The Off-road Camper Trailer Forum

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Brumbypt on August 06, 2013, 08:10:50 AM

Title: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Brumbypt on August 06, 2013, 08:10:50 AM (

Both Simon Christie and John Roothy Rooth are both running for the senate in this years election.

They are  in  the Outdoor recreation party..

Please go to the link, read all about it the and even join the party and support them..

Make sure you vote for.....
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Brumbypt on August 06, 2013, 08:12:57 AM (

This link is for the membership page to get involved..
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Symon on August 06, 2013, 08:14:43 AM
Oi, I got there one minute quicker!  ;D ;D ;D ;D (
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Brumbypt on August 06, 2013, 08:20:47 AM
Hahahah, i just noticed we posted around the same time..

All the support they get and the more votes they get the better..
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Brumbypt on August 06, 2013, 08:22:11 AM
Both simon and roothy are advertising their policies and ideas on their facebook pages..

If you are not on their facebook pages then i can post the links here..
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Brumbypt on August 06, 2013, 08:28:53 AM

Simon Christie (

Roothy (

Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: weeds on August 06, 2013, 08:52:47 AM
running for the sake of running, would have to question why........i find it hard to believe anybody would vote than alone donate money

do they have policy documents that explain there position a little more than a one liner??
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Symon on August 06, 2013, 09:00:48 AM (
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Scolers on August 06, 2013, 09:41:59 AM

I wrote this in the other thread and thought it important enough to cut and paste here ...

Just remember they are working the senate to ticket. This means they only need a small amount of votes to get a member into the Senate (approx 10%) ... depending on the state they represnt and number of voters etc.  In other words they are.NOT contesting the Lower House and are thus not running for PM.

 I say this largely due to the fact that you can vote these guys in the Senate and then still cast a vote for either one of the major parties in the Lower House.

 Does this make sense to you guys and girls? It is something a LOT of voters don't understand and yet it os where our individual power lies. Just ask Pauline ... O0


Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Bird on August 06, 2013, 09:48:10 AM
Quote from: Brumbypt
Both Simon Christie and John Roothy Rooth are both running .
that finishes it for me
With each vote get a free tyre gauge, and you cant use it without being pissed with the handbrake annoying you blah blah.... I get the feeling he isnt doing it for the "good" of 4wding, but for his magazine..

Do we need someone with the image of a drunkin hick who cant work on his car without a carton of piss representing us?
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: muzza01 on August 06, 2013, 10:02:39 AM
Each to their own.
New tyre guage sounds good too ;D
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Symon on August 06, 2013, 10:35:43 AM

I wrote this in the other thread and thought it important enough to cut and paste here ...

Just remember they are working the senate to ticket. This means they only need a small amount of votes to get a member into the Senate (approx 10%) ... depending on the state they represnt and number of voters etc.  In other words they are.NOT contesting the Lower House and are thus not running for PM.

 I say this largely due to the fact that you can vote these guys in the Senate and then still cast a vote for either one of the major parties in the Lower House.

 Does this make sense to you guys and girls? It is something a LOT of voters don't understand and yet it os where our individual power lies. Just ask Pauline ... O0



Well technically a senator can be PM :)

Yes the Senate has proportional voting, but like any other 'special interest' party that runs for the Senate I can't see them gaining enough votes to get a seat, especially since some of their policies are rather unpopular.
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: TheOtherLeft on August 06, 2013, 11:10:55 AM
Since it's Simon Christie, he will only allow you to vote for him if you have a Landcruiser or a Patrol. The benefit is that you will get a free mag subscription to some hunting magazine, a free stubbie holder and a free knife.

Since it's Roothy, he will only allow you to vote for him if you have a nagging handbrake, drunk and are a yobbo.

Why are there so many Outdoor related parties??? Why not have the single party that can represent our interests with a stronger footing?
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Bird on August 06, 2013, 11:22:03 AM
Since it's Simon Christie, he will only allow you to vote for him if you have a Landcruiser or a Patrol. The benefit is that you will get a free mag subscription to some hunting magazine, a free stubbie holder and a free knife.

