The Off-road Camper Trailer Forum

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: muzza01 on March 01, 2014, 11:01:50 AM

Title: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: muzza01 on March 01, 2014, 11:01:50 AM

On one hand I think she has served enough time in jail for her crime but on the other hand I believe that if you break a law in another country than you suffer the punishment that that country decides.  I think she is as guilty as the rest of her family.

I can't believe how greedy, stupid and selfish the Corby family are.  The Schapelle entourage sideshow are trying to cash in on story at the expense of Schapelle.  The parasite media grubs are trying to sensationalise this whole rock show by promising big $$$ options. I can't believe that after Mercedes has been told twice by the Indonesian Government that Schapelle is not allowed to have an interview with the media that she went to them again this week (the third time since Schapelle was released)  to see if she could have an interview. I imagine the Indonesian Government are getting really pi55ed off with the Corby family.

I didn't realise until last night that it was CH7 who have paid for the private security and the van to take her out of Kerobokan Prison and also pay for the luxury hotel for Schapelle, Mercedes etc.

Are the Corby's really that nieve to think that CH7 don't won't something in return?

Do they think that CH7 actually give a 5hit about Schapelles welfare and are helping out of the kindness of their heart? Didn't CH7 recently deny that they were entering in to an agreement to interview Schapelle? Yeah right .. :angel:

No doubt CH7 are really pushing Mercedes hard to try and convince the Indonesian Goverment to let her have this interview.

I couldn't care less if I never heard of Schapelle again.  If she offends the Indonesian Government with this upcoming show on CH7 and ends back in jail for violating her parole conditions well.... She will get absolutely no sympathy from me. And I am sure CH7 couldn't care less either so long as they get good ratings off the show on Sunday night.

What do you guys think?
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: oldmate on March 01, 2014, 11:06:52 AM

I can't believe how greedy, stupid and selfish the Corby family are.

What do you expect from nothing more than a bunch of drug smuggling bogans

I couldn't care less if I never heard of Schapelle again. 

you and all of Australia both

What do you guys think?

Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Rumpig on March 01, 2014, 11:09:17 AM
a shame she was released early IMHO
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Robbo on March 01, 2014, 11:20:06 AM
From what i have seen and heard of over the years since this event unfolded i think that the Corby family and their followers are totally disfunctional. I don't believe they give a toss about Schapelle but only about the money they can get out of this whole sad event.  >:(
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: D4D on March 01, 2014, 11:20:20 AM
Do you think the Corby's go camping?
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: muzza01 on March 01, 2014, 11:31:05 AM
Do you think the Corby's go camping?

I think they grew up in a van park. ;D
Does that count?
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: ras on March 01, 2014, 11:31:23 AM
Great question d4d.
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: scarps on March 01, 2014, 11:34:23 AM

Do you think the Corby's go camping?
maybe as kids while out watching the crops grow.
Suspect these days it's only 5star
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: RichardK on March 01, 2014, 11:59:01 AM
I for one will not be watching the Ch 7 show, I have little respect for Ch7 in this instance
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: time on March 01, 2014, 12:04:12 PM
As has been said in other places, lets hope it costs 7 millions and they get Zero ratings.

Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: ozmoose on March 01, 2014, 12:08:58 PM
I for one will not be watching the Ch 7 show, I have little respect for Ch7 in this instance

Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Mace on March 01, 2014, 12:14:45 PM
I'm not that interested, it has all become a bit of a circus and a race for the bottom integrity wise for the media. I just wonder, however, how peoples view of the whole thing would change if some time in the future some ex Qantas baggage handler , perhaps in some death bed gesture, owns up to planting the goods?

