squishing bike riders, punching them out and setting dogs on them stop and consider that they are husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters.

So sad and very well said!
Title: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Bullant4x4 on September 27, 2014, 03:14:11 PM
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: JD-120 on September 27, 2014, 06:21:24 PM
The one statement that spoke loudest to me in the above ^^^^^statement is

it's your choice

It is everyone's choice how they commute, how they relax, how they keep fit, how they spend time with their family on the weekends. I commute to work on a road bike through Brisbane city. I understand certain things are out of my control (like the lady a few weeks a go @ sth brisbane who was stationary at an intersection waiting to go when she was cleaned up by a semi from behind) but I do expect the motorists around me to be capable of driving safely with cyclists and pedestrians.

Sh!t happens, I get that, but more sh!t happens when people are not paying attention, or commuting (via bicycle or vehicle) in an unsafe manner. There needs to be a greater awareness from both sides of this fence.

People who "choose" to commute via a push bike should not expect to be punched by passengers in passing cars. That is not the choice they are making.  Quite frankly, idiots like this should be in jail getting their just desserts from Big Bubba.

It would be quite ironic that they in-turn would be a bicycle "of sorts"
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: TheWall on September 27, 2014, 06:29:14 PM
Bullant....thanks for providing the most hilarious post of this thread buddy...

"Let alone their belief they have as much right to take up the road".... Ummmm. They do! :-)

"If you go swimming and get attacked by a shark, don't be surprised." Ummmm. Sharks hunt by instinct...are you saying cars drivers have no choice but to run down bikes?

" If you smoke and end up with lung cancer, don't go crying foul." Ummmmm. Seriously?

"I would never put myself at risk to fast moving metal at slow speed and put the ownest on another person for my safety." Ummmmm. Leaving aside the speed differential, the fact is you put your life (and anyone travelling with you) in the hands of 1000's of complete strangers every time you go for a drive mate.

"it's your choice, cars don't have one." Ummmmm. This one is my favourite. Thanks for leaving the best to last. You are don't have a choice...but their drivers do! A little bit of patience and courtesy by all will see everyone get home safely.

Oh, went for a ride this morning and can happily say that there were no close passes and did not see a bike rider break any rules.

Still got attacked by the same Magpie.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Topender on September 27, 2014, 07:15:07 PM
Bullant....thanks for providing the most hilarious post of this thread buddy...

"Let alone their belief they have as much right to take up the road".... Ummmm. They do! :-)

"If you go swimming and get attacked by a shark, don't be surprised." Ummmm. Sharks hunt by instinct...are you saying cars drivers have no choice but to run down bikes?

" If you smoke and end up with lung cancer, don't go crying foul." Ummmmm. Seriously?

"I would never put myself at risk to fast moving metal at slow speed and put the ownest on another person for my safety." Ummmmm. Leaving aside the speed differential, the fact is you put your life (and anyone travelling with you) in the hands of 1000's of complete strangers every time you go for a drive mate.

"it's your choice, cars don't have one." Ummmmm. This one is my favourite. Thanks for leaving the best to last. You are don't have a choice...but their drivers do! A little bit of patience and courtesy by all will see everyone get home safely.

Oh, went for a ride this morning and can happily say that there were no close passes and did not see a bike rider break any rules.

Still got attacked by the same Magpie.

Well's amazing that some people are "allowed" to breed.  Scary thought really and No idea.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: weeds on September 27, 2014, 08:53:03 PM

Source for this statistic? Or are you just making this up?

No stats........I just reckon there are more car accidents involving another car than than car and bike accidents..........based on what I have seen driving and riding around over the last 25 years.
Title: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Bullant4x4 on September 27, 2014, 09:15:29 PM
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Topender on September 27, 2014, 09:25:58 PM
All I can add is I don't care! I drive.

Enjoy rehab and........

No Conversation Exists :D - Good old BF Vietnam :D

Good old enjoy Bubbas "special" cuddles  ;D
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Malcolm Tugless on September 27, 2014, 09:38:40 PM
Living on the souther end of the Gold Coast requires navigating the more than occasional peloton of psycholists ... sorry cyclists. But a modicum of patience is a far better option than someone ending up as an inpatient. Tolerance is a pretty cool word ... but adhering to it involves a bit of give and take.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: trevc on September 27, 2014, 10:23:44 PM
Sorry to hear richee. And my following words are not direct to you, just MHO

I've lost cousins, friends and mates to motorcycle accidents. I use to ride motorbikes since I was 5yr. My cousin slid under a car and snapped his neck (Not his fault). Another went into the side of a car and severed his head (His fault, 150km through Heidelberg cutting).

Most cyclists bring danger to the road as they are too slow and don't have the power and speed to get themselves out of danger! Let alone their belief they have as much right to take up the road.

If you go swimming and get attacked by a shark, don't be surprised. If you smoke and end up with lung cancer, don't go crying foul.

I would never put myself at risk to fast moving metal at slow speed and put the ownest on another person for my safety.

Too slow, most are erratic, no power to avoid danger. If you want to risk life to peddle to work, it's your choice, cars don't have one.

Don't disagree at all, ride a bike either pedal or motor powered I reckon it's a numbers game.
What I strongly disagree with is these blokes that make a joke out of injuring or killing cyclists, like they are less than human.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: edz on September 28, 2014, 12:42:07 AM
Found a solution for every one (
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: RobM on September 28, 2014, 07:28:04 AM
I rode to work for 20 years. That was before people drove to work holding a take-a-way coffee in one hand and texting with the other. Now i think you must have a death wish to spend any more time riding on the road than necessary, especially if there is a perfectly good bikepath. Might be a bit slower on the bikepath/footpath, but if you want speed go to the track. As for riding two abreast, maybe if those cyclists showed some consideration the drivers would too. I know that there is more rubbish on the edge of the road than inside the white line, but I bet you won't find much difference between 150mm inside the line to 150mm outside the line and that's another 300mm clearance the driver has to pass.( 450mm actually, the line is 150mm wide) It's a shame so many cyclists need to play the "it's my right" card. Can only end up bad for them.

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Ratbag on September 28, 2014, 09:31:19 AM
Gidday Julian

In life, try not to be a f#ckwit.

Whether you're riding a bike, driving your 4wby, wheeling your child in a pram or perambulating on shanks pony, try to have some awareness of others around you and be considerate, understand the impact of your actions on the rest of the world.

Edit: same when you're posting in this and other threads.

 :cup:   +1


Further to the above, how about some factual information regarding the topic?

e.g. from the TAC Victoria, here: (

[end edit]
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: sol on September 28, 2014, 11:01:05 AM
This is off topic also but another form of idiots on wheels is KIDS ON SKATEBOARDS in and out of traffic up here. I've almost run over a couple of them in the last week >:(

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: edz on September 28, 2014, 12:45:26 PM
And dont forget about the Birds on the roads  Reg, You know how they are, Bastards of things playing chicken like that in and out of the traffic .. total disregard for their own and others safety  ;D
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Symon on September 28, 2014, 04:16:22 PM
No stats........I just reckon there are more car accidents involving another car than than car and bike accidents..........based on what I have seen driving and riding around over the last 25 years.

So no tangible statistics then.  How about you have a look at something like this - (

As a pedestrian in Brisbane I have never had an experience where I was almost cleaned up by a motorist, however I have lost count of the number of near misses I've had with cyclists, especially ones that run red lights and play chicken with people crossing the road USING PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS.  This 'holier than thou' attitude of cyclists is sickening.

The reality is there are just as many idiot cyclists out there as there are idiot motorists.  To make a sweeping statement that motorists are worse without any tangible evidence is doing nothing but fueling the debate and the 'he said, she said' rhetoric.
Title: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Bullant4x4 on September 28, 2014, 05:17:11 PM
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: disco2 on September 30, 2014, 08:01:03 AM
So no tangible statistics then.  How about you have a look at something like this - (

As a pedestrian in Brisbane I have never had an experience where I was almost cleaned up by a motorist, however I have lost count of the number of near misses I've had with cyclists, especially ones that run red lights and play chicken with people crossing the road USING PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS.  This 'holier than thou' attitude of cyclists is sickening.

The reality is there are just as many idiot cyclists out there as there are idiot motorists.  To make a sweeping statement that motorists are worse without any tangible evidence is doing nothing but fueling the debate and the 'he said, she said' rhetoric.

The only way to get the Government to address this issue is to write to your local State Member of Parliament , plus the Minister for Transport.

IMHO if bicycle riders were easier to identify (Rego plates) and then reported to Police and fined, then some, if not the majority of their bad behaviour issues would be stopped and indeed lives saved.

Now before I get jumped on, the plates can be handed out for free, but be mandatory to display clearly. (If the Govt can waste huge sums of money on the G20) then getting prisoners to make plastic Rego plates for bike riders would help address 2 issues.

Kids, in the majority of cases cannot afford the cost of Rego plates, plus I'm sure that there are other legal ramifications if under 18's had to pay Rego fees.

If you don't want the plates part to be implemented, then just get everyone you know to write to the Transport minister PLUS your Local State Member of Parliament and complain about this silly law. Point out that it is crazy/dangerous for motorists to have to cross over double white lines just to comply with the 1 meter and 1.5 meter rule. Point out that bicycle riders are doing the wrong thing- give examples BUT be polite.

If the minister gets innundated enough, then he may carry out his threat to scrap this silly law after the 2 year trial period.

Sitting on your hands doing nothing gets us no where. I don't know about you, but on the Gold Coast, I see the stupid actions of bicycle riders every day. My local member of Parliament wrote back and in part of the reply stated, "Bicycle riders don't like to be identified". Well stuff 'em.

The power is in our hands.


Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Topender on September 30, 2014, 12:43:55 PM
First world problem?  :cup:  >:D
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: jillybean on September 30, 2014, 03:46:34 PM

The only way to get the Government to address this issue is to write to your local State Member of Parliament , plus the Minister for Transport.

IMHO if bicycle riders were easier to identify (Rego plates) and then reported to Police and fined, then some, if not the majority of their bad behaviour issues would be stopped and indeed lives saved.  You mean just like cars have a rego number to make them easy to identify?  How well has this worked to stop bad drivers and accidents?  When was the last time you phoned the police to report the rego of a car you saw running a red light, not stopping at a stop sign, almost cleaning up a pedestrian etc?

Now before I get jumped on, the plates can be handed out for free, but be mandatory to display clearly. (If the Govt can waste huge sums of money on the G20) then getting prisoners to make plastic Rego plates for bike riders would help address 2 issues.

Kids, in the majority of cases cannot afford the cost of Rego plates, plus I'm sure that there are other legal ramifications if under 18's had to pay Rego fees.

If you don't want the plates part to be implemented, then just get everyone you know to write to the Transport minister PLUS your Local State Member of Parliament and complain about this silly law. Point out that it is crazy/dangerous for motorists to have to cross over double white lines just to comply with the 1 meter and 1.5 meter rule. Point out that bicycle riders are doing the wrong thing- give examples BUT be polite. If it is dangerous to cross double white lines to comply with the rule when overtaking cyclists then YOU SHOULD NOT BE OVERTAKING!  The whole idea of this rule is to get drivers to understand that if you cannot safely give a cyclist a 1 or 1.5 metre clearance then YOU SHOULD NOT OVERTAKE.  I am sick of hearing drivers complain that giving a cyclist 1 metre clearance will put them in the line of oncoming traffic - how much clearer can it be!  If giving a cyclist 1 or 1.5 metre clearance puts you in a dangerous position THEN YOU SHOULD NOT BE OVERTAKING!!!