Since it's Roothy, he will only allow you to vote for him if you have a nagging handbrake, drunk and are a yobbo.


Why are there so many Outdoor related parties??? Why not have the single party that can represent our interests with a stronger footing?

Sadly because not all the outdoor minorities want the same result...
Title: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Brumbypt on August 06, 2013, 12:32:49 PM
I was hoping that they all combined and are now in this party?.

The shooters party was a no good from day one..

The greens campaign at uni vertisities all the time, thats why there are so many young ppl at their potests, but sadly stand for a whole heap of things that will just ruin the country and not save it.

I am hoping that the recreation party will make a small difference and will atleast get a spokesman in the door.

Tapa talker
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Kangaron on August 06, 2013, 12:37:42 PM
Wonder if ComCar have a blue Hilux attached to a CIG Camper  ;D
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Symon on August 06, 2013, 01:03:09 PM
The greens campaign at uni vertisities all the time, thats why there are so many young ppl at their potests, but sadly stand for a whole heap of things that will just ruin the country and not save it.

WARNING - GROSS GENERALISATION - Young people are mostly left wing progressives anyway (certainly was when I was at uni), so the Greens have a captive audience in those environments hence the reason why they thrive there.  However once young people leave uni and start getting mortgages and see how much of their pay goes off in tax they tend to shift their views a bit - so it balances out eventually.

After all the damage the Greens have done in some areas I think they will eventually go the same way as the Democrats and disappear into the abyss in a decade or so.

Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Bird on August 06, 2013, 01:06:39 PM
Quote from: Symon
After all the damage the Greens have done in some areas I think they will eventually go the same way as the Democrats and disappear into the abyss in a decade or so.
your getting me excited...   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: rotor138 on August 06, 2013, 02:15:59 PM
Check out their sister party with whom they run meetings together. (

They have some interesting views...
Title: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: albany_nomads on August 06, 2013, 02:30:30 PM

Each to their own.
New tyre guage sounds good too ;D

LOL.   x 2
The other problem is politics always turn nice guys into tossers :-)   Why would they want to do that to themselves
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: briann532 on August 06, 2013, 04:17:35 PM
Sounds great and I love their policy's, but where do their preferences lie and who will they sleep with to get what they want?

EVERYTHING comes at a price. What's the price?

Also where do they stand on education, hospitals, finance etc.

I like to vote for the BIG picture, although as I said I REALLY like there principles and direction.


Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: bobnrob on August 06, 2013, 05:10:14 PM
WARNING - GROSS GENERALISATION - Young people are mostly left wing progressives anyway (certainly was when I was at uni), so the Greens have a captive audience in those environments hence the reason why they thrive there.  However once young people leave uni and start getting mortgages and see how much of their pay goes off in tax they tend to shift their views a bit - so it balances out eventually.

Until that time, they help cause damage   >:(

It's why I'm a firm believer in making the voting age 30 (or 35). Prior to that, most (not all) have no life's experience in which to guage important decisions!
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Bird on August 06, 2013, 05:17:39 PM
Quote from: bobnrob
It's why I'm a firm believer in making the voting age 30 (or 35). Prior to that, most (not all) have no life's experience in which to guage important decisions!
I Dunno bout that.. kid here at work quit to become..... wait for it...  "A LIFE COACH"... ROTFLMAO.. with all his worldly experience in his 21yrs he has been alive, he will COACH people... on life... WTF?
What the **** is a life coach LMAO!
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Tjupurula on August 06, 2013, 05:21:57 PM
Let me see now, if I was to get into this, and start something, I could call it the Aboriberals, or the Demodiginous, or maybe the Laboriginals.  No, I would keep it simple, The Desert Real for me or get speared....might work...... 8) ;D 8)
Isn't it good I take politics so serious.
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: briann532 on August 06, 2013, 05:29:14 PM
I never used to take it seriously, but now Robert Mugabe is in for his 33rd year in a row and basically shoots you if you don't vote for him..........
I tend to take a bit more interest these days.