Media wise, if it wasn't ch7, it would have been 9, and the story would still have been in our faces everyday.
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: edz on March 01, 2014, 12:22:04 PM
The more they carry on in the media about it the better it is to p1ss off the Indo's and get her sent back to the klink for insulting them after they have shown leniency towards  her ....
All they had to do was shut up drop a nice fat envelope on the right persons desk and it would have been bye bye Schappelle have a great life ....
Wonder what odds you could get through the TAB, as to how long it will take them to lock her up again .. ;D
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: MrHorsepower on March 01, 2014, 12:22:18 PM
I really dont give a toss about Schapelle or the rest of the Corbys but am pretty p!ssed about the justice system in Bali/Indonesia in general.
Just how can a country mete out such harsh penalties when they are aware that their law enforcement/judicial process is most likely the most corrupt on the planet... BL00dy  Hypocrites !!!
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: UIZ733 on March 01, 2014, 12:42:53 PM
Convicted Drug Runner. That will never change. Justice has spoken.
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: dobbo on March 01, 2014, 12:51:43 PM
Chappelle who????
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: oldmate on March 01, 2014, 12:56:18 PM
I think they grew up in a van park. ;D
Does that count?

They grew something in a van park, that's for sure
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Jeepers Creepers on March 01, 2014, 01:12:01 PM
In that pic of Mercedes and the ol girl, Mercedes is a dead ringer for an old plough horse.
(check out da teef, as they pronounce it in Corby land))

She could eat a pineapple threw a paling fence.

Sorry to any plough horses that might be offended by the above.
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Kangaron on March 01, 2014, 01:14:53 PM
Care factor = 0
Move along
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: lino6 on March 01, 2014, 01:16:25 PM
Do you think the Corby's go camping?

Think they are waiting for scarps to smuggle them in a chair
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: oldmate on March 01, 2014, 01:32:53 PM
In that pic of Mercedes and the ol girl, Mercedes is a dead ringer for an old plough horse.
(check out da teef, as they pronounce it in Corby land))

She could eat a pineapple threw a paling fence.

Sorry to any plough horses that might be offended by the above.

Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Jeepers Creepers on March 01, 2014, 01:43:42 PM

That's the one oldmate.  :cup:

She's a two bagger, that's for sure.
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Robbo on March 01, 2014, 01:53:08 PM
Hey Oldmate, i think you got the wrong end of a horse for your reference.. ;D ;D
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: McGirr on March 01, 2014, 02:01:36 PM
It does not bother me what they do. Look at chopper read, they made a movie about him and he sold books and made money plus was a criminal who murdered people. So looking at that, and all she did was smuggle drugs in to Bali, as far as I see it they can do what they want.

Is it wrong what she and her family are doing, opinions will be different. If one of the Bali 9 was released and did an interview would there be the same hipe, I don't think so.

People will always go on what is written in the media, the sensational reports and base their judgement and opinions on that.

Each to their own.


Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Black Diamond on March 01, 2014, 02:16:07 PM
Do you think the Corby's go camping?
They do but it's not wood they burn  >:D
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: krisandkev on March 01, 2014, 02:35:58 PM
I think we all know she was no angel. She knew what was in the bag. But if it was not for the media (and her family) she would have been out a long time ago. The Indonesians do have a strange judicial system, remember the mastermind of the Bali bombing was out after 2 ½ years, but everyone knows what to expect if you are caught bringing drugs into that country. Re chopper read, I never saw any of his movies or read any of his books.  I hated the guy, but apparently all of the money he made went to a charity and that is why they did not go after him.
Channel 7 are so wrong in chasing the Corby story up. I am sick of the media attention and will not be watching any show that involves her.   Kevin
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Rumpig on March 01, 2014, 03:25:25 PM
If one of the Bali 9 was released and did an interview would there be the same hipe, I don't think so..........

