The Off-road Camper Trailer Forum

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Ozsnowman on September 20, 2015, 09:29:33 AM

Title: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: Ozsnowman on September 20, 2015, 09:29:33 AM
Mongrels... :(

"Eight wombats have been deliberately run over and killed at a camping ground at Kangaroo Valley in the New South Wales southern highlands, police said.

Officers were called to the Bendeela camping ground on Saturday and found the dead animals.

Witnesses have told police they saw a white four-wheel drive driving around the area throughout the night but no-one saw the animals being killed.

It is believed they were run over sometime between 9:30pm on Friday and 8:30 the next morning.

Police have appealed for anyone who may have witnessed the incident or has further information to come forward." (
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: jw2170 on September 20, 2015, 09:59:41 AM
What mongrels.....
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: Rumpig on September 20, 2015, 10:51:25 AM
What mongrels.....
that's a touch to polite for my mind...can't type what I want to in relation to a gutless mindless act such as this though. Here's hoping they catch the brain dead turd who did this, and throw the book at them.
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: time on September 20, 2015, 11:05:48 AM
Same thing happened at Bendethra in 2004, they caught that fwit, check the story here (
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: dales133 on September 20, 2015, 01:30:05 PM
Whod run over a wombat?
Just thier cuteness factor alone you'd think no one shooting a koala.
But I bet there's dheads out there that do that to,appalling
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: UIZ733 on September 20, 2015, 02:47:48 PM
This is the work of truly evil, sick and disturbed thugs that do not deserve the privilege of being loose in society. There is no excuse. There would also be little doubt that their attitude to fellow humans would be little different, given the opportunity. One can only hope they are found and locked up for a long time.
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: BaseCamp on September 20, 2015, 02:52:04 PM
That has sickened and saddened me...

And to imagine - that $#@%*  is someone that we will be passing by in the opposite direction at 100 clicks one day...   a killer with such lack of regard for life; or self respect....   
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: jw2170 on September 20, 2015, 02:55:01 PM
that's a touch to polite for my mind...can't type what I want to in relation to a gutless mindless act such as this though. Here's hoping they catch the brain dead turd who did this, and throw the book at them.

What I wanted to say would most likely be deleted...... :-[

They give 4wd drives a bad rep...But they are everywhere, not just in 4wd.....
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: krisandkev on September 20, 2015, 05:53:05 PM
Saw this on another forum and like users there have said, the article refers to a white 4wd being seen driving in the area, nothing to prove it was that vehicle.  Saying it was seen in the area is a very wide statement. Who saw it, where were they?  Surely if there were people camped in the area they would have heard something.   It is all just too sickening to think about.  The offender or offenders would be capable of anything.  Just cruel bad people.  Hope they do catch them.  But as we know, once they go to court their paid mouth piece will put up some story and the magistrate will feel sorry for them and give them a rather hash talking to, that will teach them.....  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.   There is really some bad people about.  >:(  Kevin
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: GeoffA on September 20, 2015, 06:40:37 PM
......once they go to court their paid mouth piece will put up some story and the magistrate will feel sorry for them .....

...self defence??....
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: Trailer Bloke on September 20, 2015, 06:55:51 PM
Fkn maggots some people are just cruel irresponsible dick heads.
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: grc on September 20, 2015, 06:58:43 PM
Fkn maggots some people are just cruel irresponsible dick heads.

X 2
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: Snapman007 on September 20, 2015, 09:45:49 PM
I read this thread this morning and all day I've been trying to think how I'd explain it to my little girl if we stumbled across something like this. Words elude me and my thoughts if I caught them in the act scare me.
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: dales133 on September 20, 2015, 10:04:27 PM
I once saw someone run over a little spotted kiwi,deliberatly..and reported his number plate probably the north islands rarest.
I never did find out what happened to him but its equaly disgusting.
If you willingly take the life of an endangered species I personaly feel you should face worse penalties than murder.
The act itself is worthy of harsh punishment but to deny a species a chance to exist and the opertunity of future generations of enjoying and protecting it is without words.
Its akin to those Islamic state pricks  destroying places like Palmyra when its gone it's gone
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: Wortho on September 21, 2015, 10:55:29 AM
Very sad and makes me feel ashamed to be human when I see stories like this  :-[
I hope they find them so they can be publicly shamed like Cecil the Lion killer where they can't show their faces in public.

