Author Topic: soft roader 4wd on fraser  (Read 14273 times)

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Re: soft roader 4wd on fraser
« Reply #25 on: August 17, 2010, 05:56:41 PM »
Bastards, I hate you all...

No, actually, it's jealousy I am feeling...

My wife won't let me go to Fraser Island. She and her first husband (now deceased) honeymooned at Kingfisher and that has spoilt her for even being on the Island... The last time I was on Fraser, I was 16 (some 22 years ago now), for the Christmas/New Years period.

It's about time I went back and, with the Prado and camper trailer (with dunny and shower), would be well prepared to spend a week on the Island. Would likely camp on the ocean side, and the last time we camped there, we camped 5.6kilometres north of Eurong. (The Northern, less signposted entrance to Lake Wabby was just down the beach a little way)

Now, every time I even think about mentioning going there, it's a discussion I just don't want to have. And please don't suggest I go myself... That aint happening, either!

Instead I shall live vicariously through these posts, dreaming of the day...

Offline BigBlock1DT6

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Re: soft roader 4wd on fraser
« Reply #26 on: August 17, 2010, 06:02:07 PM »
Your Misses is a Mechanic...!!!??

How cool is that.  Although does that mean she does the oil chages and you vacume the house...?
Don't they all try and have us do the house work lol
these days she works as an accountant, and touching a spanner OMG, "I might break a nail"
that is all i get from her these days lol when it comes to services on the vehicles 8)
The sign saying, "Do Not Overtake turning Vehicle", means I am trying to tell you to have a Nice Day :)