The Trader > Showroom Floor
Security Cables, Server fund sale
I am supplying security cables produced from 316 Stainless Steel cabling which can either be plain wire or clear or white plastic coated wire depending on your use. The cables can be made in any length and a copper swage hold the loop in the end.
All loops are made so that they can pass through each other enabling you to be able to loop the end around a suitable anchoring point or use a padlock
The prices below are current and if you require anything longer or for a specific need please send me a PM and we can see what can be made
Package Deals
Deal 6.0
1x 5m s/s plastic coated cable with pass through ends
1x 1m s/s plastic coated cable with pass through ends
1 x canvas storage bag
$50.00 plus postage
Deal 16.0
1x 10m s/s plastic coated cable with pass through ends
1 x 5m s/s plastic coated cable with pass through ends
1 x 1m s/s plastic coated cable with pass through ends
1 x canvas storage bags
$90.00 plus postage
Canvas 6.0 Ultimate Pack
1 x 5m s/s plastic coated cable with pass through ends
1 x 1m s/s plastic coated cable with pass through ends
1 x 5m Solar extension cable
1 x canvas storage bags with double pocket
$100.00 plus postage
Canvas 16.0 Ultimate Pack
1x 10m s/s plastic coated cable with pass through ends
1 x 5m s/s plastic coated cable with pass through ends
1 x 1m s/s plastic coated cable with pass through ends
1 x 5m Solar extension cable
1 x canvas storage bags with double pocket
$140.00 plus postage
A choice of colours is now available, retro white is back in stock
Canvas Bags
Also available are these great storage bags which come in random colours depending on my supplier
$18.00 plus postage
Canvas bags with Double pocket
Canvas bag with a double pocket, one side for your security cables and the other for the solar extension, Velcro flap for closure. Note: bags come in various colours depending on my supplier.
$36.00 plus postage
Hound Cables
Do you have a four legged friend that you take camping and you need to keep them secure at times. I have just introduced the hound cable which in standard length is 5m long main line with plastic coated 3.2mm stainless steel wire with 1.5m running tether line which slides along the main 5m line which has a brass clip attached to one end with a double crimp for extra strength.
The other end of the cable has a pass through end which can be looped around a solid object and then passed back through the loop
Of course custom lengths are also available and if you require a run I could make a standard stainless steel cable which could be pinned to the ground at either end, with a shortened one of these attached
The price for the 5m cable is $35.00 plus postage. Please PM me for custom lengths
Fridge security
Pricing on request as it depends on the size of the fridge
Solar extension Cables
4.59mm2 extension cable, 5.0m long with genuine Anderson plugs and covers on either ends. One grab handle supplied to one end
$35.00 plus postage for a complete 5.0m run, other lengths available
Recovery mat Cables
Maxtrax, Tred security cables. 2 x 500mm clear plastic coated cables to keep them safe.
MySwag deal. $25 posted anywhere in Australia.
Please note:
• if you need a specific length of cable ensure you let me know, I am normally generous with my measuring and you will get a little more than you have requested
• All cables and bags are hand made in Australia
• All cables are guaranteed for life when used in normal conditions
ORDER DETAILS (please use as template and PM me)
Cables required-
Email address-
Full Name-
Postal address-
Hi Garrick,
They look really good! I'd like to see what you would use a 305m long cable for!
I may have a slight suggestion for you, if you'd be interested? My old man used to make us up cables just like these as bike locks when we were in school. To stop the stainless rope knocking paint off or hurting the helmets, he'd run the rope through some clear PVC airline - kind of like a thicker version of what you use with aquarium air pumps. Worked really well, and was easier to handle. It certainly didn't add any strength of the cable, but just made it much more user friendly.
Good luck with the endeavour - I'm sure you'll have a bunch of orders in no time as I know if I had expensive solar panels, I'd want to ensure that they couldn't just go walkabout.
Good luck!
Matto :)
--- Quote from: Matto on June 29, 2010, 10:28:47 AM ---I'd like to see what you would use a 305m long cable for!
--- End quote ---
The wife :o
--- Quote from: D4D on June 29, 2010, 10:35:54 AM ---The wife :o
--- End quote ---
Depends on the length of the kitchen! ;D
If there is some intrest in plastic coated wire I can source some 3.2mm and swage the ends as above, costs would be around the same as above, PM me for a quote.
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