If the minister gets innundated enough, then he may carry out his threat to scrap this silly law after the 2 year trial period.

Sitting on your hands doing nothing gets us no where. I don't know about you, but on the Gold Coast, I see the stupid actions of bicycle riders every day. My local member of Parliament wrote back and in part of the reply stated, "Bicycle riders don't like to be identified". Well stuff 'em.

The power is in our hands.


Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: richee on September 30, 2014, 03:54:04 PM
Here here jillybean!
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: edz on September 30, 2014, 04:12:37 PM
No comments! (
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Topender on September 30, 2014, 04:29:46 PM
Most members of parliament aren't going to give two hoots if you write a sooky letter to them complaining.  The ones that think they know better are in for a rude shock and a short career.  The cycling community is growing by the day and believe it or like it or not we aren't going anywhere soon.   I agree that a few bad eggs spoil it for everyone, but blanket statements don't solve anything.  If I reported every car I saw breaking the law, I could make it a full time job.;topicseen (;topicseen)

Like I said cycling is only getting more popular by the second and a bit of courtesy helps both ways.  And people making threats and telling wonderful stories of what their "mates" have done on a public forum should also be aware that people have been charged in the past and will no doubt be in the future.   :police:

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Topender on September 30, 2014, 04:35:38 PM
No comments! (

The girl in Black is a Cyclist (highly skilled and in for the long haul) and the lovely girl in Red isn't (she's off writing a letter to her local Member/Pole Turtle as we speak)  >:D >:D >:D
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Jeepers Creepers on September 30, 2014, 05:55:58 PM
different to the ping pong ball tricks I've seen.  >:D
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: disco2 on September 30, 2014, 06:00:50 PM
[If you don't want the plates part to be implemented, then just get everyone you know to write to the Transport minister PLUS your Local State Member of Parliament and complain about this silly law. Point out that it is crazy/dangerous for motorists to have to cross over double white lines just to comply with the 1 meter and 1.5 meter rule. Point out that bicycle riders are doing the wrong thing- give examples BUT be polite. If it is dangerous to cross double white lines to comply with the rule when overtaking cyclists then YOU SHOULD NOT BE OVERTAKING!  The whole idea of this rule is to get drivers to understand that if you cannot safely give a cyclist a 1 or 1.5 metre clearance then YOU SHOULD NOT OVERTAKE.  I am sick of hearing drivers complain that giving a cyclist 1 metre clearance will put them in the line of oncoming traffic - how much clearer can it be!  If giving a cyclist 1 or 1.5 metre clearance puts you in a dangerous position THEN YOU SHOULD NOT BE OVERTAKING!!!

You would be amazed what can be achieved by writing to your local member Topender/Jillybean. Especially one who is there by a slim margin.

When writing you can use this as an example of bicyclists arrogance. Some of them expect motorists to amble along patiently behind them on busy roads whilst they leisurely ride 2 abreast at 5kmh.

As for the Police not taking action. Well listen up Sunshine, they (the Police) state that if you capture a stupid incident on your dash cam, give a copy to them . They will take action.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: oldmate on September 30, 2014, 06:52:28 PM
Is this thread still going  ::) ;D ;D
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: monbeg on September 30, 2014, 06:59:50 PM
According to a police traffic sergeant, most of the people who offend on bikes are on bikes because they have lost their right to drive as a result of the very same behavior that they now exhibit on the only mode of transport now available to them.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: muzza01 on September 30, 2014, 07:00:06 PM
Is this thread still going  ::) ;D ;D

Just. I might help it along  :cheers:

You can't help but cross the double lines sometimes. I live near the Gillies Range and have to travel part way down and up everyday. This is one road where cyclists should never be allowed to travel on. The Gillies range is double lines all the way except a couple of overtaking lanes. There are no bike lanes on this road, it has over 250 tight bends in only a 20 km stretch all this with a very steep climb of about 800 meters.

Weekend cyclists consider riding up the range a challenge so it can be popular at times. Sometimes they selfishly ride two abreast on this skinny road and I would like to emphasise how dangerous it is to cross the double lines as one side of the road is against a rock face the other has a ridiculously steep dropoff.

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: grafy82 on September 30, 2014, 07:06:54 PM
[If you don't want the plates part to be implemented, then just get everyone you know to write to the Transport minister PLUS your Local State Member of Parliament and complain about this silly law. Point out that it is crazy/dangerous for motorists to have to cross over double white lines just to comply with the 1 meter and 1.5 meter rule. Point out that bicycle riders are doing the wrong thing- give examples BUT be polite. If it is dangerous to cross double white lines to comply with the rule when overtaking cyclists then YOU SHOULD NOT BE OVERTAKING!  The whole idea of this rule is to get drivers to understand that if you cannot safely give a cyclist a 1 or 1.5 metre clearance then YOU SHOULD NOT OVERTAKE.  I am sick of hearing drivers complain that giving a cyclist 1 metre clearance will put them in the line of oncoming traffic - how much clearer can it be!  If giving a cyclist 1 or 1.5 metre clearance puts you in a dangerous position THEN YOU SHOULD NOT BE OVERTAKING!!!

You would be amazed what can be achieved by writing to your local member Topender/Jillybean. Especially one who is there by a slim margin.

When writing you can use this as an example of bicyclists arrogance. Some of them expect motorists to amble along patiently behind them on busy roads whilst they leisurely ride 2 abreast at 5kmh.

As for the Police not taking action. Well listen up Sunshine, they (the Police) state that if you capture a stupid incident on your dash cam, give a copy to them . They will take action.
I cant remember the exact figures but its surprising what writing to members can achieve. And remember, they only care about votes, so for example if the member receives a petition he classes that as 1 vote per signature. If someone writes to him he classes that as being worth 1000 votes, etc, etc. Its only because we don't speak up that we get the politicians we have and their decisions to boot. But that's for another thread  ;D

Is this thread still going  ::) ;D ;D

Muzza started it  ;D
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: time on September 30, 2014, 07:10:43 PM
[quote  Weekend cyclists consider riding up the range a challenge so it can be popular at times. Sometimes they selfishly ride two abreast on this skinny road and I would like to emphasise how dangerous it is to cross the double lines as one side of the road is against a rock face the other has a ridiculously steep dropoff.

If I drove my car at 5 kph blocking all traffic I sure I would be booked for hindering (or some such), apply the same rule to any other mode of transport that does the same and I will be happy.

PS my 3 ton urban assault vehicle doesn't care if you are in the right or wrong if you come off a footpath straight in front of me don't be surprised if you end up examining my sump plug !
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: grafy82 on September 30, 2014, 07:15:03 PM

Just. I might help it along  :cheers:

You can't help but cross the double lines sometimes. I live near the Gillies Range and have to travel part way down and up everyday. This is one road where cyclists should never be allowed to travel on. The Gillies range is double lines all the way except a couple of overtaking lanes. There are no bike lanes on this road, it has over 250 tight bends in only a 20 km stretch all this with a very steep climb of about 800 meters.

Weekend cyclists consider riding up the range a challenge so it can be popular at times. Sometimes they selfishly ride two abreast on this skinny road and I would like to emphasise how dangerous it is to cross the double lines as one side of the road is against a rock face the other has a ridiculously steep dropoff.

You're dead right Muzza, especially on roads like that. As I said earlier, you would think self preservation would kick in but I think some cyclists are to busy demanding that they have a right to do whatever they want to care too much about others. It's the old me, me, me, the world owes me something attitude that'll get you in trouble, riding or driving.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Oldandslow on September 30, 2014, 07:18:44 PM
Is this thread still going  ::) ;D ;D

It's just getting warmed up.

I rode bikes to work for years but always on the cycleway when there was one and obeyed the road rules when on the road. It should be made law to use a cycleway where one is provided, safer for the cyclist and drivers.

Unfortunately there is a wanker minority that use bikes. They are easy to pick out riding three and four abreast, riding to the front at the lights and then holding everyone up when the lights change. They give the considerate cyclist's a bad rap and they do it with immunity. There is no requirement to carry ID when cycling so most times the cops will turn a blind eye to indiscretions. They know from experience that they are unlikely to get a correct name when they question a cyclist that has done the wrong thing.

I pay through the nose to drive my car on the roads and have to abide by the laws or accept the consequences yet cyclists use the roads for free and can do what they like. Any person that thinks this is fare is out of touch with the thinking of the general public. At the very least it should be mandatory that the police can identify cyclists either by some form of licence or registration of their bike.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: JD-120 on September 30, 2014, 07:24:03 PM

I pay through the nose to drive my car on the roads and have to abide by the laws or accept the consequences yet cyclists use the roads for free and can do what they like.

YEAH, and those pedestrians, walking on the side walk, they should pay too!!!

And my kids, riding their bikes outside my house on the road for exercise instead on being on the xbox or tv, sign me up, where can I pay?

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: grafy82 on September 30, 2014, 07:29:03 PM
Whilst I don't know what the answer to fix this crap is, I do not agree with making cyclists pay rego. We already pay way too much for everything else for bugger all return and the only ones you will hurt will be the kids and general recreational riders (e.g. Mum, dad and the kids going for a ride to the park) and people with disabilities who can only ride to get themselves around. We already have too many fatties getting around without potentially crushing another fun outdoor exercise activity by charging people for it. I love riding when I can and I'm not into the tour-de-fake, full lycra style game, but I always remember and teach my kids that no matter who is doing the right thing, it's little ole me versus a minimum tonne of car. I know what I choose, keep myself alive.
Title: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Bullant4x4 on September 30, 2014, 07:34:01 PM
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: monbeg on September 30, 2014, 07:40:32 PM

I pay through the nose to drive my car on the roads and have to abide by the laws or accept the consequences yet cyclists use the roads for free and can do what they like.

I am not taking any sides in this discussion but I feel that it is necessary to highlight some completely incorrect statements such as the one I have quoted above.

I am not sure how much thought you have put into this comment but if you seem to be of the completely misguided belief that your vehicle fees pay for the roads.


Roads are funded from general revenue which every taxpayer contributes to, cyclists too.

Regarding a previous comment about riding two abreast, that is the law, they are legally allowed to, it pisses me off sometimes too but I am aware of some of the legalities of the road rules.

Vehicles are permitted on all roads (except some freeways) and here are the definitions of what a vehicle is (including some other worthwhile reading that some may need)... (
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Oldandslow on September 30, 2014, 07:54:44 PM
I am not taking any sides in this discussion but I feel that it is necessary to highlight some completely incorrect statements such as the one I have quoted above.

I am not sure how much thought you have put into this comment but if you seem to be of the completely misguided belief that your vehicle fees pay for the roads.


Roads are funded from general revenue which every taxpayer contributes to, cyclists too.

I never said the money I pay to drive my car on the roads actually goes to pay for the roads.

Regarding a previous comment about riding two abreast, that is the law, they are legally allowed to, it pisses me off sometimes too but I am aware of some of the legalities of the road rules.

