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Interesting read on electric cars
People get agro waiting 5 mins to fill up the car now. You think they will be happy waiting another 5,10 mins or more. And put another 200,000 cars on the road in the city, in the next 10 years and we will have another rage. Charging rage....
I am one off those bragging rights people because I have order and paid for my Model 3
I will keep my Landcruiser 76 because the Government will not be able to pay for all the Non-Federal highways maintenance since everyone will be driving electrical cars and no one will be paying the fuel levy for the road maintenance. Back roads will be dirt roads so you will need a 4wd to travel outside the cities or on the secondary road between cities.
OK, not really true but who will pay for the road maintenance is if no-one is buying fuel?
It amaze me when I visits the family is South Africa every 4 years how the potholes are getting bigger and the secondary roads turn to ‘tracks’. The highways are fine.
Has anyone got any ideas on how much it costs to recharge your car, is it meant to be cheaper than petrol/ diesel?
As we move to be less reliant on coal and fossil fuels where is the base load power going to come from?
--- Quote from: Pottsy on May 02, 2019, 08:09:27 PM ---Has anyone got any ideas on how much it costs to recharge your car, is it meant to be cheaper than petrol/ diesel?
--- End quote ---
Petrol/diesel has far more energy stored within a kilogram of the stuff than a kilogram of coal. So you have to consume a whole lot more coal to produce the same energy output. Petrol/diesel around 44Mj/Kg, coal around 20Mj/kg. You almost need twice as much coal for the same energy output.
The question I would like to see answered:
How much greenhouse gas is produced burning a Kg of petrol/diesel compared to burning the equivalent energy output of coal (near 2Kg)?
Renewables may become an answer in the future, but we need to see a large cost reduction for it to compete with coal.
That's why dino fuels still rule atm.
With advances in tech and cost reductions, I'm sure elec vehicles will become cost competitive at some stage in the future and cleaner than they are now.
But that's not going to help a vast, remote arid continent like we live in unless we want to be city bound.
Labour want all schools to have solar with batteries, so that the school can act like a mini-power station during the non-school days and weekend. Not sure how it will work in regards to feed in tariff
I have solar and batteries. Battery (Powerwall 2) was installed August 2017. I have not paid a power bill since then.
I am about to add more solar and another Powerwall 2 to my setup. I will then be 100% self sufficient
But I agree, base load power is required until an alternative cheap renewable power source is developed. I am fortunate to be able to afford my setup.
It looks like Domestic solar and batteries with gas turbines will be Labour’s short to medium term solution.
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