Politics is a dirty game, but one that needs constant monitoring......
Title: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: markpeh on August 06, 2013, 05:30:30 PM
I thought everybody was voting katter or  Palmer? Roothy now gives too many options...
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: ivan on August 06, 2013, 06:33:41 PM
My theory is to pick a smaller party eg outdoor rec party who will stand up to whichever of the 2 big parties that will win.I don't like either of the big 2,they both lie and both have criminals representing them eg  craig Thompson.The greens would have got a lot of their polices through if the shooters party didn't say "hang on a minute lets have a look a this first".Now don't come down all uncool and heavy on me this is my theory and it works for me.
Title: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Ynot on August 06, 2013, 07:32:40 PM
Let me see now, if I was to get into this, and start something, I could call it the Aboriberals, or the Demodiginous, or maybe the Laboriginals.  No, I would keep it simple, The Desert Real for me or get speared....might work...... 8) ;D 8)
Isn't it good I take politics so serious.

Vote 1 for Tjupurula!
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: D4D on August 06, 2013, 07:49:15 PM
Did you read the fine print in their policies, these are the 'highlights'. Not very well thought out if you ask me.

• Repeal of marine parks declared since 1995
• Bag and size limits but no fishing licences
• No harassment of young drivers or "hoon" laws
• Allow dogs (under control) into National Parks
• Repeal of 'bikie gang' legislation
• Repeal of terrorism laws
• Voluntary voting
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: cruisindub on August 06, 2013, 07:57:55 PM
Theres 7 reasons right there NOT to vote for them..............

Makes you wonder what drugs they are on !!
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Andrew_C on August 06, 2013, 08:02:55 PM
Sounds to me like most of the policies above are state issues, not national, maybe hey need to have a think what they really want.
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Tjupurula on August 06, 2013, 08:04:00 PM
Theres 7 reasons right there NOT to vote for them..............

Makes you wonder what drugs they are on !!

Hi Cruisindub
My daughter, Nakara, had a good answer for you.  All politicians lie, so these people are simply telling lies, they will do the opposite like all politicians.  I am proud of my daughter, good brains.
Title: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Brumbypt on August 06, 2013, 08:39:39 PM
Simon and Roothy are running for senate,

If you wanna keep the tracks open then swallow ya pride and vote for these ppl, its the best home we have, we need a voice in the door.

Stop bad mouthing ppl on our side of keeping the national parks and the tracks open to the public..

Tapa talker
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: D4D on August 06, 2013, 08:40:58 PM
Stop bad mouthing ppl on our side of keeping the national parks and the tracks open to the public..

Even if the cure is worse than the disease?
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Tjupurula on August 06, 2013, 08:43:05 PM
Simon and Roothy are running for senate,

If you wanna keep the tracks open then swallow ya pride and vote for these ppl, its the best home we have, we need a voice in the door.

Stop bad mouthing ppl on our side of keeping the national parks and the tracks open to the public..

Tapa talker

Sorry Brumbypt, it was not bad mouthing, just a comment made in jest.
Title: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Brumbypt on August 06, 2013, 08:43:28 PM
Well vote for the Christian party and stop the muslims taking over the country by making us give up on our freedom of CHOICE.

Tapa talker
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Tjupurula on August 06, 2013, 08:48:51 PM
Well vote for the Christian party and stop the muslims taking over the country by making us give up on our freedom of CHOICE.

Tapa talker

Wow, in one post you covered religion and politics...this thread is getting dangerous, someone might add a certain type of CT soon, and all three no no's are covered.... 8) 8)
Title: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Brumbypt on August 06, 2013, 08:51:51 PM
Wow, in one post you covered religion and politics...this thread is getting dangerous, someone might add a certain type of CT soon, and all three no no's are covered.... 8) 8)

What type of ct is that??