These days I always record number plates etc of rowdy groups when out camping after witnessing the aftermath and major damage at a NP out West. Unforunately the offenders disappeared quick smart once they sobered up an realised that they may be held accountable. Incidently the area was subsequently closed by National Parks some time later as was only reachable via 4x4 and was deemed to difficult to manage. I have to wonder if they would have closed it if the Moron's had not trashed it earlier.
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: cmkc051002 on September 21, 2015, 10:59:38 AM
Disgusting, hard to believe human beings could do this to defenceless animals

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: vicandug on September 21, 2015, 11:03:11 AM
Ankles... That is all.
That is lower than the word I would like to use and would no doubt be deleted. 
And I am a lady after all.
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: chisel on September 21, 2015, 11:53:29 AM (
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: gronk on September 21, 2015, 01:15:15 PM
If the witnesses did in fact see this happening, I hope they called 000 right away....the next day is not good enough.

And if you ever ring the police when there is trouble brewing while at camp, and they seem to not have any interest in coming out, mention that you believe there are firearms being discharged....that will usually get them moving.....obviously loud music isn't a police matter !!

Another trick ( especially during the day ) is to get your camera and pretend to take pics of people running amuck ( or actually take the pics )
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: Bird on September 21, 2015, 01:26:29 PM
Quote from: gronk
Another trick ( especially during the day ) is to get your camera and pretend to take pics of people running amuck ( or actually take the pics )

yea let drunk ****wits with the IQ of a lemon think you have photos of them destroying the place... take the chance of your tent being flattened?? I'll pass..
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: gronk on September 21, 2015, 03:33:52 PM
yea let drunk ****wits with the IQ of a lemon think you have photos of them destroying the place... take the chance of your tent being flattened?? I'll pass..

I've done obviously need to assess the people who are playing up....and how many ( if any ) backup you've got ..

I've only done it once, but one time when some young ones were acting like f***wits, I went over and told them I've already taken photos AND they were already uploaded to the cloud and the police had been called ( all bulls**t ) and they were quiet as a mouse for 4hrs and then packed up and left !
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: krisandkev on September 21, 2015, 04:20:01 PM
And if you ever ring the police when there is trouble brewing while at camp, and they seem to not have any interest in coming out, mention that you believe there are firearms being discharged....that will usually get them moving.....obviously loud music isn't a police matter !!

'firearms being discharged'  OMG I do hope you are joking.  In todays environment that is not a good thing to make up. Plus it could actually delay the Police. As soon as a firearm is mentioned the Police must take a different approach and this different approach takes time to organise and be equipped.  So please, do not make up a story like that to Police.  Plus just imagine what it would feel like to get a call like that and you are the one going to that incident.  Not a good feeling believe me.

I still have trouble imagining how any low life could have done this to those poor animals.   But then again there are a lot of these type of low life out there.  Kevin
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: slydar on September 21, 2015, 05:45:37 PM
it gets scarey in remote campgrounds - its not uncommon for people to drive through at all hours of the night just 'looking' - quite unnerving - we used to get them at cotter campground and the campgrounds on the way to Thredbo. one night at samurai beach we almost slept with big iron tent pegs next to our bed after a bout of heckling from some wannabees having a little mini carnival on the beach - fortunately we had made it obvious we were taking photos of their vehicles before we made an impromptu trip out of the campground and back
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: discoteddy on September 21, 2015, 05:59:37 PM
'firearms being discharged'  OMG I do hope you are joking.  In todays environment that is not a good thing to make up. Plus it could actually delay the Police. As soon as a firearm is mentioned the Police must take a different approach and this different approach takes time to organise and be equipped.  So please, do not make up a story like that to Police.  Plus just imagine what it would feel like to get a call like that and you are the one going to that incident.  Not a good feeling believe me.

I still have trouble imagining how any low life could have done this to those poor animals.   But then again there are a lot of these type of low life out there.  Kevin

Well said Kevin, posts such as this add little to the substance of this topic. The comments you have mentioned are all worthy considerations that the responding police will make en route to discovering the FALSE report of the discharge of firearms. Not to mention giving priority to a fictitious job. Just imagine the poor general duties coppers leaving a domestic early due to some fool making a false report of a lunatic shooting up a camp site??????? What the hell.


Disco teddy.
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: gronk on September 21, 2015, 06:00:40 PM
'firearms being discharged'  OMG I do hope you are joking. 

I'm not.....if I was in a position where we were being threatened, and a call to police was taken too lightly, for our safety I'm afraid I would do anything to get some action..
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: KingBilly on September 21, 2015, 06:04:36 PM
And if you ever ring the police when there is trouble brewing while at camp, and they seem to not have any interest in coming out, mention that you believe there are firearms being discharged....that will usually get them moving.....obviously loud music isn't a police matter !!

As others have said, very irresponsible to say firearms are being discharged when they are not.  If anything, it would delay the police response.

