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Myswag's Bank Balance
Thank you to the Swaggers who have made Server Fee donations since my post last night - all three of you are truly, truly amazing!!!
A massive thank you also to Jon from Tentworld who has signed up as a Premium Sponsor of the Forum for the 4th year in a row!!!
Updated the figures again Folks - sorry it was so long between updates - it seems like I blinked and it was February 2022 :o :o :o
Just an FYI - there is one member here who has consistently been donating to the server fund weekly since 06/12/2020 - in that time they have single handedly donated a total of $885!!! Thank you!!! You know who you are :cup:
I'd also like to make a shout out to Fizzie - he has been making a monthly donation to the Server Fund since October 2019. It is very much appreciated really is!
I can also set my calendar via noel_w - he's been making a monthly donation since May 2020. Thanks so much Noel - you're like clockwork!
Since September Merchandise Purchases and Server Donations were made by Doc Evil (RIP Mate), Clarky, GGV8Cruza, GeoffA, Pottsy, Spada, jwb, Hairs, plusnq, Fizzie, noel_w, Paul and Bern and Rodt. Thank you to all of you - it is so very much appreciated. Especially so in these trying COVID times xxx
Figures updated Folks ;D
Thank you to that same Member who has been donating consistently weekly (he is still is) and to Fizzie and Noel for your monthly donations that remain like clockwork.
Since February 25th Merchandise Purchases and Server Donations were made by Tigger, austastar, Pottsy, Fizzie, plusnq, noel_w, NZMarkb, swamp451, Paul and Bern and Rodt. Thank you so, so much - your donations are gratefully received and are keeping Myswag online and ad free :cup:
Just an FYI - the Myswag Store is currently down - I uploaded the National Meet Merchandise and now it has pooped itself :o - I am working on getting it fixed and will let you all know when it is back up and running. Don't hold your may die... ;D. I am hoping to have it up by tomorrow afternoon at the latest. My back up tech guru if I can't get hold of Firefox is my neighbour who is IT for the Police however he is at a wedding currently so may have a sore head in the morning ;D
The store is online again Folks! You’ll find it HERE
Figures have been updated Folks :cheers:
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