Vehicles are permitted on all roads (except some freeways) and here are the definitions of what a vehicle is (including some other worthwhile reading that some may need)... (
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: monbeg on September 30, 2014, 08:06:03 PM
Some additional light reading before we all provide fodder for the same sort of negative commentary that cyclists attract... ( ( (
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: grafy82 on September 30, 2014, 08:59:19 PM
Some additional light reading before we all provide fodder for the same sort of negative commentary that cyclists attract... ( ( (

Something from your 'light reading' which I'm sure all the tour-de-fake riders would adhere to
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: TheWall on September 30, 2014, 09:22:00 PM
I have a solution. Rego should be charged per kilo of vehicle. My 2 odd ton of Fourby would cost an arm and a leg and my 7kg bike would pay a fair amount $1.70 p/a!) representing the actual wear and tear it comparatively causes on our road infrastructure.

And then I would be happy to claim 'my' lane at 5klm per hour as stated above as paying rego seems to mean you can get away with murder judging by many of these posts.

Title: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: monbeg on September 30, 2014, 10:19:07 PM
I have a solution. Rego should be charged per kilo of vehicle. My 2 odd ton of Fourby would cost an arm and a leg and my 7kg bike would pay a fair amount $1.70 p/a!) representing the actual wear and tear it comparatively causes on our road infrastructure.

And then I would be happy to claim 'my' lane at 5klm per hour as stated above as paying rego seems to mean you can get away with murder judging by many of these posts.

Actually someone in some transport area in SA worked out that including admin etc costs that it would cost approximately $12 per year for bike rego which would entitle any rider to ride in any lane at any speed.

Could be worthwhile from a cyclists point of view, would probably be conceived as being an absolute bargain for people who ride to work etc.

Be careful what you wish for folks (without thinking again) !
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Topender on September 30, 2014, 10:24:02 PM
Actually someone in some transport area in SA worked out that including admin etc costs that it would cost approximately $12 per year for bike rego which would entitle any rider to ride in any lane at any speed.

Could be worthwhile from a cyclists point of view, would probably be conceived as being an absolute bargain for people who ride to work etc.

Be careful what you wish for folks (without thinking again) !

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Symon on October 01, 2014, 06:26:45 AM
I live near the Gillies Range and have to travel part way down and up everyday. This is one road where cyclists should never be allowed to travel on. The Gillies range is double lines all the way except a couple of overtaking lanes. There are no bike lanes on this road, it has over 250 tight bends in only a 20 km stretch all this with a very steep climb of about 800 meters.

Anyone who rides a pushbike on the Gillies range has a death wish, pure and simple.  It is dangerous enough driving a car on that road.

Perfect example of 'just because you can, doesn't mean you should'.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Footy Shorts Shane on October 01, 2014, 07:40:42 AM
Anyone who rides a pushbike on the Gillies range has a death wish, pure and simple.  It is dangerous enough driving a car on that road.

Perfect example of 'just because you can, doesn't mean you should'.

And through long term roadworks.

Wouldn't you change your training route whilst there's roadworks going on for a long period of time ???
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Symon on October 01, 2014, 07:46:18 AM
Wouldn't you change your training route whilst there's roadworks going on for a long period of time ???

That decision requires a moderate degree of intelligence. Unfortunately some cyclists lack that attribute.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: JD-120 on October 01, 2014, 07:52:27 AM
And through long term roadworks.

Wouldn't you change your training route whilst there's roadworks going on for a long period of time ???

if thats the case, close the road. if its not suitable for bikes, is it suitable for cars?

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Footy Shorts Shane on October 01, 2014, 08:03:09 AM
if thats the case, close the road. if its not suitable for bikes, is it suitable for cars?

No, the road conditions are usually suitable for all. But, one thing I have noticed, is a lot of people can't drive for Shit, especially in unfamiliar or altered conditions. Roadworks, redirected lanes etc.
Why on earth would you place yourself in that situation ???

My kids ride their bikes to school and back every day. When the roadworks were happening near their school for a month, I made them ride the long way to school. They hated it ( because it added a whole of 3 minutes to their trip  ::) ) but even a 13 & 15 year old could see why I didn't want them to ride through there. I don't understand why anyone would want to double (speculation only) their risk factor.

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Symon on October 01, 2014, 11:54:48 AM
if thats the case, close the road. if its not suitable for bikes, is it suitable for cars?

No one said it was unsuitable, it does however present a higher risk.  Would any cyclist with a brain deliberately put themselves in a situation that presents a higher risk of being hit?  Seriously?

Like I said before, just because you can - doesn't mean you should.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Homer_Jay on October 01, 2014, 12:38:35 PM
Symon hit the nail on the head... common sense seems to be lacking in many riders (and YES motorists too). The difference is that the motorist has a bit of a 'buffer' for want of a better word.

Since the new QLD laws have come in, I am seeing more cyclists wanting to be aggressive on the road and enforce their 'rights'.
The problem is, I am sure there are many many dead cyclists who were in the 'right' at the time!

I have no offence to sharing the road with cyclists who show some courtesy, BUT these overweight middle-aged blokes in full lycra  ???.... Come on guys, its wrong on so many levels and you know it!

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: muzza01 on October 01, 2014, 02:08:33 PM
No one said it was unsuitable, it does however present a higher risk.  Would any cyclist with a brain deliberately put themselves in a situation that presents a higher risk of being hit?  Seriously?

Like I said before, just because you can - doesn't mean you should.
Well said
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Jeepers Creepers on October 01, 2014, 02:17:34 PM
Can't wait for the "Oh, but I have rights and if I want to ride the Gillies, road works, etc etc, then i will " reply.

Which, will prove pretty much beyond doubt, who has a brain and who doesn't.

And, if the push bikers are so sure of their rights etc and really want to ride any and all of the roads on offer, why do so many have the need to park their pushbike on the footpath all around the coffee shop you've stopped at?  ???

Surely, its your right then, to perform an angle park like say, oh...I don't know, maybe a motor bike and park all ya pushies on the road, where you all belong, according to what I've been reading on here and the papers.

Or just another double standard? 
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: JD-120 on October 01, 2014, 02:42:16 PM
No one said it was unsuitable, it does however present a higher risk.  Would any cyclist with a brain deliberately put themselves in a situation that presents a higher risk of being hit?  Seriously?

Like I said before, just because you can - doesn't mean you should.

according to half the replies to this thread, riders (brainless or not) are putting themselves at risk, just by saddling up and hitting the road.

I am pretty sure everyone is singing the same tune here, just from different angles

comes down to common sense and ones will to live just a little bit longer.

My opinion is that if there is not a sign up that states no cyclists allowed, its up to the individual. After all, we are all individuals with varying capabilities. Conditions change on a daily basis and so should your approach.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Dragonfly on October 01, 2014, 04:22:04 PM
I am a regular commuter on my push bike and a regular driver along the same route. IMHO, if you are going to use the road, you need 3 things:

1. a good dose of common sense
2. skills to operate your chosen method of transport
3. awareness of what others are doing on the road.

Doesn't matter if you are on a push-bike or motorbike, in a car or walking on your feet - if you are a d***head off the road, you will be a d***head on it. I have been hit by 2 cars and a truck and in all instances it was simply impatience and a lack of care that caused the incidents. Thankfully, I have not had any nasty injuries, but it could happen very easily.

If you see a bike rider - he or she is just wanting to share the road, give them a metre and assume that they're a d***head and could do anything at any time... That's how we cyclists see car drivers most of the time  ;D
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: grafy82 on October 01, 2014, 04:33:24 PM
If you see a bike rider - he or she is just wanting to share the road, give them a metre and assume that they're a d***head and could do anything at any time... That's how we cyclists see car drivers most of the time  ;D

If you see motorists like that most of the time, the hows about you give them a metre and keep yourself safe? Oh no sorry, I forgot, its your right to put yourself in danger.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Symon on October 01, 2014, 05:08:18 PM
according to half the replies to this thread, riders (brainless or not) are putting themselves at risk, just by saddling up and hitting the road.

Well.... yeah.  Of course that is true.
By jumping in a car and driving down the road you are puting yourself at risk.  If you jump on a bike and ride down the road you are MORE at risk.  Smart riders minimize that risk by the route they choose to take,  and what time they choose to ride.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Dragonfly on October 01, 2014, 06:27:04 PM

If you see motorists like that most of the time, the hows about you give them a metre and keep yourself safe? Oh no sorry, I forgot, its your right to put yourself in danger.
No need for it to get personal buddy... You have no idea how I ride. The point I was making is that it swings both ways. Everyone has a responsibility on the road. I ride a bike and drive a car... As a bike rider, I prefer the bike paths to stay away from the cars and keep myself safer. That's not always an option, but.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: briann532 on October 01, 2014, 07:46:31 PM
I can see this thread spiralling downwards rapidly............... :'(

I think Julian summed it up well

In life, try not to be a f#ckwit.

Whether you're riding a bike, driving your 4wby, wheeling your child in a pram or perambulating on shanks pony, try to have some awareness of others around you and be considerate, understand the impact of your actions on the rest of the world.

Edit: same when you're posting in this and other threads.

There will always be good and bad of both cyclists and drivers, but it boils down to consideration of others.
If you are holding up people then you need to be considerate and let them past, and likewise if someone is trying to cycle safely, give them the consideration you wish from them.

AND finally if either or is being a complete w@nk3r, don't retaliate as you just become one yourself.
Get away as safely and quickly as possible and smile knowing you're better than that........

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Topender on October 01, 2014, 07:49:53 PM
I can see this thread spiralling downwards rapidly............... :'(

I think Julian summed it up well

There will always be good and bad of both cyclists and drivers, but it boils down to consideration of others.
If you are holding up people then you need to be considerate and let them past, and likewise if someone is trying to cycle safely, give them the consideration you wish from them.

AND finally if either or is being a complete w@nk3r, don't retaliate as you just become one yourself.
Get away as safely and quickly as possible and smile knowing you're better than that........

Well said......might be time to lock this one up!   ;D
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: time on October 01, 2014, 07:56:32 PM
might be time to lock this one up!   ;D

Yep, lets start on politics for the next topic, move onto religion, and to finish up, sex :)
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: grafy82 on October 01, 2014, 09:22:19 PM
No need for it to get personal buddy... You have no idea how I ride. The point I was making is that it swings both ways. Everyone has a responsibility on the road. I ride a bike and drive a car... As a bike rider, I prefer the bike paths to stay away from the cars and keep myself safer. That's not always an option, but.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Hey buddy, no ones getting personal, or so I thought until I re-read your post.
assume that they're a d***head and could do anything at any time... That's how we cyclists see car drivers most of the time  ;D

But anyway its all good mate, no love lost. I am a casual bike rider myself and love it. All I want is for everyone to look out for themselves and stay safe.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: grafy82 on October 01, 2014, 09:25:34 PM
Yep, lets start on politics for the next topic, move onto religion, and to finish up, sex :)

Can't we just do all 3 at once ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Footy Shorts Shane on October 02, 2014, 05:19:04 AM
Yep, lets start on politics

It's all Tony Abbotts fault. All because he's a bloody cyclist........  ;D

 :cheers: Shane.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: time on October 02, 2014, 08:58:44 AM
It's all Tony Abbotts fault. All because he's a bloody cyclist........  ;D

 :cheers: Shane.

............. and a "Mad Monk" :)
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: JD-120 on October 02, 2014, 10:01:41 AM
timely (
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: edz on October 02, 2014, 11:01:32 AM
Forget the chest beating on both sides of the conversation,   light slower bikes and heavier faster moving cars / trucks and just shouldnt be mixed . Its a Government cop out for not putting proper plans into place and allowing for increases in light transport  traffic ..
The dutch seem to have it worked out pretty well and have a usable system . (
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Marcus73 on October 03, 2014, 01:25:15 PM
Love these new bike lanes here on the big island.... Gives everyone a crack at em.