Tapa talker
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: D4D on August 06, 2013, 08:54:33 PM
What type of ct is that??

Generally Interesting Camper...
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Bird on August 06, 2013, 09:21:18 PM
Quote from: D4D
Even if the cure is worse than the disease?


we wanna keep tracks open, but to do that we have to give in on all these other bullShit things that nobody wants... but that's how it is now.
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Bunyip on August 07, 2013, 07:42:57 AM
I always seem to live in safe seats so it doesn't rally matter what I do.

I have lost faith in the major parties, and IMHO the smaller ones do not have the resources or time to think through and generate comprehensive policies.

If I write Tjupurula's name as a candidate on the bottom of my voting form do you think it will count?  ;D

Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: HEM19X on August 07, 2013, 08:13:26 AM
I always seem to live in safe seats so it doesn't rally matter what I do.

I have lost faith in the major parties, and IMHO the smaller ones do not have the resources or time to think through and generate comprehensive policies.

If I write Tjupurula's name as a candidate on the bottom of my voting form do you think it will count?  ;D


Smaller [fringe] parties will only ever have any power when there is a hung parliament. In all honesty I don't see that happening, The Budgie Smuggler will trounce The Milky Bar Kid this time, me thinks
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Malcolm Tugless on August 07, 2013, 08:20:31 AM
Even if the cure is worse than the disease?

Whilst I enjoy watching those guys muck around with four wheel drives, I'm not so sure I'd entrust them to drive the economy. Its no more a cure than any of the other two pot screaming tin pot parties paraded out at every election.

I don't believe that marine parks legislation should be repealed. Nor do I agree with allowing dogs or hunting in national parks.
As for the bikie laws being repealed ... are they not by definition criminal organizations ?

Hey good on them for having a go ... you know, the old put up or shut up. A yin for ya yang so to speak.

The propped way to evaluate any situation is to view it objectively rather than subjectively. More often than not the common ground is found between the two extremes.

There's always these guys ... (

Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Tjupurula on August 07, 2013, 08:34:48 AM
I always seem to live in safe seats so it doesn't rally matter what I do.

I have lost faith in the major parties, and IMHO the smaller ones do not have the resources or time to think through and generate comprehensive policies.

If I write Tjupurula's name as a candidate on the bottom of my voting form do you think it will count?  ;D


Not a chance, I do not have enough hot air inside me, and don't understand so many things that go on.  I do reckon we could have the Speewa Grog Party though.
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Symon on August 07, 2013, 09:03:25 AM
Didn't we have a drinkers party a few years ago?

Sent from my GT-I9305T using Tapatalk 2

Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Davepatrol on August 07, 2013, 09:06:53 AM

There's always these guys ... (
I think there's enough dopes in parliament now.
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Bunyip on August 07, 2013, 09:15:43 AM
There's always these guys ... (

I think there's enough dopes in parliament now.

LOL, got to agree with you there.
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: cruisindub on August 07, 2013, 03:27:32 PM
Theres always the 'Monster Raving Loony Party' !!

Yep, Its real. (

Their Policies are better than any roothy yobbo and his mate (

Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: time on August 07, 2013, 03:50:41 PM
Simon associating himself with Roothy (or Westy or whatever his name is this year) has only made me think the less of him, Simon that is. 

Any "one" issue party is doomed as far as I'm concerned.  Maybe they should have joined up with Katter or Palmer or resurrected Pauline or maybe the Democrats, heaven forbid maybe even joined the Greens and white anted them from the inside  >:D
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: briann532 on August 07, 2013, 05:01:41 PM
Yay its election time.

Its time to make some really great choices.

Firstly - Do I listen to all the ads every 3 minutes of how good they are and how bad the others are or do I turn the radio and telly off and drive a nail through my eye???

Mmmmmm not sure which is less painful yet????

Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Bird on August 07, 2013, 05:19:37 PM
Yay its election time.

