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ust checking in,gothere at last

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--- Quote from: rodoricho on October 28, 2023, 04:23:16 PM ---THANKS EVERYONE, just got to work out how to answer everyone and find out info on subjects that are relevant
 to subject at hand.

BEEN TRYING TO FIND SOME SHOCKERS that are compatible with the 244 085 shocks that are standard fitting ' anyone got some subjections??

I have a bit off work to-do on mine to make it good but time is only my enemy sometimes.   8)

--- End quote ---

Did you make any progress on this? I'm a bit slow catching up on a few posts. My solution would be to pull one of the shocks off and check the open and closed 'eye to eye' measurements and go from there; as often various other vehicle/RV shocks can be used. 
Is it a case of you know the current shocks are defective or do you have other issues?


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