Jokes  :) :) ;)

Sent from the machine that goes..... Bing!
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Bullant4x4 on October 03, 2014, 01:47:50 PM

The dutch seem to have it worked out pretty well and have a usable system .

That's because they all hang out at the grasshopper and eat cookies :)

Last time I was is Amsterdam, I got lost for seven hours after meeting up with the sheriff. After a missing week I'm sure I couldn't have ridden a bike, let alone driven.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: whitey1 on October 08, 2014, 06:50:50 PM
I think this thread has gotten a little pointless. No one is going to change anyone else's thinking on this subject so the mods may as well get out the loctite.
Title: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Bullant4x4 on October 08, 2014, 07:14:37 PM
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: jclures on October 09, 2014, 04:14:25 PM
Ok, I have to give the cyclist a meter of clearance.
But I saw a cyclist in Cairns with a rod or similar device attached under the seat sticking out around one meter on his right side. ???
I gather this is to force his meter clearance on the road. ??? For the life of me this has got to be stupid, if not dangerous, I am left wondering do I have now to give a meter of clearance from his pole to comply with the law.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: edz on October 09, 2014, 04:40:52 PM
Bloody bike riders .... nothings changed in a hundred years ... LOL ... (
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: TheWall on October 30, 2014, 08:55:36 PM
Car drivers never do anything wrong....] ... 7104763666
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: TheWall on October 30, 2014, 08:58:34 PM
This would raise a few smiles on this thread I guess...]
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: jwb on October 31, 2014, 04:54:01 AM
I would hope not
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Jeepers Creepers on October 31, 2014, 05:52:49 AM
Hey The Wall,

Why not just leave sleeping dogs lie.

By posting what you have , it would seem fairly clear to me, you're just trying to re-ignite an argument that there will never be a clear winner to.

Now, I'm not saying you can't post what you want, that's up to you, but why not chuck up a post about ya last camping trip or something.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Symon on October 31, 2014, 06:02:39 AM
This would raise a few smiles on this thread I guess...

Putting all the banter and rhetoric aside, no-one wants to see anyone hurt.  The point I think everyone wants to make is that responsibility needs to be taken up by both sides of the fence on this one, and unfortunately individuals on both sides tend to forget that.

Motorists have a responsibility to avoid putting cyclists at risk, and cyclists have a responsibility to avoid putting themselves at risk.
Title: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: TheWall on November 08, 2014, 09:46:45 PM
Thanks for the feedback Jeepers Creepers.

Guess I am just trying to keep some perspective considering the pretty aggressive commentary in this thread. The title is bad enough!

Whenever there is some cyclist bashing to be had in mainstream media it is noticeable that the behaviour of other road users (ie cars, trucks etc) becomes less considerate. Just a reminder that cyclists are actually people...

PS. My trip to Fraser Is last month was awesome thanks. Had never been to the Sandy Cape on previous trips. Amazing spot. And even saw a mountain bike with those ridiculously fat tyres cruising along Eastern beach! Bike Riders!!! Grrr
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: edz on November 09, 2014, 07:08:23 AM
Used to ride the O'l 26" Malvern along the beach heaps of times between Kingy and Fingal and even down to Cabba,  back in the day ... standard tyres fixed  gearing,  back pedal brakes no fancy stuff like the new biks have ..
Hey the wall, how do the new bikes  handle the sand and crud with the derailers and stuff ? .
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: gronk on November 09, 2014, 08:43:16 AM
Used to ride the O'l 26" Malvern along the beach heaps of times between Kingy and Fingal and even down to Cabba,  back in the day ... standard tyres fixed  gearing,  back pedal brakes no fancy stuff like the new biks have ..
Hey the wall, how do the new bikes  handle the sand and crud with the derailers and stuff ? .

Ha ha, I used to have a bike I built myself....mostly a racing bike..

And I had another I built myself....well, mainly I aquired the basic bike and rebuilt it every time it stuffed up....a "creek" bike !!

A few mates and I would launch our bikes off the creek bank and see how far we could get.....hardest part was not losing the bike after hitting the water and also swimming while holding onto the bike was difficult !!   :laugh:
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: edz on November 09, 2014, 08:53:31 AM
We used to do that off the old Markwells jetty into the river, though we had a rope tied to the bike as it was a bit deep there.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: TheWall on December 09, 2014, 07:33:43 PM
Grrr...things are getting worse around here. Wow, Check out this driver behaviour!

Speeding  12,305 (513 per day)
Unregistered vehicles  3892 (162 per day)
Mobile phone offences  2782 (116 per day)
Disobey signs/signals  2076 (86 per day)
Unlicensed drivers  1638 (68 per day)
Seat belt offences  1293 (54 per day)
Drink driving  1247 (52 per day)
Disqualified/suspended drivers  1120 (47 per day)
Drug driving  338 (14 per day)
Impoundments  226 (9 per day)

Full story.

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: edz on December 10, 2014, 06:27:15 AM (  ;D ;D :cheers:
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Brutus on January 12, 2015, 08:38:53 PM
Not sure how many of you have seen the road assessment vehicles with all the cameras on them to capture rolling 360 degree footage of roads etc but I saw a bike rider today in my local town with four cameras on it. I asked the guy what was the idea of them all and he said he is fighting the fight for cyclists on the roads. He captures drivers getting too close or dangerous overtaking manoeuvres and sends the footage into Police to follow up on and charge them. I inquisitively asked how many times he has had any success with convictions etc and he didn't know as he left it up to the police. I smiled and chatted briefly with him before he jumped on his bike and started pedalling off on the footpath before I calledhim back. You should have seen the glare I got when I suggested he follow the rules too and wheel his bike onto the road before setting off :D

I know these guys want to keep fit and all but really why do they risk their lives playing cat and mouse with 1 tonne plus steel clad cars and trucks? This guy today will have his name on a plaque in no time with his attitude.

Parachuting, there's a hobby safer than riding a bike on roads and highways..........
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Pog on January 12, 2015, 09:12:46 PM
This would raise a few smiles on this thread I guess... (]

Mate, Thats not funny!

I ride a road bike after work every night for fitness. I deliberately choose quieter roads, and try to ride at times when there is less traffic. I am fully aware that I have look out for myself, because I am difficult to see, and motorists often can't / don't see me.

I need to ride a section on the Sturt Highway, and this is by far the scariest part of the ride, sharing the road (60 & 80km zones) with semis & b-doubles.

The worst part of the story you posted is the fact that the motorist did not stop... That's a very low act. What if she was seriously injured?

As previously mentioned, both cyclists and motorists need to share the road, and a bit of respect each way won't go astray.
Title: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: TheWall on January 12, 2015, 09:36:55 PM
Brutus...not sure about other states but in Qld it is perfectly legal to ride on footpaths. As a guide, it is the approaching car vehicle that needs to make a safe pass. Didn't spot too many caravans and campers pulling over to let faster vehicles past on a trip up the Bruce Highway recently.....why is it so different for cyclists?

Why are we so impatient? Maybe we need to kick start the Life Be in it campaigns again???Perhaps it is a jealousy/guilt thing about people actually getting off there arses and trying to stop being obese and getting fit. Was thinking on my ride this morning about that I think I am going to start cracking a nut over obese people and the extra taxes I will need to pay to keep them alive. Perhaps the taxes should pay for bikes?

Was watching my 3 and 6 yo having an awesome time riding their bikes around our cul-de-sac last weekend only to have knob head try and speed down the (remember dead end) road. Upon questioning his antics his reply was...they should be riding on the footpath. How sad, but at least he did not say they needed a licence ha ha.

While I am here. New rules for Qld in 2015....
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: jetcrew on January 12, 2015, 10:07:57 PM
roads were built for cars and trucks not bikes IMHO.

I am respectful of cyclists to a point but when i turn the news on a hear a bike rider got splatted by a b-double on a 80-100KPH road with 3 cm of shoulder I always think to myself "what did you expect".

Why anyone would want to ride a bike with the idiots texting their mates whilst doing a 100 is beyond me, I ride on the footpath or quite residential areas.

 I take my hat off to some cyclists they are prepared to die for their sport and their Meter.

jet ;D ;D

Ride smart / drive smart it takes both sides as symon said to make it work, but unfortunately we only hear about thickheads on both sides.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: dales133 on January 13, 2015, 05:42:14 AM
Actually bikes were on roads far before cars, how is it that all manner of transportation modes coexist in Asia, the Netherlands, France and many other places.i don't get the hostility between bikes and cars.
Everyone needs to take a chill pill and face the fact that the roads are to share and since it's illegal to ride on the footpath there's no other option.
There are plenty of nob head cyclists and it passes me off when they ride 2 or 3 abreast but there are more drivers on any given day that do and they pose a threat to my life far more than a cyclist.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: KingBilly on January 13, 2015, 06:21:09 AM
and since it's illegal to ride on the footpath there's no other option.

Incorrect in Queensland at least.  If using a footpath, the cyclist must give way to pedestrians.

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Brutus on January 13, 2015, 06:23:36 AM
Brutus...not sure about other states but in Qld it is perfectly legal to ride on footpaths. As a guide, it is the approaching car vehicle that needs to make a safe pass. Didn't spot too many caravans and campers pulling over to let faster vehicles past on a trip up the Bruce Highway recently.....why is it so different for cyclists?

Why are we so impatient? Maybe we need to kick start the Life Be in it campaigns again???Perhaps it is a jealousy/guilt thing about people actually getting off there arses and trying to stop being obese and getting fit. Was thinking on my ride this morning about that I think I am going to start cracking a nut over obese people and the extra taxes I will need to pay to keep them alive. Perhaps the taxes should pay for bikes?

Was watching my 3 and 6 yo having an awesome time riding their bikes around our cul-de-sac last weekend only to have knob head try and speed down the (remember dead end) road. Upon questioning his antics his reply was...they should be riding on the footpath. How sad, but at least he did not say they needed a licence ha ha.

While I am here. New rules for Qld in 2015.... (

In Tassie it's illegal to ride on a footpath if you are over 12 yrs old unless another law allows it which I think is fair enough. I do a fair bit of walking and the cyclist is so silent and it still frightens the life out of me as one whizzes by. Still they are shared tracks and thus allowed. I don't mind it and would rather this than driving on the roads and highways especially those over 80 kmh. I accept the sharing of space on the roads but don't like seeing our roads turn into someone's fitness routine. Get a gym membership, use designated cycle ways, take up bush walking (some amazing walks out there), swim, kayak..............

Tassie is about to trial the 1m clearance of cyclists but our roads aren't wide enough for it to work. I work for a rural council where my role is in civil and less than 1% of our 750km network would cater for cyclists and cars. The expense to our rate payers to add a metre to each side is just enormous when you need to shift drains, extend culverts, widen the seal and line mark you could estimate around $130 Lm, x2 for both sides and x1000 and you are looking at over a quarter of a million per km to improve the roads to cater for cyclists not including any land acquisition costs associated with the road widening. Now you can't just do one road so let's say we did all our major roads outside of urban streets which would be around 150km. Thats around 375 million and when our total capital works budget is near 5 million per year that's 75 years of our capital budget completely ignoring other infrastructure. Don't forget this is to just build it, we haven't talked about maintenance yet............ Don't forget, this is a small rural council with a small and diverse population.