..........People will always go on what is written in the media, the sensational reports and base their judgement and opinions on that.

couldn't care less about the Bali 9, they knew what they were doing and all deserve whatever happens to them next. i do feel for the father that tried to help his son by going to the police and tipped them off, but his son made his bed, now he has to lie in it.
my opinion of the Corbys comes from people i know that have had "dealings" with them personally, not the media.
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Campa on March 01, 2014, 03:53:23 PM
Channel 7 - Teaching kids that drugs do pay!
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: mrsfirefox on March 01, 2014, 04:27:56 PM
Over the whole saga.......  She needs to do her parole quietly and out of sight.....

I think channel 9's low ratings a couple of weeks ago for the Corby pseudo documentary said it all.  No one really cares anymore.
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Frostd on March 01, 2014, 04:47:13 PM
Ch 7 do not care one iota about what happens to Schapelle after the an interview is aired. They dont care if she goes back to gaol, all they worry about is the ratings.  She new what she was getting herself into, when the boogie board was taken into Bali. She new the laws, she new the penalties. Yes, in Australia, she probably would have got a suspended sentence, but she was in another country with different laws. Tough, do the time. Disappointing to see how much the media is chasing this story.
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: hainess on March 01, 2014, 05:11:26 PM
From somewhere else.

Here is how it is alleged to work with a certain alleged family most definitely not from QLD.

We shall call them… the Borky’s. The Borky’s are alleged to be the second and third generations of a criminal clan most well know for allegedly running a large drug distro empire on the … north coast of NSW. A pretty gronkish bunch, none of them seem to have jobs but oddly enough they all live in houses only serious $$ can buy, and drive cars only serious $$ can buy, and take holidays only serious $$ can buy, and hang out with the social set that only serious $$ can buy too.

One of their daughters, Audi, owns and operates a number of popular surf shops on a place called Delightful Tropical Island Suffering a Ghastly Bogan Infestation. All the expats on Delightful Tropical Island Suffering a Ghastly Bogan Infestation know that the local recreational chemicals are crap quality and a quarter of the local suppliers are working a nice little earner with the local plod (buy from them, get arrested, hand over a lot of $$$, go free) but nothing heavy, just whoopee weed.

Daddy Borky allegedly uses Audi’s surf shops to launder $$ ‘earned’ back home on which regrettably little tax seems to be paid. But Audi is her daddy’s kid, and allegedly sees a nice little earner after a year or so on Delightful Tropical Island Suffering a Ghastly Bogan Infestation. And so a deal is allegedly struck with the Customs folks on Delightful Tropical Island Suffering a Ghastly Bogan Infestation, and members of the completely honest Borky family allegedly do routine milk runs to Delightful Tropical Island Suffering a Ghastly Bogan Infestation on alleged holidays. Oddly enough given that Audi operates surf shops, they routinely take surfing gear with them to Delightful Tropical Island Suffering a Ghastly Bogan Infestation.

One day, one of the daughters, an apprentice Brazilian-style twat-hair wranglers named Chappelli after the great cricketer, is allegedly sent off on her second overseas holiday in a few months to Delightful Tropical Island Suffering a Ghastly Bogan Infestation there to see her loving sister, Audi Borky. She takes with her some alleged surfing gear (which is an odd name for a bag of whoopee weed, but to each their own). Obviously, apprentice Brazilian-style twat-hair wranglers are paid beaucoup $$ and can afford such things on a routine basis. But a problem arises. The normal gentleman (who is a very, very good friend of Audi Borky) from the Customs Service of Delightful Tropical Island Suffering a Ghastly Bogan Infestation misses a phone call from Audi and is not on duty that day and so cannot shepherd her straight through into the loving arms of her sister Audi (complete with alleged surfing gear).

A sad, sad misunderstanding ensures. Chappelli Borky correctly says the whoopee weed is not hers and this is correct, it’s Daddy’s little alleged ‘gift’ to Audi. Meanwhile, Daddy and Audi are ducking and weaving, Chappelli the apprentice Brazilian-style twat-hair wrangler’s gone all sad and weepy, the press is having a field day and the AFP are laughing their arses off at all the fun.

