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Interesting read on electric cars
Here we go with a return to covid era profiteering with car flipping-
Smart money will regularly bung deposits down on popular in demand ICE cars in order to flip them for a tidy profit to more urgent buyers who can't afford to wait in Gummint induced queues. If the sales of EVs fails to meet increasingly tougher targets you know it's a one way bet so expect the same with the NVES starting in Oz in the new year.
It's like this numpties. You can control the PRICE or the QUANTITY but NEVER BOTH at the same time stoopids! Leftys always mean well ::)
Only now the brains trust think about EV battery safety-
What about all those millions of aging incendiaries out there already we might ask? ::)
Oh dear it seems Fiona the Fireperson and Fred the Firepronoun didn't think they needed an alarm until they got an EV-
In further scintillating eco-news it now appears the Great Transition to this marvellous state of net-zero fire stations that the erstwhile electricity actually backing up fickles charging battery cars should have been rolling with coal instead of stepping on the gas-
I don't make this stuff up (I couldn't if I tried) These people are experts with letters after their names ;D
It was the most advanced fire detection and prevention system in the world before they took the website down :cup:
Just build another plant and ring up the insurance broker for new cover eh?
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