Still even then all that is gained is a metre of road on each side for the cyclist to use (only if he wants to in Qld according to the new rules which will flow on down here eventually). Then we still have 1m buffer on roads 60kmh and less and 1.5m for above 60 so you could effectively double my earlier estimate. Now I think all cyclists would agree but that's an enormous amount of money that could be better used on our current road network.

Now to your comment about obese people. I would classify myself obese along with about 30% of our population and thus far I haven't needed the tax payer to fork out 1c "to keep me alive" but once a week I hear on the news about a cyclist getting injured on the roads (tipping only a small amount of accidents are reported) and guess who pays for that? Maybe the govt should tax us fatties but the same should then apply for cyclists too to be fair!

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: dales133 on January 13, 2015, 06:23:53 AM
Well Queensland always a bit behind the times...they haven't even invented daylight savings yet
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: oldmate on January 13, 2015, 06:26:38 AM
since it's illegal to ride on the footpath there's no other option.

Wrong for Qld. If you read the post that The wall put above, you will see as kb said its legal to ride on the footpath in Qld..
Actually, everybody (Qlder's) should go in and read that link, and refresh themselves on a few of the road rules, like dual lane carraigeways and how to use bloody roundabouts. Whoops sorry bit of a rant. :cheers:
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: dales133 on January 13, 2015, 06:31:29 AM
I don't live in Queensland so not up on every conceivable road rule but I thought I raised some good useful points, shame they got overlooked so someone could play the "your wrong game"
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: oldmate on January 13, 2015, 06:41:26 AM
sorry buddy didn't relise I was playing a wrong game, just pointing out that in Qld it is legal to ride on footpath, as it says in the link above. As you don't have what area you are from, I didn't know you are not from Qld.  :cheers:
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Bird on January 13, 2015, 06:44:05 AM
Quote from: Brutus
In Tassie it's illegal to ride on a footpath if you are over 12 yrs old unless another law allows it which I think is fair enough.

Round home I'm scared to go anywhere near the shared carriageway with cars/bikes with nothing but a painted white line between us... specially going anywhere within 700mtrs of a set of lights..
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: fishfinder on January 13, 2015, 07:47:18 AM
hope all the coffee shops follow this (
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: wilson79 on January 13, 2015, 07:56:48 AM
hope all the coffee shops follow this (

X 2
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: wilson79 on January 13, 2015, 07:58:36 AM
Well Queensland always a bit behind the times...they haven't even invented daylight savings yet

That is because we are smart and know that daylight savings is a stupid idea...LOL
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: dales133 on January 13, 2015, 08:47:32 AM
All good bud wasn't directed at you
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: gronk on January 13, 2015, 09:46:46 AM
Rules or no rules, I can't work out why anyone who doesn't like pain would think of riding a pushbike on a road with motor vehicles  ??

Only a matter of time before you get hurt......whether it's only a scratch or something serious....but the odds are it WILL happen ..

When I used to ride a pushie 30 yrs ago, traffic was non existent compared to today, but I still managed to get hit once.

Dedicated bike paths are definitely the way to go, but in cities they are too hard to include now.

Doesn't really matter who has the right of way .....big cars will always win over a small pushbike....and even though the little old lady will say she didn't see you, it doesn't help when you are laying in the gutter..

I'm amazed at the pushie riders on main hwys hugging the edge of the road with B doubles wizzing past at 100 k/ph ??? they get fit so they can better survive the hospital stay with massive internal injuries ??

Why not just get the big TV screen with the animated scenery shots and set the pushie up in front of that.....only thing that can hit you then is the missus !!!   ;D
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Bird on January 13, 2015, 09:59:32 AM (

another interesting sideline
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: edz on January 13, 2015, 10:15:39 AM
I'll say it again  make them pay rego and have third party insurance and pass a riding abillity test as per motorbikes + have to have turn signals and head and brake lights.. Riders have to carry a liscence with the endorsement . Like all other road users .
Bikes should have an adequate sized number plate fitted or the rider has a " Hi viz vest bearing a rego number  " ..
No number plate or vest or liscence,  booked for unregistered / uninsured unliscenced and walk it home ....
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: NewieCamper on January 13, 2015, 10:18:43 AM
Tassie is about to trial the 1m clearance of cyclists but our roads aren't wide enough for it to work. I work for a rural council where my role is in civil and less than 1% of our 750km network would cater for cyclists and cars. The expense to our rate payers to add a metre to each side is just enormous when you need to shift drains, extend culverts, widen the seal and line mark you could estimate around $130 Lm, x2 for both sides and x1000 and you are looking at over a quarter of a million per km to improve the roads to cater for cyclists not including any land acquisition costs associated with the road widening. Now you can't just do one road so let's say we did all our major roads outside of urban streets which would be around 150km. Thats around 375 million and when our total capital works budget is near 5 million per year that's 75 years of our capital budget completely ignoring other infrastructure. Don't forget this is to just build it, we haven't talked about maintenance yet............ Don't forget, this is a small rural council with a small and diverse population.

Still even then all that is gained is a metre of road on each side for the cyclist to use (only if he wants to in Qld according to the new rules which will flow on down here eventually). Then we still have 1m buffer on roads 60kmh and less and 1.5m for above 60 so you could effectively double my earlier estimate. Now I think all cyclists would agree but that's an enormous amount of money that could be better used on our current road network.

That is so much not the idea of 1m clearance. Not to build 1m on the side of all the existing roads, if we did that there would be no need for the 1m clearance. It is a rule that adds a measurable amount to the existing must overtake safely rule, in fact in many areas it is illegal to overtake another vehicle (a bicycle is legally a vehicle) unless you completely change lanes. 1m clearance is a concession to the existing rules that says the minimum space required to pass a bike safely. If you can't pass with the required clearance waiting for a safe opportunity should, on most roads, only take seconds or maybe a minute.

Having ridden on roads a fair bit having cars pass within 1m is too close for comfort. Where there is space on the shoulder I use it. Where there is not enough, I use the lane, but move over where possible if it looks like I'm going to hold motorised vehicles up for too long.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: NewieCamper on January 13, 2015, 10:25:17 AM
I'll say it again  make them pay rego and have third party insurance and pass a riding abillity test as per motorbikes + have to have turn signals and head and brake lights.. Riders have to carry a liscence with the endorsement . Like all other road users .
Bikes should have an adequate sized number plate fitted or the rider has a " Hi viz vest bearing a rego number  " ..
No number plate or vest or liscence,  booked for unregistered / uninsured unliscenced and walk it home ....

I'll quite happily have you subsidise my rego, licence etc because it is not cost effective. I have a motor vehicle licence that proves I know the law. I already have turn signals, called arms, and a headlight and tail light that are fitted and used as required.

When I do get the rego plates you so desperately desire I'll ride down the middle of the lane without a care in the world because I know that you know I'm legally entitled to be there, as opposed to being legally entitled to be there and you don't know it. And if you don't like that I'll jump back in the car and slow you down by making the traffic heavier.  ;D
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: wilson79 on January 13, 2015, 10:31:53 AM
the main frustration for me is like this morning when they are riding 2 abreast, just get into single file for god's sake..
or when the shoulder is wide enough and they are still riding on the white line, I have heard they do this as the side of the road has a lot of rocks and they get punchers easily, it that is the case change the rim and tyres so they are fit for purpose...
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Footy Shorts Shane on January 13, 2015, 11:22:14 AM
it that is the case change the rim and tyres so they are fit for purpose...

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: gordo350 on January 13, 2015, 11:30:54 AM
I'll quite happily have you subsidise my rego, licence etc because it is not cost effective. I have a motor vehicle licence that proves I know the law. I already have turn signals, called arms, and a headlight and tail light that are fitted and used as required.

When I do get the rego plates you so desperately desire I'll ride down the middle of the lane without a care in the world because I know that you know I'm legally entitled to be there, as opposed to being legally entitled to be there and you don't know it. And if you don't like that I'll jump back in the car and slow you down by making the traffic heavier.  ;D
This is the attitude that Shits me. I drive a tractor on  many roads at my top speed of 24 kph. I pay $585 Rego . When I see cars behind me banking up, I pull over to let them pass. Why do you think you have the right to hold people up?
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: GeoffA on January 13, 2015, 11:32:28 AM
Dedicated bike paths are definitely the way to go, but in cities they are too hard to include now.

It's not too hard to include them in Melbourne gronk.
They just shut down car lanes and give them to the bikes.... ::)
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: NewieCamper on January 13, 2015, 11:40:28 AM
This is the attitude that ****s me. I drive a tractor on  many roads at my top speed of 24 kph. I pay $585 Rego . When I see cars behind me banking up, I pull over to let them pass. Why do you think you have the right to hold people up?

I don't hold people up when I can avoid it (see previous post), but was taking an absurd proposition (rego, licence) to the extreme to make a point.

Rego for bikes doesn't make financial sense, and it won't make a lick of difference to the roads either.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: gronk on January 13, 2015, 11:42:08 AM
It's not too hard to include them in Melbourne gronk.
They just shut down car lanes and give them to the bikes.... ::)

Yeh, they did it in Sydney too.....and they're empty....all the pushie riders still stick to the roads ??? go figure ??
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: gronk on January 13, 2015, 11:45:10 AM

Rego for bikes doesn't make financial sense,

Does to me !!

4,000 riders times $200 = $800,000
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Homer_Jay on January 13, 2015, 11:45:23 AM

 I'll ride down the middle of the lane without a care in the world because I know that you know I'm legally entitled to be there  ;D

Ok, so no different to what is happening now???

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: edz on January 13, 2015, 11:57:08 AM
I'll quite happily have you subsidise my rego, licence etc because it is not cost effective. I have a motor vehicle licence that proves I know the law. I already have turn signals, called arms, and a headlight and tail light that are fitted and used as required.

When I do get the rego plates you so desperately desire I'll ride down the middle of the lane without a care in the world because I know that you know I'm legally entitled to be there, as opposed to being legally entitled to be there and you don't know it. And if you don't like that I'll jump back in the car and slow you down by making the traffic heavier.  ;D
Why would anyone have to subsidise a pushbike road users liscence / rego etc..   If you want to ride the roads you pay an amount, the same as everyone else does... Or dont .. .
Last I knew if you want to ride a motor bike you had to be liscence endorsed  and show you are proficient, show a front head light / tailight wear a helmut etc and so a pushbike should be the same and add into that if you like with a conditions of use on the roads and where they can and cant be used as per other conditional rego's .
As to arm signals most dont use them [ around here anyway ]. .
To riding / wobbling down the middle of the lane without a care ... A hell of a lot do anyway so whats different ..
Making the traffic heavier by being in a car, possibly true, but better to be in heavy traffic than stopped with people trying to pull a slush puppy in lycra out from under a ton of steel .. ;D
EDIT not a fast typer ... ;D
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: NewieCamper on January 13, 2015, 01:07:20 PM
I don't get why you reckon a licence and rego plate will make any difference.
There is no other country in the world that requires bicycle rego or licensing, some have tried but none have continued with it.

Licensing won't change anything, the vast majority of cyclists have car licences already and we all know that car licences don't stop you from doing the wrong thing, just look at the revenue raised from speeding and other traffic infringements.