Is this not a nice little entirely fictional fairy story?

Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: greg9000 on March 01, 2014, 05:23:23 PM
The moral of the story is don't name your daughters after cars or famous Australian cricketers :)
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: achjimmy on March 01, 2014, 05:42:29 PM
From somewhere else.

Here is how it is alleged to work with a certain alleged family most definitely not from QLD.

We shall call them… the Borky’s. The Borky’s are alleged to be the second and third generations of a criminal clan most well know for allegedly running a large drug distro empire on the … north coast of NSW. A pretty gronkish bunch, none of them seem to have jobs but oddly enough they all live in houses only serious $$ can buy, and drive cars only serious $$ can buy, and take holidays only serious $$ can buy, and hang out with the social set that only serious $$ can buy too.

One of their daughters, Audi, owns and operates a number of popular surf shops on a place called Delightful Tropical Island Suffering a Ghastly Bogan Infestation. All the expats on Delightful Tropical Island Suffering a Ghastly Bogan Infestation know that the local recreational chemicals are crap quality and a quarter of the local suppliers are working a nice little earner with the local plod (buy from them, get arrested, hand over a lot of $$$, go free) but nothing heavy, just whoopee weed.

Daddy Borky allegedly uses Audi’s surf shops to launder $$ ‘earned’ back home on which regrettably little tax seems to be paid. But Audi is her daddy’s kid, and allegedly sees a nice little earner after a year or so on Delightful Tropical Island Suffering a Ghastly Bogan Infestation. And so a deal is allegedly struck with the Customs folks on Delightful Tropical Island Suffering a Ghastly Bogan Infestation, and members of the completely honest Borky family allegedly do routine milk runs to Delightful Tropical Island Suffering a Ghastly Bogan Infestation on alleged holidays. Oddly enough given that Audi operates surf shops, they routinely take surfing gear with them to Delightful Tropical Island Suffering a Ghastly Bogan Infestation.

One day, one of the daughters, an apprentice Brazilian-style twat-hair wranglers named Chappelli after the great cricketer, is allegedly sent off on her second overseas holiday in a few months to Delightful Tropical Island Suffering a Ghastly Bogan Infestation there to see her loving sister, Audi Borky. She takes with her some alleged surfing gear (which is an odd name for a bag of whoopee weed, but to each their own). Obviously, apprentice Brazilian-style twat-hair wranglers are paid beaucoup $$ and can afford such things on a routine basis. But a problem arises. The normal gentleman (who is a very, very good friend of Audi Borky) from the Customs Service of Delightful Tropical Island Suffering a Ghastly Bogan Infestation misses a phone call from Audi and is not on duty that day and so cannot shepherd her straight through into the loving arms of her sister Audi (complete with alleged surfing gear).

A sad, sad misunderstanding ensures. Chappelli Borky correctly says the whoopee weed is not hers and this is correct, it’s Daddy’s little alleged ‘gift’ to Audi. Meanwhile, Daddy and Audi are ducking and weaving, Chappelli the apprentice Brazilian-style twat-hair wrangler’s gone all sad and weepy, the press is having a field day and the AFP are laughing their arses off at all the fun.

Is this not a nice little entirely fictional fairy story?


Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: briann532 on March 01, 2014, 05:50:40 PM

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE - tell me where I can buy any of your books................

Best read I've had in ages.............

PMSL x 10511235907612398476230496870127698213...........
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Robbo on March 01, 2014, 06:20:01 PM
She sure has missed out on a few important events during her absence.. ;D
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Axl on March 01, 2014, 06:27:47 PM
From somewhere else.

Here is how it is alleged to work with a certain alleged family most definitely not from QLD.

We shall call them… the Borky’s. The Borky’s are alleged to be the second and third generations of a criminal clan most well know for allegedly running a large drug distro empire on the … north coast of NSW. A pretty gronkish bunch, none of them seem to have jobs but oddly enough they all live in houses only serious $$ can buy, and drive cars only serious $$ can buy, and take holidays only serious $$ can buy, and hang out with the social set that only serious $$ can buy too.

