The Off-road Camper Trailer Forum

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: rockman on August 01, 2011, 08:15:27 PM

Title: Classifieds
Post by: rockman on August 01, 2011, 08:15:27 PM
The classified's / for sale section  !

Is it just me at the moment or is just the way that the forum is going , someone puts up a camper for sale , next post is someone saying that theirs mate's , brother's, uncle brought one in better nick for alot cheaper just the other day .If it's not that , it's someone commenting about the quality , the tent , oh it hasn't got this or it hasn't got that , oh I seen one on ebay for cheaper   CRAP !. >:D >:D >:(

Why cant people that keep their comments to themselves unless they are genuine about looking at the trailer ?.
Is it just to get their post count up , to make themselves look more knowledgeable , to try and get some status place within the forum.

On some other forums they do not allow anyone to comment at all in regards to the classifieds , I can see why , the way things seem to be going .

Anyway , I crawl back under my rock now .           
Title: Re: Classifieds
Post by: singo-26 on August 01, 2011, 08:21:53 PM
I agree rockman. Positive comments or questions are OK, but there seems to be a lot of negative comments at the moment
Title: Re: Classifieds
Post by: Duchess on August 01, 2011, 08:39:32 PM
I agree, rockman.

I moderate a forum that has classifieds as well and we don't allow any general comments on the ads. The only thing we really allow are people letting the seller know that they have sent a pm about the product for sale or to ask a question that hasn't been clearly answered by the seller. Anything else is either deleted, split off to another topic (usually to off topic) or we ask the members to keep their comments inline with our sales policy.

If the moderators here would like any further info on our websites sales policies, I would be more than happy to share them with them.
Title: Re: Classifieds
Post by: Bird on August 01, 2011, 08:58:01 PM
This subject has been done many times...

But which particular thread are you talking about this time....

you can press the button 'Report to moderator'... remember they may not have a chance to check every single thread.

I like the idea of no replies in posts, PM's for all info
Title: Re: Classifieds
Post by: Teabag on August 01, 2011, 09:04:45 PM
If you see this sort of stuff, report it and we (the moderators) will take appropriate action..... :police:
Title: Re: Classifieds
Post by: Burnsy on August 01, 2011, 09:23:23 PM
People should keep the negative to themselves but it would be a shame to loose the ability to post replies in the for sale section just because of a few.  It is benefitial when someone asks a legitamate question that someone else may also want to know the answer to.
Title: Re: Classifieds
Post by: Crisp Image on August 02, 2011, 04:23:46 AM
forgive me if I am wrong but when you send a PM the person who receives it gets an email saying so. So why post "PM sent"?
Agree that questions should be asked in open forum if it is relevant but the post that says that's a good price you should sell at that or any other comment be it neg or pos should be left untyped.
My opinion at 04:23hrs
Crisp Image
Title: Re: Classifieds
Post by: darren on August 02, 2011, 05:05:50 AM
. So why post "PM sent"?

I hear you. Why would you post that???? why do we need to know

PM sent..
Title: Re: Classifieds
Post by: Duchess on August 02, 2011, 08:37:10 AM
I don't really know why people post that they have sent a pm in the for sale section. I can only think it is one way to let others know as well that there has been interest in the item. Other than that, unless you have changed the preferences to have the email sent when a pm is sent, then as the seller you wouldn't know. I think too that sellers tend to read the thread first before their messages. (This only is my experience on the other forum, which also runs different software to this one.)
Title: Re: Classifieds
Post by: Teabag on August 02, 2011, 08:44:11 AM
The reason for PM sent could be as simple as people have several email accounts with not all monitored closely. I have 3 email accounts (including work). If PM sent is posted people know to check their email account. At the end of the day, does it really hurt or impact on anyone? :cheers:
Title: Re: Classifieds
Post by: Gunna Do on August 02, 2011, 12:13:14 PM
Couldn't agree more about the negative comments on the classified threads, and this could probably flow through to members individual vehicle and camper threads.  If you're not keen to read all the details about the work which someone has done to their camper or vehicle, or if you haven't got anything good to say then keep it to yourself.  If you have a negative comment or opinion about something then start your own thread and voice your opinion there.

The "PM sent" post I am in favour of, as it notifies the OP to check his Personal Message list, it lets others know others are interested in the item, it sets up a form of pecking order for the purchase if the sale to the first person falls through, and it also bumps the thread which I'm sure any seller would be keen on.

I don't have my account settings set up to send E-mail notifications on receipt of PMs, and whilst most times I receive a "Pop-up" notification of a new PM received when I open a page of the forum, on the odd occasion I do not receive this pop-up and also do not get the unread PM number indicated in the main tool bar.

As the Moderators have indicated, use the "Report to moderator" tab at the bottom of the negative or unliked post, and let them make a decision on its contents.
Title: Re: Classifieds
Post by: gronk on August 02, 2011, 12:40:43 PM
I have left a negative comment once.....because I believed the seller was trying to sell something that didn't match what he was posting up..

I think the right of reply should be left in, but by all means have it moderated..
Title: Re: Classifieds
Post by: Bird on August 26, 2011, 10:33:33 AM
its still happening today... EG: the awning gig...
Title: Re: Classifieds
Post by: D4D on August 26, 2011, 10:34:35 AM
If you want to make a comment ask a question do it by PM, it is not that hard.
Title: Re: Classifieds
Post by: jtraf on August 26, 2011, 03:43:07 PM
I always enjoy the "BUT I CAN GET IT FOR 50% LESS THAN YOU ARE ASKING FOR" line......

If that were true why waste my time and yours posting it........go buy it elsewhere.......

PM's all the way and keep the negative comments to yourself....