Rego won't change anything either. Rego plates on cars don't stop you from doing the wrong thing, Rego on bicycles might catch a few red light runners where there are cameras, but cameras aren't at every set of lights. You won't catch many speeders with a camera because it's pretty hard to break the speed limit on a bike. When you break the law and are caught by a police officer they require you to prove your identity, you can't escape that even as a pedestrian. As for joe public being able to report offending cyclists, it doesn't work either. Plenty of 'concerned citizens' have tried to report infringements of the law using video evidence and the police do nothing anyway. When was the last time you rocked up at the police station with rego details of a car that did the wrong thing?

Please explain why it will work.

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: edz on January 13, 2015, 02:20:57 PM
True idiots will still be idiots rego / liscence whatever in / on a car bike plane horse etc ..
Wouldnt know if it will / wouldnt work till its tried, but like everything else we do as a user we are required to be liscenced and certyfied as competent users and pay a fee .. A car liscence wont do you zip, when busted riding a motorbike, using a boat or flying a plane, caught with a firearm etc .. So why shouldnt there be an endorsement for pushbikes ..
What I think it would do is put in place a bit of accountability and takes away that air of being anonymous, untracable and I can get away with doing what I like attitude.
Why shouldnt ALL users help upkeep what they use .. Put it this way if you have 4  cars and use on the roads , they have got to be rego'd and insured for each one ... So what makes a pushbike rider so special that they dont have to comply like all other users ..why should other users have to cover the costs and give it to pushbike riders for free..
Hypthetical scenario to consider : The way it is atm a pushbike rider can cause a crash and ride off in total anonymity, be untacable and unaccountable because they cannot be identyfied other than a guy on a pushbike wearing x type of clothes and riding x type of bike ...
Scenario 2: Rider causes an incedent wearing vest with number , witnesses record number .... Blue badge of reality go find said rider from recorded imformation and proceed from there .
Nothing covers all bases but it levels out the field a bit for most everyone, how would it be if cars trucks had no number plates and didnt pay rego or have insurance  and only pushbike riders did [ shoe on other foot ] .the way I see it .right or wrong it will never happen it was just an opinion ...on the matter ..
stay safe outhere on your rides . Oh and I used to ride too .just not in lycra .. ;D
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: tk421 on January 13, 2015, 02:30:43 PM
Hypthetical scenario to consider : The way it is atm a pushbike rider can cause a crash and ride off in total anonymity, be untacable and unaccountable because they cannot be identyfied other than a guy on a pushbike wearing x type of clothes and riding x type of bike ...

Lifted from the comments on today's SMH article: (

"I was the victim of a hit and run while commuting by bicycle. I was knocked unconscious, suffered 6 fractures to my skull, fractured wrist, and needed dental surgery to replace a lost tooth. As the driver left me for dead there was no one to claim insurance against. Licensing, registration and insurance was of zero benefit. Even if the driver had been identified, and had comprehensive insurance, there is only token compensation for the loss of income while you are off work. This is by far the largest financial loss that you can suffer, much larger than any dental bills. "[
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: edz on January 13, 2015, 02:45:49 PM
Tk yep your right it dont cover all bases and every scenario is different . compensation payouts etc, well thats up to people to work out with insurance .. Atleast If there were witnesses they had a chance of possibly being able to identify the vehicle and driver through the rego . Nothing is perfect but its a start .. If If If what if can go on forever ..
Hope the recovery has gone aswell as can be expected for you .Its bloody hard if ever to get back to being 100% again .
I gave up riding after being put into the rails of a bridge by a semi, years ago .
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: dales133 on January 13, 2015, 03:03:01 PM
Bike regos as stated is a rediculous proposition that will achieve nothing except give Joe hockey a hard on.
You cant even catch a fish without the government getting a bit of the action.
All this problem requires is a bit of courtesy on both parts and the government be it local or federal to spend some of the revenue they take off us and make the roads safer/work better for everyone involved.
As I stated earlier plenty of other places, in fact most places manage to make it work.
It's more environmentally responsible to cycle over driving so those who get off thier arse and do it shouldn't be penalized for it
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: NewieCamper on January 13, 2015, 03:07:07 PM
Lifted from the comments on today's SMH article: (

"I was the victim of a hit and run while commuting by bicycle. I was knocked unconscious, suffered 6 fractures to my skull, fractured wrist, and needed dental surgery to replace a lost tooth. As the driver left me for dead there was no one to claim insurance against. Licensing, registration and insurance was of zero benefit. Even if the driver had been identified, and had comprehensive insurance, there is only token compensation for the loss of income while you are off work. This is by far the largest financial loss that you can suffer, much larger than any dental bills. "[

Yes it is true that a rider can just get away but the number of accidents caused by riders where the rider can actually ride away is very small considering the damage caused to said rider in most crashes. It is interesting to note that in a related SMH article there are two instances of cyclist caused crash resulting in significant injury reported, the other one was 12 years ago, if there were more I'm sure they would have been reported. So it only very rarely occurs that a cyclist is responsible for damages significant enough to warrant obtaining insurance etc. It is somewhat different for driving a couple of tonnes of metal where multiple crashes daily cause significant enough damage to warrant insurance being compulsory. The damage that can be caused is a significant reason that motor vehicles are required to be identified, another is theft/ownership but that's a different story.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Brutus on January 13, 2015, 05:59:33 PM
That is so much not the idea of 1m clearance. Not to build 1m on the side of all the existing roads, if we did that there would be no need for the 1m clearance. It is a rule that adds a measurable amount to the existing must overtake safely rule, in fact in many areas it is illegal to overtake another vehicle (a bicycle is legally a vehicle) unless you completely change lanes. 1m clearance is a concession to the existing rules that says the minimum space required to pass a bike safely. If you can't pass with the required clearance waiting for a safe opportunity should, on most roads, only take seconds or maybe a minute.

Having ridden on roads a fair bit having cars pass within 1m is too close for comfort. Where there is space on the shoulder I use it. Where there is not enough, I use the lane, but move over where possible if it looks like I'm going to hold motorised vehicles up for too long.
So the law regarding 1m as I understand it requires a cyclist be given a 1m clearance buffer. There is no mention of it not being required if a bike lane exists, in fact the local rag had a story in it a few weeks back where the green lanes painted in the city will result in cars in adjacent lanes breaking the law by using them and not having the 1m buffer. So which is it? In a bike lane I can drive within a few inches of your handle bar or I have to give you 1m? We have cycling lobby groups singing out for dedicated bike lanes on a few roads so if your right once these lanes go in then the buffer no longer applies. Seems illogical..........
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Bird on January 13, 2015, 06:16:59 PM
I don't get why you reckon a licence and rego plate will make any difference.
I agree - so lets ban car licenses and rego.. think of the savings..
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Brutus on January 13, 2015, 06:18:25 PM
Hypthetical scenario to consider : The way it is atm a pushbike rider can cause a crash and ride off in total anonymity, be untacable and unaccountable because they cannot be identyfied other than a guy on a pushbike wearing x type of clothes and riding x type of bike ...
Scenario 2: Rider causes an incedent wearing vest with number , witnesses record number .... Blue badge of reality go find said rider from recorded imformation and proceed from there .
Nothing covers all bases but it levels out the field a bit for most everyone, how would it be if cars trucks had no number plates and didnt pay rego or have insurance  and only pushbike riders did [ shoe on other foot ] .the way I see it .right or wrong it will never happen it was just an opinion ...on the matter ..
stay safe outhere on your rides . Oh and I used to ride too .just not in lycra .. ;D

Hypothetical not! About 15 years ago I am stopped at the lights several cars back in middle lane and old mate on his racing bike trying to work his way through the stopped traffic flicks the mirror of car next to me falls on my car dent in bonnet and deep gouge from pedal in front door and quater panel (cost me almost $600 in repairs), picks self up, looks around, shrugs shoulders, (I am out of vehicle now checking if he is okay) he nods, back on bike, slips past remaining cars, through red light and down street to the left never to be seen again. Not even a flamin sorry!!! Bloke next to me jumps back in his car as lights have now changed and shakes his head and drives off.

I guess I could have gone to the police station and given a description, blue bike, black helmet, multi coloured spandex etc with a sore shoulder......... but what's the copper going to do? Guess that was the day my respect for cyclists on the road ended.

I have some compassion and try give as much room as I can but it irks me these cyclists have so much rights but total anonymity. And now they capture footage of a car too close and squeal to the coppers.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Brucer on January 13, 2015, 06:32:25 PM
Same old us vs them argument repeated ad nauseam on talk back radio week in week out.
A$$holes come from all walks of life. Some of them drive cars, some ride bikes. The problem isn't cyclists OR motorists. It's a-holes!
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: oldmate on January 13, 2015, 06:48:23 PM
Same old us vs them argument repeated ad nauseam on talk back radio week in week out.
A$$holes come from all walks of life. Some of them drive cars, some ride bikes. The problem isn't cyclists OR motorists. It's a-holes!

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Topender on January 13, 2015, 07:45:36 PM
Same old us vs them argument repeated ad nauseam on talk back radio week in week out.
A$$holes come from all walks of life. Some of them drive cars, some ride bikes. The problem isn't cyclists OR motorists. It's a-holes!

 :cup: :cup:
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: dales133 on January 14, 2015, 05:05:50 AM
As for the pedestrian getting clouded by the bike they got the cyclist without him having a Rego, the problem was the justice system not the cyclist.
Once again the victim winds up out of pocket and disregarded while the justice system decide what sort of punishment or fine suits THEM.

But that's a whole new conversation
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: TheWall on January 14, 2015, 06:30:40 AM
I once had a pedestrian step out onto a cycle path in New Farm (heading up to the Storey Bridge) and it was a decent collision and minor injuries were had by both parties. My bike also lost some paint. Pedestrian was not  wearing their license plates so I had no way of id'ing them. That was 18 years ago. Can't believe the Govt hasn't acted on that one yet!
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Brutus on January 14, 2015, 06:37:41 AM
I once had a pedestrian step out onto a cycle path in New Farm (heading up to the Storey Bridge) and it was a decent collision and minor injuries were had by both parties. My bike also lost some paint. Pedestrian was not  wearing their license plates so I had no way of id'ing them. That was 18 years ago. Can't believe the Govt hasn't acted on that one yet!
Surely if you had such a collision there would have been time to exchange pleasantries or did you quickly gather your paint chipped bike and flee?

That's another thing with bikes, fast moving and silent which come from behind and startle a pedestrian. Maybe you should have one of those clackers on your forks :laugh: and the pedestrian would have heard you coming.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Footy Shorts Shane on January 14, 2015, 07:08:28 AM

That's another thing with bikes, fast moving and silent which come from behind and startle a pedestrian. Maybe you should have one of those clackers on your forks :laugh: and the pedestrian would have heard you coming.

Or maybe a working bell or horn. You'd think it would be mandatory.................

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: JD-120 on January 14, 2015, 07:44:12 AM
Same old us vs them argument repeated ad nauseam on talk back radio week in week out.
A$$holes come from all walks of life. Some of them drive cars, some ride bikes. The problem isn't cyclists OR motorists. It's a-holes!
Wow. Think you just summed up this entire thread!!!!!
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: JD-120 on January 14, 2015, 07:46:43 AM
Or maybe a working bell or horn. You'd think it would be mandatory.................