One of their daughters, Audi, owns and operates a number of popular surf shops on a place called Delightful Tropical Island Suffering a Ghastly Bogan Infestation. All the expats on Delightful Tropical Island Suffering a Ghastly Bogan Infestation know that the local recreational chemicals are crap quality and a quarter of the local suppliers are working a nice little earner with the local plod (buy from them, get arrested, hand over a lot of $$$, go free) but nothing heavy, just whoopee weed.

Daddy Borky allegedly uses Audi’s surf shops to launder $$ ‘earned’ back home on which regrettably little tax seems to be paid. But Audi is her daddy’s kid, and allegedly sees a nice little earner after a year or so on Delightful Tropical Island Suffering a Ghastly Bogan Infestation. And so a deal is allegedly struck with the Customs folks on Delightful Tropical Island Suffering a Ghastly Bogan Infestation, and members of the completely honest Borky family allegedly do routine milk runs to Delightful Tropical Island Suffering a Ghastly Bogan Infestation on alleged holidays. Oddly enough given that Audi operates surf shops, they routinely take surfing gear with them to Delightful Tropical Island Suffering a Ghastly Bogan Infestation.

One day, one of the daughters, an apprentice Brazilian-style twat-hair wranglers named Chappelli after the great cricketer, is allegedly sent off on her second overseas holiday in a few months to Delightful Tropical Island Suffering a Ghastly Bogan Infestation there to see her loving sister, Audi Borky. She takes with her some alleged surfing gear (which is an odd name for a bag of whoopee weed, but to each their own). Obviously, apprentice Brazilian-style twat-hair wranglers are paid beaucoup $$ and can afford such things on a routine basis. But a problem arises. The normal gentleman (who is a very, very good friend of Audi Borky) from the Customs Service of Delightful Tropical Island Suffering a Ghastly Bogan Infestation misses a phone call from Audi and is not on duty that day and so cannot shepherd her straight through into the loving arms of her sister Audi (complete with alleged surfing gear).

A sad, sad misunderstanding ensures. Chappelli Borky correctly says the whoopee weed is not hers and this is correct, it’s Daddy’s little alleged ‘gift’ to Audi. Meanwhile, Daddy and Audi are ducking and weaving, Chappelli the apprentice Brazilian-style twat-hair wrangler’s gone all sad and weepy, the press is having a field day and the AFP are laughing their arses off at all the fun.

Is this not a nice little entirely fictional fairy story?


I think you have hit the nail right on the head, best laugh I have had in ages thankyou..... BTW how cares about that girl with the aussie cricketers name, not me thats for sure.
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Frostd on March 01, 2014, 07:03:15 PM
Rod, that was a nice little read. I believe, I may have read something similar many years ago, about the same time she went into custody. ;)
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: mrdenn1s on March 01, 2014, 07:11:36 PM
Got caught

Got 20 years

Drug smugglers deserve everything they get
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Moggy on March 01, 2014, 07:32:06 PM
( (

Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: speewa158 on March 01, 2014, 07:34:41 PM
just scrolled this for the pics , the rest doesn't matter to me  :cheers:
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: berlitza on March 01, 2014, 08:31:44 PM
Dont really care but that Mercedes is one goofy beatch easily misunderstood women  ;D
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: kylarama on March 01, 2014, 08:48:48 PM
surely a photo shoot for Zoo magazine is on the cards...
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: fishfinder on March 02, 2014, 07:13:35 AM
I feel for Schapelle she would wish she have served her full sentence in prison rather than having to live with that raving lunatic for the next couple of years -- no crime is bad enough for that type of punishment 
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Black Diamond on March 02, 2014, 07:53:23 AM
surely a photo shoot for Zoo magazine is on the cards...
Lol you talking about Mercedes?? You mean Zoology  >:D
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: oldmate on March 02, 2014, 07:57:46 AM
surely a photo shoot for Zoo magazine is on the cards...