Its time to make some really great choices.

Firstly - Do I listen to all the ads every 3 minutes of how good they are and how bad the others are or do I turn the radio and telly off and drive a nail through my eye???

Mmmmmm not sure which is less painful yet????
pretty much what my housebound old man says... pooor prick only has the tele for entertainment. for the next 3 months its hell..
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: rescue1 on August 07, 2013, 05:59:40 PM
I would suggest those who are thinking of voting for the ORP take a look at the LDP (Liberal Democrats) as they are the party behind the ORP. They have some scary policies like no minimum wage....
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: cruisindub on August 07, 2013, 06:00:38 PM
Yep, Already fed up with the bullsh!t adds and crap.

Thankfully, whatever happens, comes Sept 8, the ads stop,.......... whether the bullsh!t does or not is highly unlikely.
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Bird on August 07, 2013, 09:02:24 PM
Quote from: rescue1
They have some scary policies like no minimum wage....
it may suck, but it might be the only thing to save us.
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Garfish on August 08, 2013, 05:51:07 AM (

On reviewing this list, I'm torn between
australian sex party are their meetings orgies?
Australian fishing and lifestyle party
Shooters and fishing party
Smokers right party
Coke in the bubblers party
Or the pirate party.       

To hard me thinks.

Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Bird on August 08, 2013, 09:43:57 AM
na, this one for me... they have been around for decades.... (

Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: stephwoodall on August 08, 2013, 11:26:37 AM
Yep, Already fed up with the bullsh!t adds and crap.

Thankfully, whatever happens, comes Sept 8, the ads stop,.......... whether the bullsh!t does or not is highly unlikely.

Actually the good news is that the ads will stop on 5 September as there is a media black out (TV and radio) for all electoral advertising from midnight the Wednesday before polling day.

At least that is something to look forward to.  It doesn't stop all of the crap filling up your mailbox though.


Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: cruisindub on August 08, 2013, 01:49:55 PM
Actually the good news is that the ads will stop on 5 September

Woohoo, Cant wait.... fed up already.

It doesn't stop all of the crap filling up your mailbox though.

If they saved all the money on postage, I reckon they'd actually be able to do something worthwhile !!
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: stephwoodall on August 08, 2013, 02:18:26 PM

If they saved all the money on postage, I reckon they'd actually be able to do something worthwhile !!

Couldn't agree more!!!  >:D >:D >:D >:D
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Bird on August 08, 2013, 02:26:27 PM
Woohoo, Cant wait.... fed up already.
we have to vote for such Mensa candidates as
Phuking moron............... (
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Symon on August 11, 2013, 08:11:36 PM (
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: McGirr on August 11, 2013, 08:56:36 PM

The problem with elections is that every one thinks, lets run for parliament.

We have enough idiots in parliament now stuffing things up ( both parties ). They promise everything then change their minds once they get in. They do it every election (both parties) and the scary thing is that people keep believing them. ( both parties ) ??? ???

Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Bird on August 11, 2013, 08:57:28 PM
Quote from: McGirr
We have enough idiots in parliament now stuffing things up ( both parties ). They promise everything then change their minds once they get in. They do it every election (both parties) and the scary thing is that people keep believing them. ( both parties ) ??? ???

 :cup: Bingo.. I thought I was the only one that realized this...  :cup:
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Brumbypt on August 11, 2013, 09:06:37 PM
:cup: Bingo.. I thought I was the only one that realized this...  :cup:

Cool, i was thinking for a while that i was the only one not running for parliament..

Nearly signed up..
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Bird on August 11, 2013, 09:09:22 PM
Quote from: Brumbypt
Cool, i was thinking for a while that i was the only one not running for parliament..