I do believe bells are mandatory. Weather anyone follows this is another question. The bell is the first thing I take off my new bikes . Not streamlined enough
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: fishfinder on January 14, 2015, 07:50:55 AM
I reckon all cyclists that are disrespectfully using our roads and foot paths should be culled. If you stuck to cycle lanes or hug the left hand side of road ride single file then your safe from bull bars and then the hypocrites say they have the rite to use the roads (ok they do ) but how often do you see 50 odd cars, trucks motor bikes parked on the FOOTPATH blocking shop doors rite near coffee shops- if they carry on about how they have a rite to be on the road then park your bikes on the road. IT is simple respect the motorists you will get respect back in return - respect the pedestrian again they will in return respect the cyclists but keep up with the attitude and bull bar it should be
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: JD-120 on January 14, 2015, 07:58:32 AM
Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone.  Ever run a red light, done 67 in a 60 zone. How many infringements assumes you are using the road in st disrespectful manner. Wow can't believe this thread its still going. Thought I shut up shop a few weeks ago. Oh well makes the train ride interesting to work
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: cancan on January 14, 2015, 08:08:35 AM
I do believe bells are mandatory. Weather anyone follows this is another question. The bell is the first thing I take off my new bikes . Not streamlined enough
Bells are mandatory in qld and every now and again the police do a blitz on Mt Cootha and book everyone without a bell.
I have never once been pulled over and had my car horn checked.

I do have a bell on my commuters which I use on shared bikeways/footpaths but but not on the other much extra weight
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: time on January 14, 2015, 08:14:48 AM
................... to lighten the mood, this cyclist has my respect (
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Footy Shorts Shane on January 14, 2015, 08:45:15 AM
That's tops!  :cup:

I suddenly have an interest in cycling now. Where can I get one?
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: wilson79 on January 14, 2015, 09:33:13 AM
That's tops!  :cup:

I suddenly have an interest in cycling now. Where can I get one?

How the hell are does he stay on that thing!!! at 300kmh imagine getting a speed wobble up at that pace...
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Steffo1 on January 14, 2015, 09:37:34 AM
That's tops!  :cup:

I suddenly have an interest in cycling now. Where can I get one?
I'd hate to think where you'd pack the chute, Shane? (Please!No info required ;D)
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: NewieCamper on January 14, 2015, 09:41:31 AM
How the hell are does he stay on that thing!!! at 300kmh imagine getting a speed wobble up at that pace...

And I'll be he doesn't have a bell :o
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Footy Shorts Shane on January 14, 2015, 09:44:11 AM
I'd hate to think where you'd pack the chute, Shane? (Please!No info required ;D)

Chute ??? Nah, Stand up and stick your Dunlop Volley on the back tyre like we did as kids  ;D
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: edz on January 14, 2015, 09:58:06 AM
Hah I'll see your puny rocket bike and up the anty with gravity ...Dohhhh !!! (
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Bird on January 14, 2015, 11:10:33 AM (

"What is something annoying that a cyclist might do?"

EVERYTHING!!  :cup: :cup: :cup: :cup: :cup:
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Footy Shorts Shane on January 14, 2015, 11:23:21 AM
Hah I'll see your puny rocket bike and up the anty with gravity ...Dohhhh !!! (

That fancy brain bucket didn't do him much good. Should have stuck with a tried and tested Stack Hat.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: liquid on January 14, 2015, 08:13:28 PM
True idiots will still be idiots rego / liscence whatever in / on a car bike plane horse etc ..
Wouldnt know if it will / wouldnt work till its tried, but like everything else we do as a user we are required to be liscenced and certyfied as competent users and pay a fee .. A car liscence wont do you zip, when busted riding a motorbike, using a boat or flying a plane, caught with a firearm etc .. So why shouldnt there be an endorsement for pushbikes ..
What I think it would do is put in place a bit of accountability and takes away that air of being anonymous, untracable and I can get away with doing what I like attitude.
Why shouldnt ALL users help upkeep what they use .. Put it this way if you have 4  cars and use on the roads , they have got to be rego'd and insured for each one ... So what makes a pushbike rider so special that they dont have to comply like all other users ..why should other users have to cover the costs and give it to pushbike riders for free..
Hypthetical scenario to consider : The way it is atm a pushbike rider can cause a crash and ride off in total anonymity, be untacable and unaccountable because they cannot be identyfied other than a guy on a pushbike wearing x type of clothes and riding x type of bike ...
Scenario 2: Rider causes an incedent wearing vest with number , witnesses record number .... Blue badge of reality go find said rider from recorded imformation and proceed from there .
Nothing covers all bases but it levels out the field a bit for most everyone, how would it be if cars trucks had no number plates and didnt pay rego or have insurance  and only pushbike riders did [ shoe on other foot ] .the way I see it .right or wrong it will never happen it was just an opinion ...on the matter ..
stay safe outhere on your rides . Oh and I used to ride too .just not in lycra .. ;D

Hypothetical scenario to consider (which occurs a lot more often than a bicycle hit and run): The way it is atm someone on the street or in the pub could king hit someone and walk off in total anonymity, be untraceable and unaccountable because they cannot be identified other than a guy wearing x type of clothes
Scenario 2: Someone king hits someone on the street wearing a vest and a number, witness record number.. blue badge of reality go find said person from recorded information and proceed from there.

Maybe everyone should wear an identifying number whenever in public or, even better, be electronically tracked and filmed at all times. Then we wouldn't have to worry about people slighting us in total anonymity.

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: briann532 on January 14, 2015, 08:16:14 PM
Maybe everyone should wear an identifying number whenever in public or, even better, be electronically tracked and filmed at all times. Then we wouldn't have to worry about people slighting us in total anonymity.

I though that's what mobile phones were for............... ;D

Why am I now thinking of George Orwell?
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: MattP on January 14, 2015, 08:29:06 PM (

"What is something annoying that a cyclist might do?"

EVERYTHING!!  :cup: :cup: :cup: :cup: :cup:
  Funny, every item on the family feud list could just as easily be a car driver; ring bell/sound horn, ride slowly/drive slowly, plenty of lycra in cars early in the morning on the way to the gym.  Its the 5% (idiots) rule in all walks of life that cause angst.  Relax.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: dales133 on January 14, 2015, 08:36:32 PM
You just admitted to knowing way to much about family fued . Shame shame on you
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: grafy82 on January 15, 2015, 08:20:22 AM
Rego for bikes, stupid idea as how will you make little Johnny riding to school pay rego or old simple Simon and its his only way of getting around, or a family ride with the kids down to the park, it's just dumb and won't work. And who really wants to give the government more money?
But what gives a Lycra clad, tour-de-fake hero the right to hold up truck drivers while they are doing their job. In a lot of cases you are riding for recreation, but these drivers are trying to make a living and time is money. If you can't do 80 or 100kph on your pushy, then stay off the highways.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Bird on January 15, 2015, 09:20:00 AM
Quote from: grafy82
Rego for bikes, stupid idea as how will you make little Johnny riding to school pay rego or old simple Simon and its his only way of getting around, or a family ride with the kids down to the park, it's just dumb and won't work
same as cars, you have an age limit. +16 you need it..

Then again, life isn't fair, and we seem to dumb down everything for minorities...
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: NewieCamper on January 15, 2015, 10:24:27 AM
But what gives a Lycra clad, tour-de-fake hero the right to hold up truck drivers while they are doing their job. In a lot of cases you are riding for recreation, but these drivers are trying to make a living and time is money. If you can't do 80 or 100kph on your pushy, then stay off the highways.

The roads are paid for by taxes for public use. There is a legal right to use the road and the lane for ALL vehicles be they tractor, bicycle, delivery truck or sports car. That's the way it is.

Used to be that common courtesy would say the slower vehicle in front would move over where possible to allow faster vehicles to pass. Used to be also that if you came across a slower vehicle in front, your common courtesy would allow you to wait for a few seconds until you can pass safely. Common courtesy isn't so common now though.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: WilSurf on January 15, 2015, 11:39:11 AM
I am a cyclist and ride to work every day on my pushy.
I agree that there are cyclist who need to go back to school and leran the rules. Road rules apply to everyone.
It is the small minority who spoils it for the others.
Same with the car drivers.
I am riding on a busy road every day and 99.5% of the car drivers are giving way, make room etc.
Only once or twice a week someone tries to block you of or yells at you for no apperant reason.
But I must say most are aware of me.
I have tried riding on the footh path, but that is even more dangerous. Exits, entries, uneven, trees you name it.

Coming from the Netherlands were cyclist are everywhere with seperated bike paths, riding in Australia is still an adjustment for me.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: fishfinder on January 15, 2015, 12:31:25 PM
The roads are paid for by taxes for public use. There is a legal right to use the road and the lane for ALL vehicles be they tractor, bicycle, delivery truck or sports car. That's the way it is.

Used to be that common courtesy would say the slower vehicle in front would move over where possible to allow faster vehicles to pass. Used to be also that if you came across a slower vehicle in front, your common courtesy would allow you to wait for a few seconds until you can pass safely. Common courtesy isn't so common now though.
On the defence very quick think your missing the point the way I read it is be respect full don't hold up the traffic like most of those tutu wearing arrogant twats that think wether it is a single lane road or a four lane highway there on a mission to get their café latte and they have the rite to take up the entire road - I too ride quite often and in my thongs tank top and boardies no need to dress like Olivia newton jon on a movie she did in the 70's just to take the kids out doors and try to be a little fitter than would be if I did not but I go out of my way to avoid roads wether it would be travelling 40-100kms along the coast with the bikes on the back or if it is just out the drive cross 3 intersections and do a 30km round trip with out crossing any traffic but I believe even if the law does not the roads are for vehicles not to be held up yes you do come across a slow moving vehicle but majority of the time it would be a bus, truck or tractor and they are there to earn an income not to have there bright multi coloured date stared at by a frustrated motorist and you would find they will pull over to let you through. And with people saying it is a small minority of the cyclists that are in the category I described they too must avoid roads as well because a good 90% of the cyclists I come across are the arrogant twats I am referring to.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Bird on January 15, 2015, 12:33:16 PM
The roads are paid for by taxes for public use. There is a legal right to use the road and the lane for ALL vehicles be they tractor, bicycle, delivery truck or sports car. That's the way it is
so why should cars/trucks/m-bikes have to pay rego for this right and pushys don't?
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: WilSurf on January 15, 2015, 12:34:22 PM
Can you please use punctuations? It is almost unreadable.
I will try again to read it as I have no idea what you are telling us.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: fishfinder on January 15, 2015, 12:43:51 PM
Grrr...things are getting worse around here. Wow, Check out this driver behaviour!

Speeding  12,305 (513 per day)
Unregistered vehicles  3892 (162 per day)
Mobile phone offences  2782 (116 per day)
Disobey signs/signals  2076 (86 per day)
Unlicensed drivers  1638 (68 per day)
Seat belt offences  1293 (54 per day)
Drink driving  1247 (52 per day)
Disqualified/suspended drivers  1120 (47 per day)
Drug driving  338 (14 per day)
Impoundments  226 (9 per day)

Full story. (

and how many of those stats are applicable to cyclists - those stats would be a hell of a lot higher if they had to follow these laws mentioned for the motorists
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: NewieCamper on January 15, 2015, 12:45:21 PM
so why should cars/trucks/m-bikes have to pay rego for this right and pushys don't?
Cars, trucks and m-bikes have rego because they are capable of causing significant damage and injury and need to be readily identifiable. The rego process also helps ensure that there is a level of roadworthiness, especially in states with annual safety checks.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: NewieCamper on January 15, 2015, 12:48:20 PM
and how many of those stats are applicable to cyclists - those stats would be a hell of a lot higher if they had to follow these laws mentioned for the motorists

Those stats would also be a hell of a lot higher if every infraction by a motorist was included, the stats only indicate who was caught.