They did it yesterday

Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: kylarama on March 02, 2014, 08:04:31 AM
Lol you talking about Mercedes?? You mean Zoology  >:D

Bacon Busters...
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: johnno48 on March 02, 2014, 08:56:09 AM
Ch 7should be ashamed of themselves for promoting a convicted criminal to hero status
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: D4D on March 02, 2014, 09:04:49 AM
Ch 7should be ashamed of themselves for promoting a convicted criminal to hero status

What about Ned Kelly ::)
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: muzza01 on March 02, 2014, 09:57:11 AM
surely a photo shoot for Zoo magazine is on the cards...

What about Ralph magazine?

Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: kylarama on March 02, 2014, 10:00:34 AM
What about Ralph magazine?

Too classy for her. >:D
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Moggy on March 02, 2014, 11:21:48 AM
Or should that be raaaaaaaaaaaalph

Sent from my XT905 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Black Diamond on March 02, 2014, 12:33:53 PM
What about Ralph magazine?

LOL :cup: :cup:
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Thawed on March 03, 2014, 06:24:23 AM
I woke this morning for the early ch7 news at 5.30am and guess what? 

The lead story was not that there is gonna be a war in Ukraine, not that the Aussie Cricketers are kicking the world champions butt, not that there is a devastating fire in a coal mine in Vic!!!

These stories are not considered by ch7 as being as important as more and more tripe about SC. 

I switched channels.

Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Bird on March 03, 2014, 08:53:02 AM
( can't believe how greedy, stupid and selfish the Corby family are.
Look at that photo and think again..
they been hanging in there like stink on Shit for the big payday from day 1....

interesting the model that was caught a few weeks later with speed, managed to pay the bribe cash and there were no charges, and she was home a week later.
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Robbo on March 03, 2014, 08:56:02 AM
What zoo was that photo taken at Lost??  ;D ;D
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Bird on March 03, 2014, 09:23:24 AM

Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Robbo on March 03, 2014, 10:22:29 AM
Yep! I can see the resemblance.  ;D ;D
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: wilson79 on March 03, 2014, 11:33:39 AM
Found this Pic today of Mercedes relaxing after her sisters release. ;D
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Bird on March 03, 2014, 12:03:18 PM
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Bird on March 03, 2014, 12:09:32 PM
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Bird on March 03, 2014, 12:20:38 PM
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: SteveandViv on March 03, 2014, 12:31:05 PM

Gold :cup:
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: bobnrob on March 03, 2014, 07:10:27 PM
While people keep disgussing it, the circus will continue to roll   ::)

interesting the model that was caught a few weeks later with speed, managed to pay the bribe cash and there were no charges, and she was home a week later.

Also helped that she swore every which way to sunday that she was a devout muslim!  (
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: t303 on March 03, 2014, 08:29:51 PM
While people keep disgussing it, the circus will continue to roll   ::)

Also helped that she swore every which way to sunday that she was a devout muslim!  (

That would be every which way to FRIDAY!    ;D
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Black Diamond on March 03, 2014, 08:34:45 PM
Found this Pic today of Mercedes relaxing after her sisters release. ;D
Thats piss funny :cup: :cup: :cheers:
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Nomad on March 03, 2014, 08:43:24 PM
Mercedes A Class


Mercedes B Class


Mercedes No Class

Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: olddigger on March 04, 2014, 01:57:10 AM
Oh dear, the penalty for not listening ( from Monday late-night coverage):

An angry looking Indonesian justice minister indicated late on Monday night that he may revoke Schapelle Corby’s parole after watching the Seven Network’s documentary about her release.
Minister Amir Syamsuddin did not even wait for a question from a small group of journalists at his office before saying: “I am waiting for a complete report from the Bali Corrections Board, and in the meantime I'd like to announce that there's a possibility I will revoke Corby's parole.”
The Indonesian government explicitly warned the Corby family that Schapelle should not do a post-release interview, but the story on Channel Seven’s Sunday Night program, which was simply called Schapelle, went ahead anyway using candid footage of Corby and an interview with her sister, Mercedes.

Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Robbo on March 04, 2014, 03:56:04 AM
Oh dear, the penalty for not listening ( from Monday late-night coverage):

An angry looking Indonesian justice minister indicated late on Monday night that he may revoke Schapelle Corby’s parole after watching the Seven Network’s documentary about her release.
Minister Amir Syamsuddin did not even wait for a question from a small group of journalists at his office before saying: “I am waiting for a complete report from the Bali Corrections Board, and in the meantime I'd like to announce that there's a possibility I will revoke Corby's parole.”
The Indonesian government explicitly warned the Corby family that Schapelle should not do a post-release interview, but the story on Channel Seven’s Sunday Night program, which was simply called Schapelle, went ahead anyway using candid footage of Corby and an interview with her sister, Mercedes.


Yep! as has been mentioned before, the whole family is totally disfunctional. They are only interested in what money they can get out of this whole sad affair and don't seem to give a toss about Schapelle. She's just collateral damage to them. It is like a circus. 
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Malcolm Tugless on March 04, 2014, 05:36:04 AM
Yep! as has been mentioned before, the whole family is totally disfunctional. They are only interested in what money they can get out of this whole sad affair and don't seem to give a toss about Schapelle. She's just collateral damage to them. It is like a circus.

My sentiments too. Regardless of people thoughts on her guilt and sentencing, this young lady has spent the better part of a decade behind bars. Her family and those closest to her (hi channel 7) primary concern should be about getting her assimilated back into society.

She's done her time and she needs to be given time to make up for the lost time ... if you know what I mean.

Anyway, I see no reason for her continued vilification through social media.

Its time for her and everyone else to move on. I hope she's given the chance.

Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Bird on March 04, 2014, 07:28:50 AM
Yep! as has been mentioned before, the whole family is totally disfunctional. They are only interested in what money they can get out of this whole sad affair and don't seem to give a toss about Schapelle. She's just collateral damage to them. It is like a circus.
agree.. but chuck her back inside... I need some new meme's to post.
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: shakey55 on March 04, 2014, 10:43:19 AM
We'll said OLDMATE

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Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: shakey55 on March 04, 2014, 10:44:44 AM
We'll spotted Jeepers Creepers

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Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: shakey55 on March 04, 2014, 10:49:37 AM
Is this the before or after shot of Schapelle


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Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: gibbo301 on March 04, 2014, 11:23:56 AM
Is this the before or after shot of Schapelle


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No thats Mercedes  ;D
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Rumpig on March 04, 2014, 11:57:03 AM
She's done her time and she needs to be given time to make up for the lost time ... if you know what I mean
when she's finished parole she'll have done her time, up until then she has strict conditions she needs to adhere to, which her or at the very least her family, don't seem to care about
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: lino6 on March 04, 2014, 12:21:20 PM
Her and her family may feel hard done by, but the maximum penalty for drugs over there is death. Surely even the most bogan of bogans could see that what she got could have been worse. Her family would have made FA if they had have put her in front of the firing squad or something like that... Think its time to shut it down, let her serve the rest of her time and not throw a party for her when/if she comes back to Australia.
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Robbo on March 04, 2014, 06:22:17 PM
Geeze! The Corby family must be the family from hell. All their carry on, which is purely money orientated, may have cost Schapelle her freedom and almost cost her her life according to this article today. The circus continues.. they are f**king unbelievable. (

Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: muzza01 on March 04, 2014, 07:00:39 PM
Channel seven is just as greedy as her family. Did anyone watch the Sunday show? Any good?
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: dazzler on March 04, 2014, 08:37:40 PM
I feel sorry for her. She was stupid, got caught and her family have made her life hell.  She is obviously suffering mentally.

