Kings from 4wdsupacentre. so pls add Kings.
Brother has a Ridge Rider (aka Evakool) Pls add that if it isn't there, thanks.
(just bought my 45L Kings and arrived today actually!
Was Techniice but never again. I learn.

Two of the same, both failed and
never went off road or on road for that matter with
The first one bought new I ran intermittently to keep solder flux cool and some soft drinks
for load. Died not long out of warranty. If I knew my rights then I would have pushed back.
Second one was bought used but worked well for a year until just the other day I noticed
the temp was wrong. On further investigation it wasn't working properly. After a cleanout
(nothing special but turned off to do it) it won't work at all. Rubbish Domus compressors.
The Kings has a Secop and they flog that point. So it's cheap but tested only 2 hours ago
and (temp probe inside and stopwatch) got down to 0 degrees in just over 27 minutes.
It's quiet too. I sat within a metre of it but couldn't hear a thing. Eh, what's that?
Hooked up to an ammeter it sucked 5.5A at one stage but settled down to around 4.1A.
I will set this at 3 degrees as per Brad at 4wdsupacentre and see how it goes. Gotta run
it while the 2 year warranty is in, not sit in the shed waiting for the next camping trip.
So I'll vote for Kings but next fridge will be either an Evakool or Bushman; both Aussie,, both
get good reviews, especially the Bushman.
If this is the wrong thread for this somewhat whingy post, I do apologise folks.