...and cyclist do have to follow the laws, and do get caught, just not as often because there aren't as many as there are cars.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: monbeg on January 15, 2015, 12:51:08 PM
so why should cars/trucks/m-bikes have to pay rego for this right and pushys don't?

Simples, the law says so.

A Vehicle is something used as an instrument of conveyance. It can include any conveyance used for transporting passengers or things by land, water, or air. It can be a self propelled conveyance that runs on tyres like a motor vehicle.

A Motor Vehicle means a self-propelled device designed for transporting persons or property on a public highway and is required by law to be registered.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: NewieCamper on January 15, 2015, 12:51:20 PM
On the defence very quick think your missing the point the way I read it is be respect full don't hold up the traffic like most of those tutu wearing arrogant twats that think wether it is a single lane road or a four lane highway there on a mission to get their café latte and they have the rite to take up the entire road - I too ride quite often and in my thongs tank top and boardies no need to dress like Olivia newton jon on a movie she did in the 70's just to take the kids out doors and try to be a little fitter than would be if I did not but I go out of my way to avoid roads wether it would be travelling 40-100kms along the coast with the bikes on the back or if it is just out the drive cross 3 intersections and do a 30km round trip with out crossing any traffic but I believe even if the law does not the roads are for vehicles not to be held up yes you do come across a slow moving vehicle but majority of the time it would be a bus, truck or tractor and they are there to earn an income not to have there bright multi coloured date stared at by a frustrated motorist and you would find they will pull over to let you through. And with people saying it is a small minority of the cyclists that are in the category I described they too must avoid roads as well because a good 90% of the cyclists I come across are the arrogant twats I am referring to.

Yes I was on there defence. I did understand the point, but it also appeared that the post by grafy82 did not indicate that there is a right be a d-head and ride in the lane, in law. The don't be a d-head rule isn't a law it is just what is the right thing to do to make everyone's day a little easier.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: fishfinder on January 15, 2015, 12:52:50 PM
Can you please use punctuations? It is almost unreadable.
I will try again to read it as I have no idea what you are telling us.
was typing whilst I was taking the kids for a ride
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: monbeg on January 15, 2015, 01:14:38 PM
I am a cyclist, a regular camper and a 4wd owner/driver.

Below is an example that is not uncommon, 4wd passing on the left side of another vehicle via an occupied 24 bike lane.
Some 4wd "drivers" are obviously less risk to the public when they are on outback tracks !

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Bird on January 15, 2015, 01:25:23 PM
I am a cyclist, a regular camper and a 4wd owner/driver.

Below is an example that is not uncommon, 4wd passing on the left side of another vehicle via an occupied 24 bike lane.
Some 4wd "drivers" are obviously less risk to the public when they are on outback tracks !
I've seen bikes lane splitting to the pole position at lights, after holding people up for 10klms, the cars get past finally then the bike decides hes too important and "ITS MY RIGHT" and holds everyone up again... :D
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Malcolm Tugless on January 15, 2015, 01:34:58 PM
Get over it.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Brucer on January 15, 2015, 02:25:49 PM
It's hardly surprising that bringing up the subject of cyclists in a forum occupied by campers and 4WD enthusiasts, i.e. "real blokes" the  response is fairly predictable, with the few dissenting voices largely shouted down by the majority.
After all, any camper that rides a bike to work probably doesn't belong here anyway, right? I mean jeez I bet they drive a friggin Subi or some puncey pissant soft roader like that. It's amazing how quick people rush to stereotypes.
There was a comment made above about the few(a/hole cyclists) spoiling it for the many, and it reminded me of similar comments made in the past about campers and 4WD'ers. We've all seen campsites with bottles and crap everywhere, tracks that have been torn to pieces by careless drivers, bogans doing donuts in thier sup'd up monsters. We are quick to distance ourselves from it because we know it arms those who would see tracks and 4WD access to campgournds permanently closed. We are quick to point out it's the minority that do this and most campers/4WD'ers do the right thing. Sounds familiar?
You can be sure that for every story of "that ba$tard cyclist that cut me off and gave me the finger" in this forum and others like it, there will be active threads on other forums telling their stories about "bogan 4WD'ers wrecking the joint", etc. The funny things is, we have those stories too!
Did I have a point?  yeah, sort of.. before you jump on the bandwagon mouthing off at some popular target, just think about the image of us 4WD'ers from the outside. It's not always a thing to be proud of.

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: briann532 on January 15, 2015, 04:55:56 PM
I am a cyclist, a regular camper and a 4wd owner/driver.

Below is an example that is not uncommon, 4wd passing on the left side of another vehicle via an occupied 24 bike lane.
Some 4wd "drivers" are obviously less risk to the public when they are on outback tracks !

So that's it then we're agreed............. ;D

There are idiot drivers and idiot cyclists.
The problem is not what they are doing, its their attitude.
These people simply don't care about others.

Whether its an inconsiderate camper, cyclist, bogan, drunk, driver, bad parent, bully, or people who don't use correct grammar  ;), they are not going to change.

You just can't fix stupid!

Perhaps it's time to move on to "How many camper trailer owners take their bikes camping?" (pushbikes....)
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: monbeg on January 15, 2015, 05:27:58 PM

You just can't fix stupid!

Perhaps it's time to move on to....

Agree entirely, topic has run it's course I think, good and bad on both sides.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Brutus on January 15, 2015, 05:41:37 PM
Agree entirely, topic has run it's course I think, good and bad on both sides.
Don't be like that, after all it's deuce in the sixth game of the third set. One set a piece at the moment ;D
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: KingBilly on January 15, 2015, 05:44:35 PM
Agree entirely, topic has run it's course I think, good and bad on both sides.

Yeah but is it equal good and equal bad on each side, or is the bad favouring one side over the other  ;D

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: oldmate on January 15, 2015, 05:46:08 PM
Yeah but is it equal good and equal bad on each side, or is the bad favouring one side over the other  ;D


dependson what side of the bike you sit on i guess  ;D
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Malcolm Tugless on January 15, 2015, 06:46:12 PM
Haters gonna hate.

Next topic ... ?
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: edz on January 15, 2015, 07:17:41 PM
^^^^ Lets see now Muslims " Nahhh been done "  , I know I know Daylight savings mmm Nup done also, Umm Ford Holden Super Taxi's 'Done ",  Toyota v Nissan,chinese ct v Ausmade, black v white racism, Jeep v everthing else, Labour v Liberal, Americanism v Aussy, Lebonese, Boat people indo's indians Dot paintings red heads Big noses is it too big is it to small sex sex sex thats all they ever think about, Ohhh and the Electrical thread ....Nup reckon we still might have a couple to go yet ..  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: KingBilly on January 15, 2015, 07:41:13 PM
^^^^ Lets see now Muslims " Nahhh been done "  , I know I know Daylight savings mmm Nup done also, Umm Ford Holden Super Taxi's 'Done ",  Toyota v Nissan,chinese ct v Ausmade, black v white racism, Jeep v everthing else, Labour v Liberal, Americanism v Aussy, Lebonese, Boat people indo's indians Dot paintings red heads Big noses is it too big is it to small sex sex sex thats all they ever think about, Ohhh and the Electrical thread ....Nup reckon we still might have a couple to go yet ..  ;D ;D ;D

Been there, done that  :D (

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: JD-120 on January 15, 2015, 08:06:19 PM
oh oh, i know

how can the qld govt make tanning beds /solarium's banned / illegal as they apparently cause cancer (just like the sun) but not outlaw smokes
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Steffo1 on January 15, 2015, 08:06:27 PM
Virgin v Jetstar???
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: JD-120 on January 15, 2015, 08:10:18 PM
QLD is the best state by far

Just sayin
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: dales133 on January 15, 2015, 08:34:08 PM
On the defence very quick think your missing the point the way I read it is be respect full don't hold up the traffic like most of those tutu wearing arrogant twats that think wether it is a single lane road or a four lane highway there on a mission to get their café latte and they have the rite to take up the entire road - I too ride quite often and in my thongs tank top and boardies no need to dress like Olivia newton jon on a movie she did in the 70's just to take the kids out doors and try to be a little fitter than would be if I did not but I go out of my way to avoid roads wether it would be travelling 40-100kms along the coast with the bikes on the back or if it is just out the drive cross 3 intersections and do a 30km round trip with out crossing any traffic but I believe even if the law does not the roads are for vehicles not to be held up yes you do come across a slow moving vehicle but majority of the time it would be a bus, truck or tractor and they are there to earn an income not to have there bright multi coloured date stared at by a frustrated motorist and you would find they will pull over to let you through. And with people saying it is a small minority of the cyclists that are in the category I described they too must avoid roads as well because a good 90% of the cyclists I come across are the arrogant twats I am referring to.
Plenty of the same people you described driving bmw's merc's ect that don't even own bikes and thinking they own the road because they paid more stamp duty than the "lesser "mortals when they brought thier showy Shitboxes.
As said before it's not your mode of transport that makes yo an arse hole it's how you use it
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Kangaron on January 15, 2015, 08:43:40 PM
10 pages, GRRR, it's still getting worse.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: oldmate on January 15, 2015, 08:48:25 PM
Is this thread still going  ::) ;D ;D
From page 4
 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: KingBilly on January 15, 2015, 08:58:50 PM
You're not helping  :D

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: JD-120 on January 15, 2015, 09:01:01 PM
As said before it's not your mode of transport that makes yo an arse hole it's how you use it

pretty sure i use mine correctly, one way traffic only  :-*
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: oldmate on January 15, 2015, 09:01:25 PM
You're not helping  :D


11 yet?  ;D
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: KingBilly on January 15, 2015, 09:05:05 PM
Not quite.  But nearly. Maybe

Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: jwb on January 16, 2015, 05:00:38 AM
Post whore?
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: jwb on January 16, 2015, 05:01:25 AM
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Jeepers Creepers on January 16, 2015, 05:27:01 AM
So when we say pushbike riders,do mean...

A. Children
B. adults.
C. Lycra Adults
D. Dragster bike riders.
E. Mountain Bike Riders.
F. Road Racer bike riders.
G. Social Riders
H. Semi Pro Riders
I. Commuters
J. Fitness Freaks
K. Stoopid, ignorant riders.
L. All of the above.

I'd put more in, but I never  went past grade 2 (Best 4 years of my life) at school, so I don't know the whole alphabet.
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: oldmate on January 16, 2015, 05:45:25 AM
Hey speaking of Lycra adults, has anyone seen that qld gov ad on TV, where they thank different road users for doing the right thing?  They have different ones. Anyway after posting in this thread last night one comes on, and starts with, " thank you mr weekend Lycra for showing us which way you will turn at the intersection".

Thank you mr weekend Lycra! Almost feel off my chair laughing after reading this thread  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Bike riders !!! Grrrr - things are getting worse up here
Post by: Snow on January 16, 2015, 06:51:54 AM
Yep, time to move on.  Longest non argument I've read in a while.  ::)

Peace, Love n Mungbeans to y'all. 8)