At the very worst, it could divert very limited police resources from a more serious incident.

Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: gronk on September 21, 2015, 06:06:15 PM

 due to some fool making a false report of a lunatic shooting up a camp site??????? What the hell.

Disco teddy.

Well, what would you do if there were drunken louts doing doughnuts around your tent with children inside ??

And why did you make the above comment....are you trying to inflame a reply by making stuff up !
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: KingBilly on September 21, 2015, 06:11:23 PM
Well, what would you do if there were drunken louts doing doughnuts around your tent with children inside ??

Call the police and tell them the facts.  Don't make sh!t up.

Obviously you have never been called to an incident involving firearms. But you're obviously happy to have some copper worry if they are going to get home that night after you made up some bullsh!t story.

Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: discoteddy on September 21, 2015, 06:12:43 PM
Well, what would you do if there were drunken louts doing doughnuts around your tent with children inside ??

And why did you make the above comment....are you trying to inflame a reply by making stuff up !

I would grab my precious family and leave the camp site, regardless of the time or what possessions I needed to leave behind. If the situation was bad enough to make false and miss leading reports then its bad enough to leave the place. 

I didn't make anything up, just called it like I saw it.


Disco teddy.
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: gronk on September 21, 2015, 06:27:25 PM

I didn't make anything up, just called it like I saw it.

Disco teddy.

I think you inferred I said something which wasn't what I said !

It's easy to say what others shouldn't do, but some things aren't as clean cut.......what if you yourself had already had 10 beers, so driving out of there wasn't an option ??

I noticed a few getting on the bandwagon and saying what a stupid thing reporting gunfire is, but no ideas of what they would do in the same circumstance ??
Title: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: scarpsD40 on September 21, 2015, 06:30:18 PM
Agree, no need to make false or inaccurate reports, but how about we focus back on the topic now and find the bastards that did this and have ourselves a 'good ol' lynchin'.
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: KingBilly on September 21, 2015, 06:38:10 PM
And if you ever ring the police when there is trouble brewing while at camp, and they seem to not have any interest in coming out, mention that you believe there are firearms being discharged....that will usually get them moving.....obviously loud music isn't a police matter !!

This was your original post which inferred that you should or would exaggerate the severity of the situation to get police to attend quickly when in fact saying firearms are involved would probably slow the police response due to their need to take additional precautions or perhaps call out additional resources.

Well, what would you do if there were drunken louts doing doughnuts around your tent with children inside ??

Then to jusitfy your immature previous comment, you make the above statement.  Unless you were camped in the carpark, most campgrounds I have used, this scenario would not be possible.

But what would I do, firstly call 000 then bundle my kids up and put them in the safety of my own vehicle until police arrived.

Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: gronk on September 21, 2015, 06:51:36 PM

Then to jusitfy your immature previous comment, you make the above statement.  Unless you were camped in the carpark, most campgrounds I have used, this scenario would not be possible.

But what would I do, firstly call 000 then bundle my kids up and put them in the safety of my own vehicle until police arrived.


Immature comment....nah, I'm 56 yrs old !!  :cheers:

You obviously haven't been to many campgrounds....I don't recall any campgrounds that have a carpark ??  In fact I have seen a car doing doughnuts around a tent ( no one was inside ), and I have also been at a campground where a gun has been fired several times, with no phone reception !!

I'd better retract all my previous statements, because I've been shown to be stupid for suggesting I would take any measure necessary for my families safety..
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: Ozoutdoorphoto on September 21, 2015, 07:10:30 PM
There idiots everywhere..I was up at Kroombit Tops on the weekend and there was a group of 4x4 people up there tearing around the park without any consideration to anyone else or anything else. I saw the carcus of at least one animal that was killed by one of these fools.. Probably didn't even know that he hit anything.....and then we wonde why certain areas are closed off.   Fools
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: Ozoutdoorphoto on September 21, 2015, 07:14:26 PM
There idiots everywhere..I was up at Kroombit Tops on the weekend and there was a group of 4x4 people up there tearing around the park without any consideration to anyone else or anything else. I saw the carcus of at least one animal that was killed by one of these fools.. Probably didn't even know that he hit anything.....and then we wonde why certain areas are closed off.   Fools
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: Draggin on September 22, 2015, 06:39:14 PM
I'm with you Scarps, now PLEASE keep it on topic Kingbilly and Gronk - discuss it over a beer at a Myswag meet.
As a wombat orphan carer and having raised 4 orphans to release, I am appalled at this report and I would love to personally be involved in the meting out of an appropriate punishment for the scum culprits.
I'm also disappointed that with seemingly abundant witnesses to the behaviour on the night, that rego numbers or better descriptions have not been reported (I'm hoping that's due to ongoing and short-term investigations).

