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Myswag's Bank Balance
Figures have been updated Folks ;D
Now I won't name him as I have already been in touch with him privately to express our thanks and absolute gratitude for his generosity but there is a certain Swagger who has been donating weekly over the past few weeks and has donated a significant amount towards the Server Fees. To you Swagger, thank you again :cup:. That means we now have 3 Swaggers who make regular payments to the Server Fund (2 Swaggers do it Monthly and this latest Swagger weekly). Thank you gentlemen, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I hope 2021 is kicking off ok for everyone. It is my absolute hope that 2021 doesn't say to 2020, hold my beer!
I am once again up to date with the figures Folks. Thank you so very much to everyone who has been donating to the server fund and/or purchasing merchandise - your support is truly wonderful and wonderous :cup: :cup: :cup:
Brett has been in touch with Firefox (our resident Tech Guru) as we have been advised by our current server host that our server hardware is at end of life so we are looking at swapping over to something else. This will hopefully also bring down the server costs as current costs are quite frankly killing us :'( :'( :'(
I am so sorry that it has been so long between updates - has been hectic (as it always is) here at HQ - I am working permanent night shift, have been studying externally and doing one prac day for my study each week as well as trying to keep up with normal Wife, Mother, Daughter, Friend stuff.
It is so great to see new Members registering each week! Brett, myself and the kids are hoping to organise a little mini break some time in the not too distant future (just trying to get leave approved for the same time as each other) so hopefully that comes to fruition.
I hope everyone is doing OK.
Take Care X
I have finally caught up the figures again Folks. Since the 7th of March a total of $762.19 was put into the Server Fund either via donation or purchase of Merchandise - thank you Swaggers!!! You are all truly amazing!!!
Thank you so, so much!!!
:cup: :cup: :cup:
G'day Swaggers,
Have updated the figures again Folks.
Thank you once again to all those Swaggers who have either donated to the Server Fund or purchased Merchandise!!
Legends!!! :cup: :cup: :cup:
Have updated the Figures again Folks!
Only 6 weeks between putting figures up...I'm getting more organised it seems ha ha! Actually I think it is because I am currently on Leave and actually have a bit of time to catch up on paperwork ha ha!
Have a great day everybody ;D ;D ;D
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