No sympathy for her bogan family though.

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Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Rumpig on March 04, 2014, 09:20:04 PM
Did anyone watch the Sunday show? Any good?
didn't watch a single second of the show, the advertising of it was more then i wished to see.
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: SteveandViv on March 04, 2014, 10:45:33 PM
With family like that, who needs enemies. She has no idea what is going on. The family don't give a rats about her, only the money. Poor form I reckon. >:(
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: KIMBOPRADO on March 05, 2014, 12:03:50 AM
While people keep disgussing it, the circus will continue to roll   ::)

Also helped that she swore every which way to sunday that she was a devout muslim!  (

Also helped her fiancé's family at the time has $$$$$
 ;D (
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: jkwpajero on March 05, 2014, 08:24:36 AM
Everything this family does and says is solely aimed at publicity and milking it for all it is worth. They are the Australians from hell and Ch7 is backing them like a circus act. Eventually it will fade away but I fear that there is enough public interest in the story to feed the media animal for a while yet. Mores the pity. Public anger about the whole charade will be the only way to end it.

Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Vk3bq on March 05, 2014, 09:44:33 AM
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Bird on March 05, 2014, 09:59:15 AM

Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Vk3bq on March 05, 2014, 10:05:53 AM
Yes. Slow. Not lost
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: shakey55 on March 05, 2014, 05:21:00 PM

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Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: oldmate on March 05, 2014, 06:53:20 PM

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ROFPMSL  :cup:
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: still_riding on March 06, 2014, 12:29:44 PM
Mercedes A Class


Mercedes B Class


Mercedes Bogan Class



While on that, I wonder if Mercedes-Benz Daimler AG have sent a letter of demand (or whatever that CT company sent for her to stop using their name, as she makes the brand look bad?
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: lilstookie on March 07, 2014, 06:16:36 PM
If my family were in dire straits and there was no alternative, I would give the whole drug thing a go. What's the worst that could happen......I could make millions......go to jail for 10 years.......or get caught , go to jail and make millions when I got out......I don't make that kinda money in a lifetime so crime does pay .....right ?

Sent from my fingertips using my brain
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: edz on March 08, 2014, 10:51:49 AM
Ohh you blokes !!!!   stop it I'm supposed to be a grumpy old b*sterd ..... How can I be a grumpy o"l  pr*ck when you blokes make me laugh so much it brings tears to my eyes ... :cup:
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: briann532 on March 08, 2014, 01:20:56 PM
Ohh you blokes !!!!   stop it I'm supposed to be a grumpy old b*sterd ..... How can I be a grumpy o"l  pr*ck when you blokes make me laugh so much it brings tears to my eyes ... :cup:

I can fix that easy.... (

 ;D ;D ;D

No, no don't thank me, its just part of the service....... :angel:
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: edz on March 08, 2014, 02:02:25 PM
Yeahhh good onya !!!  ;D
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Diesel Power on March 08, 2014, 09:19:56 PM
Yeah leave Schapelle in the clink and throw the sister in for good measure until the end of her sentence.
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: oldmate on March 09, 2014, 08:49:22 AM
in jail, its any port in a storm, its only gotta get wet....

I love this forum, so much first hand experience  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: muzza01 on March 09, 2014, 12:22:33 PM
I love this forum, so much first hand experience  ;D ;D ;D
Yep; sometimes a picture is worth 13 words. That description left an awful mental picture. ;D
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: JD-120 on April 08, 2014, 11:16:29 AM
one drug mule's word against another. I know who I believe. (
Title: Re: SCHAPELLE CORBY - WTF - your point of view.
Post by: Bird on April 08, 2014, 11:22:38 AM
one drug mule's word against another. I know who I believe. (