Nearly signed up..
Im corrupt enough, can bullShit with the best of them, I love spending other peoples money and ending up with nothing... maybe I missed my calling.. :(
Title: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Brumbypt on August 11, 2013, 10:01:24 PM
U still have a couple of days to enroll

Tapa talker
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Tjupurula on August 11, 2013, 10:02:29 PM
na, this one for me... they have been around for decades.... (


I agree with you Lost, I have seen the stories on the internet where whales have beached themselves...Now I know why... 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: DaveR on August 12, 2013, 07:21:21 AM
Did you read the fine print in their policies, these are the 'highlights'. Not very well thought out if you ask me.

• Repeal of marine parks declared since 1995
• Bag and size limits but no fishing licences
• No harassment of young drivers or "hoon" laws
• Allow dogs (under control) into National Parks
• Repeal of 'bikie gang' legislation
• Repeal of terrorism laws
• Voluntary voting
Hardly call that a list of highlights, more like popular statements for the lessor educated. Bit that I like is the Marine park thing, there is good evidence to say marine parks give an increase in fish stocks, Kiwi's lead the way in this, so much so that fishermen asked for more parks.
As for the caper of letting hoons back at it, that is stupidity for sure.
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Bird on August 12, 2013, 10:05:50 AM
Quote from: DaveR
As for the caper of letting hoons back at it, that is stupidity for sure.
that one is to ensure he gets the bogan vote.
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Sawed-Off on August 12, 2013, 09:17:54 PM
If you want to vote for a single issue like outdoor recreation, a vote for Katter or the Shooters and Fishers Party would be a far better bet (Katter has a great deal more policies than that, fwiw). They already have people in parliaments and an established framework for governance. The LDP are a bunch of lightweight nobodies trying to be somebodies. A vote for them is a wasted vote as they simply won't get anyone up. By splitting the vote, you reduce any chance of being heard on outdoor policies.
Title: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Brumbypt on August 12, 2013, 09:27:34 PM
Katter gives preference to labor, no thanks

Tapa talker
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Sawed-Off on August 13, 2013, 07:08:52 AM
Katter gives preference to labor, no thanks (

KAP president Rob Katter last night confirmed the meeting with the LNP, but dismissed rumblings that a deal had been struck with Labor.
"I can give you an unequivocal no," he said. "That is scaremongering from some disgruntled ex-candidates or the LNP."
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: achjimmy on August 13, 2013, 07:36:45 AM
Yay its election time.

Its time to make some really great choices.

Firstly - Do I listen to all the ads every 3 minutes of how good they are and how bad the others are or do I turn the radio and telly off and drive a nail through my eye???

Mmmmmm not sure which is less painful yet????

Least the ads will stop in 4 weeks time. Unlike endless cooking, home renovating and talent shows dominating our Channels!
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Bird on August 13, 2013, 09:48:34 AM
Quote from: achjimmy
Least the ads will stop in 4 weeks time. Unlike endless cooking, home renovating and talent shows dominating our Channels!
Im shocked people still watch TV these days.
I cant remember the last time I sat down at night to watch TV... I gave up on it years ago when reality TV took over.
Rather play the Xbox shooting people.
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Tjupurula on August 13, 2013, 10:04:27 AM
Im shocked people still watch TV these days.
I cant remember the last time I sat down at night to watch TV... I gave up on it years ago when reality TV took over.
Rather play the Xbox shooting people.

I am with you there Lost, we have never owned or watched a tv.
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Bird on August 13, 2013, 10:07:21 AM
I am with you there Lost, we have never owned or watched a tv.
Since Married with Children finished... you've missed NOTHING.
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: ScottT on August 13, 2013, 10:15:12 AM
Since Married with Children finished... you've missed NOTHING.

 :cup:  :cup:  :cup:  :cup:  :cup:  :cup:  :cup:
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: DaveR on August 13, 2013, 10:44:52 AM
The Naughty Boys from the Chaser will be back on tonight, that is good for a laugh, at the Pollies.
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: achjimmy on August 13, 2013, 10:52:31 AM
Im shocked people still watch TV these days.
I cant remember the last time I sat down at night to watch TV... I gave up on it years ago when reality TV took over.
Rather play the Xbox shooting people.

