Spent the last couple of days finding out that there is still a workbench under the pile of stuff on top of it!

As part of doing so, I was going through the toolbox full of sockets, spanners & so on, both metric & imperial, (with a lot of both Sidchrome & Dowidat) that were mainly my FiL's, but also some that belonged to my g'father, who was a truckie in the 1920s, 30s & during WW2.
Brain in neutral while doing so, & started to wonder where things would have come from way back when.
These days there's a SuperCheap / Autobarn / Repco / Bunnings on every second corner where you can get tools, but where did people go back then? 
So, does anybody remember their Dad / Granddad talking about where they used to get tools from?
Can’t vouch for QLD but having worked in the tool game for over 35 years, these are just some of the major hand tool, engineers supplies, hardware businesses that have disappeared over time in SA, Dicks, Engineers Supplies, Sellers Atkins, PRT, Flint Bros, Flintware, EPTS, Mik International, Futura Machinery, Haselgroves etc.
Now we have copious Total Tools (Metcash Owned) , Sydney Tools, TKD (Bunnings owned) Bunnings.
Blackwood and sons now the major industrial supplies business.