Cheers all and stay safe out there
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: KingBilly on September 22, 2015, 06:47:02 PM
What, so post can't go off topic on myswag.  Bahahahahaha

Sorry, I will be a better little myswager in future  ;D

Hope they find the culprits and are dealt with by the law and not the vigilante mob on here  ;D

Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: scarpsD40 on September 22, 2015, 07:57:40 PM crack me up.

The culprits would want to hope the police find them first as I suspect the vigilante mob could be vast and many.

ps. No myswaggers were injured in the creation of this thread, but thoughts go out to the 10 innocent wombats that lost their lives due to one ignorant moronic self centred arsehole.
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: gronk on September 22, 2015, 08:28:51 PM
I want to know what brand of 4wd could run over 10 Wombats and be still driveable ??   8)
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: Bird on September 23, 2015, 08:35:24 AM
Quote from: gronk
I want to know what brand of 4wd could run over 10 Wombats and be still driveable ??   8)
well certainly couldn't have been a dual cab LMAO!

probably a GQ....
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: scarpsD40 on September 23, 2015, 09:12:10 AM

well certainly couldn't have been a dual cab LMAO!

probably a GQ....
I was thinking maybe an older model hilux....maybe......tho I hear the Kia Sorrento isn't a bad beast;D
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: KingBilly on September 23, 2015, 09:15:18 AM
I was thinking maybe an older model hilux....maybe......tho I hear the Kia Sorrento isn't a bad beast;D

Bahahahaha, you stirrer.  And what no Dmax sledge?  Or you leaving that up to your tag team buddy?  ;D

Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: scarpsD40 on September 23, 2015, 09:19:55 AM

what no Dmax sledge?  Or you leaving that up to your tag team buddy?  ;D

didn't even enter my mind. All the Dmax people I know like yourself, Nay-Dmax, Knoath, and I'm sure there others would hug a wombat (or swerve to miss) before they tried their 4by against a sump buster;D
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: oldmate on September 23, 2015, 10:53:54 AM
Ok since you called KB :)
Yeah if I had a dmax, I certainly wouldn't want to hit a wombat. Would defiantly break something.
Title: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: scarpsD40 on September 23, 2015, 10:56:45 AM
Ok since you called KB :)
Yeah if I had a dmax, I certainly wouldn't want to hit a wombat. Would defiantly break something.

But I'm still angry about some douchebag killing said wombats, and I hope he/she gets caught, but in the meantime, I'm hearing other preventative measures are being put in place.
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: Beachman on September 23, 2015, 11:41:30 AM
I have to admit living in Brisbane I don’t know much about wombats, but I do know hitting/running over any animal comes with its own pitfalls, but I have been told wombats is one of the animals you really don’t want to hit as it’s like hitting a large rock. So I’m dumfounded why anyone would want to do this over and over.

In regards to the comment by the Witnesses saying they saw a white four-wheel drive driving around that night is a very broad comment. Maybe this 4wd is guilty or maybe they aren’t, but broad comments like that give all 4WD’s a bad name.
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: gronk on September 23, 2015, 12:18:30 PM

In regards to the comment by the Witnesses saying they saw a white four-wheel drive driving around that night is a very broad comment. Maybe this 4wd is guilty or maybe they aren’t, but broad comments like that give all 4WD’s a bad name.

One of the media reports was the witness saw the 4wd running over the who knows what really happened ??

10 Wombats dead..."presumably" run over by a vehicle....and unless someone actually saw it happen, pure speculation as to who or what did it ??
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: GeoffA on September 23, 2015, 12:29:39 PM
....and unless someone actually saw it happen, pure speculation as to who or what did it ??

My money's on Tony Abbott.....
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: oldmate on September 23, 2015, 05:42:28 PM
My money's on Tony Abbott.....

on being a wombat?
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: gronk on September 23, 2015, 06:10:23 PM
If all politicians were wombats, there would have been a give the culprit a medal !!   :cup:
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: GeoffA on September 23, 2015, 06:14:21 PM
on being a wombat?

 ;D ;D
Title: Re: Wombats run over and killed at campground
Post by: dales133 on September 23, 2015, 07:55:09 PM
I took my mum to the otway fly when she was last over from "the old country" and they had a friendly have a hug wombat and thats one big bastard of an animal.
The he proceeds to wrap his knuckles on this bone plate they aparantly have and I was like wtf... strange animals...pretty sure it would take more than a fat boney plated rodent to break an 80 series though????????
I'd joint the lynching mob to hut the  shizenkopf  ashlocks down though