I watch stuff through Ice TV which is a bit like foxtel IQ on free to air. Only watch what I want when I want without the adds. IE put "Pat Callinan " in the search box and it automatically records any of his shows. Other than that I buy box sets of TV shows and watch that, rarely ever see an ad.

And yes I like Xbox. We have three and three live accounts, hanging for GTA V.
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: grafy82 on August 14, 2013, 03:14:13 PM
If you want to vote for a single issue like outdoor recreation, a vote for Katter or the Shooters and Fishers Party would be a far better bet (Katter has a great deal more policies than that, fwiw). They already have people in parliaments and an established framework for governance. The LDP are a bunch of lightweight nobodies trying to be somebodies. A vote for them is a wasted vote as they simply won't get anyone up. By splitting the vote, you reduce any chance of being heard on outdoor policies.

As long as Katter doesnt preference labour, he has my vote all the way.
Title: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Brumbypt on August 14, 2013, 03:44:45 PM
He does preference labor. Look what i said above..

Tapa talker
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Cloud Basher on August 14, 2013, 05:51:49 PM
If you want a minority party that has a real chance of getting up there are only two that have written policies that cover recreational access to public land.  They are the Katter Australia Party and the Shooters and Fishers party.

I have read through both parties websites, contacted members from their parties and whilst I do not agree with all their policies, I certainly do agree with their core ideals and values and the majority of what they state as positions and policies

Neither party will really affect anything in the lower house and who forms government.  However in the upper house they can have a great effect as has been shown in NSW with the S&FP.  Yep Barry O'Farrell and the left centric "faceless men" of the NSW liberal party reneged on the deal they made with the S&FP so it will be interesting to watch what happens.  But the S&FP and the KAP have runs on the board in state politics.  I do hope they get at least one senator each up this election. It would be amazing if the S&FP or KAP could actually get the 700,000 firearm owners and million odd fishermen plus those exara recreational 4WDers and campers to vote for them.  They don't need ten percent to get in, they need around 4% of the vote to get a senate seat.

By all means vote for who you want to form government in the lower house, but the upper house, we as 4WDers, campers and outdoor enthusiasts, can have a real impact if we all chose to vote one of those two parties in the upper house.  One is stronger wrt recreational access for all the things I love to do, as well as traditional Aussie values so I will be voting for them.  It is one way of all 4WDers banding together to actually affect some change and to have the best chance of our interests being represented. 

Neither of these parties will affect the economy so you don't have to worry about them wrecking the country, but what they can do is allow us to enjoy all of if.

The beauty of the Westminster system is you get the government you deserve.  If you just vote as your parents always did, if you do not educate yourself as to who represents your interests and that of the country then "we the people" have bugger all to complain about.  Sheeple in a democracy deserve everything they get.  Just my two cents worth!
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: achjimmy on August 15, 2013, 08:53:53 AM
Good post cloud.

Unfortunately all these upstart party's just dilute the vote. But if you really think Roothy can help the cause go for it, personally I don think he can and would have served "our community" much better by using his influence and endorsing a party that could help.
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: grafy82 on August 15, 2013, 10:50:28 PM
He does preference labor. Look what i said above..

Tapa talker

Not so Brumby. He hasn't decided yet.
Title: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: Brumbypt on August 16, 2013, 10:07:14 AM
Ok sorry, just heard that he was favouring labor to give preference to

 Tapa talker
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: deepop on August 16, 2013, 11:49:05 AM
Some dangerous and feral policy statements on their website.   Others are okay.   Shame really because it'd be nice to have a outdoors leaning vote in the senate.
Title: Re: Outdoor Recreation Party... Election 2013
Post by: grafy82 on August 16, 2013, 06:23:54 PM
Some dangerous and feral policy statements on their website.   Others are okay.   Shame really because it'd be nice to have a outdoors leaning vote in the senate.

Sorry just realized we are back on original party topic