The Off-road Camper Trailer Forum

General => Introductions => Topic started by: stormrider on March 30, 2011, 05:23:30 AM

Title: hello from switzerland
Post by: stormrider on March 30, 2011, 05:23:30 AM
i'm a swiss camper and i hope you understand my english.

my camping career started as a baby in a caravan. as teenager i used different tents. in the last years we travelled with small expedition tents, slept in the car or could use my fathers caravan. to travel with our little 2yo daughter the tent is not comfortable enough and the caravan is somehow too big. in the internet and in a german offroad magazin i found 3dog campers. i liked this "system". in europe this type of camping is not very common. in switzerland there is not a single vendor. since the beginnig of this year there are three different vendors in germany.

in january we drove to a camping fair in stuttgart and a few weeks later we ordered our camper trailer. it's a ( i think the tent is coming from customline. it'll be mounted on a german onroad trailer. i hope that i can get it in the beginning of may.

our camp in 1973
Title: Re: hello from switzerland
Post by: darren on March 30, 2011, 05:48:04 AM
G'Day Mate and welcome..
Title: Re: hello from switzerland
Post by: Gunna Do on March 30, 2011, 05:49:33 AM
Welcome to Myswag.  We probably don't reallise how lucky we are in Australia with the range of campers we have to choose from.  I'm sure your new camper will serve your family well.  May won't take long to come around.
Title: Re: hello from switzerland
Post by: GGV8Cruza on March 30, 2011, 06:04:12 AM
Welcome to the Forum, hope you enjoy the new camper when its all together

Title: Re: hello from switzerland
Post by: bobnrob on March 30, 2011, 06:16:07 AM
Welcome aboard stormrider, had no trouble reading your 'english' mate :)

You've certainly got the same bug we have here - camping. Doesn't matter how you do it, as long as you're doing it :)
Not many manufacturers there? Could be a golden opportunity to start a new business & trend.

Hope the wait for your new 'toy' isn't too long, & look forward to your reports using it, & seeing your countryside adventures.
Title: Re: hello from switzerland
Post by: Snow on March 30, 2011, 06:20:52 AM
G'day stormrider and welcome to Myswag.  :cheers:
Title: Re: hello from switzerland
Post by: Black Diamond on March 30, 2011, 12:02:45 PM
Gday Stormrider and welcome to Myswag  :cheers:

Sounds like your quiet an adventurer  :cheers:

Look forward to seeing and hearing some of your adventures :cheers:

cheers John ;D
Title: Re: hello from switzerland
Post by: Bushman on March 30, 2011, 02:56:21 PM
Welcome DownUnder Stormrider  :cheers:
Title: Re: hello from switzerland
Post by: randan on March 30, 2011, 03:04:17 PM
Gday Stormrider

Welcome to MySwag. I've actually done some camping in your lovely country, some years back the missus and I spent 12 months touring all over Europe in a campervan (small Bedford van actually) and we spent about 3 weeks in Switzerland around May a great time of the year there ..... an absolutely beautiful country. We're actually back there this July and looking forward to it, but not camping this time visiting friends in Zug. Have fun with your new camper I'm sure it will create a lot of discussion when you pull-up and set-up camp.

Title: Re: hello from switzerland
Post by: Heiny on March 31, 2011, 05:28:00 AM
Hi Stormrider and welcome to My Swag, I hope you enjoy your new camper when it arrives in May. Do you have more pics of you camping around Switzerland ???
Title: Re: hello from switzerland
Post by: griz066 on March 31, 2011, 06:29:37 AM
Welcome to My Swag Stormrider :cheers:

Oh and we have a saying around here :worthles:
Title: Re: hello from switzerland
Post by: speewa158 on March 31, 2011, 06:34:52 AM
Stormrider Welcome To MySwag it great to see the spread of CT users growing , We would love to see the pics when you can  :cheers:
Title: Re: hello from switzerland
Post by: rescue1 on March 31, 2011, 08:08:20 PM
Welcome stormrider I'm sure you'll be able to pick up a fair pit of information here, I know I have. I'm just wondering how many other "Australian" forums are in fact multi-national. I think its great that we have members on at least 3 continents...
Title: Re: hello from switzerland
Post by: stormrider on April 01, 2011, 05:43:13 AM
thanks for the welcome

some of you asked for pics. here a 1st one. it shows me and my brother in 1978 winter camping at lenk.

Title: Re: hello from switzerland
Post by: NewcastleKnight on April 01, 2011, 06:11:11 AM
GD, that's camping in the snow!  :D
Title: Re: hello from switzerland
Post by: Gunna Do on April 01, 2011, 06:16:39 AM
GD, that's camping in the snow!  :D

Bit more than just a dusting of the white stuff NK.  Are they caravans under there?
Title: Re: hello from switzerland
Post by: NewcastleKnight on April 01, 2011, 06:18:19 AM
Bit more than just a dusting of the white stuff NK.  Are they caravans under there?

Most certainly
Title: Re: hello from switzerland
Post by: stormrider on April 03, 2011, 12:59:46 AM
Bit more than just a dusting of the white stuff NK.  Are they caravans under there?

yes, there are

1981 - my parents on the top of our caravan

1980 - my mom in front of the door
Title: Re: hello from switzerland
Post by: Rasmus on April 03, 2011, 08:18:15 AM
hey Sturm reiten, sieht es wie verrückt, mit all dem Schnee. daran erinnern, dass 1978 ein sehr harten Winter in Dänemark war, freue ich würde hier herunter kommen downunder mieten ein Wohnmobil und geht hier in der Nähe ist so schön, entschuldigen Sie meine schlechte Deutsch, habe es nicht mehr als 15 Jahren verwendet. Rasmus.
Title: Re: hello from switzerland
Post by: ralphedward on April 03, 2011, 08:24:37 PM
hey Sturm reiten, sieht es wie verrückt, mit all dem Schnee. daran erinnern, dass 1978 ein sehr harten Winter in Dänemark war, freue ich würde hier herunter kommen downunder mieten ein Wohnmobil und geht hier in der Nähe ist so schön, entschuldigen Sie meine schlechte Deutsch, habe es nicht mehr als 15 Jahren verwendet. Rasmus.

Yeah, what he said --- I think!!!!!!!!!

I knocked back a job at Pilatus there about 8 years ago and I'm still kicking myself for it.  Enjoy your stay on this site stormrider but most of all enjoy the camping experience.

Title: Re: hello from switzerland
Post by: Wandering Tassie on April 05, 2011, 05:59:09 PM
Hi and welcome to My Swag. I actually enjoy camping in the cold..........but not that cold.

Title: Re: hello from switzerland
Post by: kranky al on April 05, 2011, 09:40:55 PM
Hallo und willkommen zum "myswag" von Al und Sarah. Die Leute hier sind sehr freundlich und asserordentlich hilfsbereit.
Title: Re: hello from switzerland
Post by: BigJules on April 12, 2011, 10:31:49 PM
G'day & Welcome.