Author Topic: bloody NRMA...  (Read 2437 times)

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Offline wakychapmans

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bloody NRMA...
« on: January 13, 2025, 08:51:45 AM »
some of you may be aware of the great garage flooding at our place in the Blue Mountains in 2023. And how despite being told (in a recorded transcript over the phone) by contents insurer NRMA that we were covered... we in fact... were not. They only told us this months after the event after they had taken all the damaged stuff in our garage to the tip.

(and some of it... could have been quite salvageable, especially if we'd got in and cleaned it/dried it out... in the hours and days following the flooding. But we were advised by NRMA to not touch it as they would handle everything).

Anyway... that was an old story that required me taking them to AFCA to get a heavily negotiated down resolution. (we ended up with a "settlement" of $12,500 against the original (approved) claim of $38,900..

On to last night...

(this all happened at around 9.30pm Melbourne time)


So... this evenings fun... Kyria is at Melbourne airport and just boarded a red-eye flight to Darwin… and she’s left the keys for our 105 Landcruiser at her dad’s place in Gembrook. (discovered far too late to get them) So now she’s going to land in Darwin, this evening, with no key for the cruiser.

So I naturally call The NRMA for some H.E.L.P as their ads boast... to check if the absolute top level roadside assistance (that I have held with them for almost 40 years) will cover key replacement.

Yes it will... normally... but not *this* time because *I have a spare key*. (they'd do it if all keys were damaged or 100% "lost")

Pointing out to them that I'm in Yarralin and a 16 hour round trip away from Darwin proves pointless.


End result. NRMA stonewalled me. So the keys are being sent via Star Track today and should be in Darwin on Tuesday.

worth noting that when we bought the Troopy, we elected to go with Club 4x4 to better cover the upgrades to the vehicle and the remote recovery options (considering where we live)...

A month or so ago I swapped the 105 cruiser over to Club 4x4 and even with upgrades included... their insurance was *half* the price of NRMA. With better remote recovery included.

NRMA need to change their marketing from H.E.L.P. to CU in the NT...

« Last Edit: January 13, 2025, 08:57:09 AM by wakychapmans »
Wayne & Kyria Chapman
(+ Tucker & Monty the Samoyeds)
2018 GXL 78 Troopy with Alu-Cab conversion
105 series Landcruiser 1HZ (soooooo much power)
1994, Supreme Getaway 14' (a "renovators dream")
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Offline paul.o

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Re: bloody NRMA...
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2025, 04:40:12 PM »

NRMA need to change their marketing from H.E.L.P. to CU in the NT...

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Re: bloody NRMA...
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2025, 04:59:28 PM »
Sorry you've had this happen.
What I don't get about insurance, is new customers get a better deal than long term ones.
I've been an NRMA member for over 41 years.
09, we had our house insurance with them, after the floods that hit hard on the east coast our policy cost went through the roof.
We are well up on a high point in town, but they(NRMA) Used Google earth(I was told this from the customer service person whom I was dealing with) to determine that we were in flood, because the "grass was dead" around our house.
That did us, changed insurance mobs, a third the price.
We have been with Shannon's for years, our vehicles, camper and now house.
BTW, it pi5535 me no end that Open Road promotes over seas trios, like WTF.
They are an Australian motoring group & the entice their members to travel over seas.

Sorry, just my two Bob's worth.

You don't use magic to disappear, ya use a 4x4 & Swag.

You don't use magic to disappear, all you need is a 4wd & a Swag ;)
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Re: bloody NRMA...
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2025, 06:17:36 PM »
Wasn't it 25 about years ago that NRMA spun off the insurance division so they could better serve their members?
That really worked out well.

I had CTP with them about 35 years ago, but they were always on the expensive side.

I can't see it getting any better with the LA fires and the mess that will come out of that lot. Insurance companies are insured by other companies that in turn also have coverage. There are going to be a lot of ripples from that one as it all shakes its self out.
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Re: bloody NRMA...
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2025, 06:58:29 PM »
I was thinking the same thing, Re the fires in America pushing up premiums, however listening to a financial program/report, there will be minimal effect on Australians, regards to increases.
A couple of insurers are impacted because they are partners with American under writters.
We've had a relatively quiet flooding, storm season in Australia.
However, the cynic in me, says otherwise.

You don't use magic to disappear, ya use a 4x4 & Swag.

You don't use magic to disappear, all you need is a 4wd & a Swag ;)
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Re: bloody NRMA...
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2025, 07:48:52 PM »
Wasn't it 25 about years ago that NRMA spun off the insurance division so they could better serve their members?
That really worked out well.

I had CTP with them about 35 years ago, but they were always on the expensive side.

I can't see it getting any better with the LA fires and the mess that will come out of that lot. Insurance companies are insured by other companies that in turn also have coverage. There are going to be a lot of ripples from that one as it all shakes its self out.

Yes in 2000 NRMA ( the motoring association) demutualised separating the member motoring  association from their mutual insurance business with that part being taken over by the Insurance Australia Group (IAG)  NRMA and NRMA Insurance are seperate business however at time of demutualisation an agreement was made to allow the NRMA name and trademarks to be used by the insurance company.
At the time of demutualisation members were issued with an amount of shares measured against years of membership that had a value of $1.78.

Today the shares are worth $8.45 if you still have them.

Me I  figured they weren’t great shares to have due to the nature of the business and so traded them in 2015 to fund the fit out of my then new Prado.
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Re: bloody NRMA...
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2025, 09:09:31 AM »
This thread is meandering a bit but I wanted to address a few things. Coming from a career in the industry I am naturally interested in insurance matters and the perceptions and misunderstandings that many have of what is a complex industry.

Firstly AFCA is an industry ombudsman. Insurers don't have to subscribe to it but they must subscribe to AN ombudsman. AFCA is the obvious choice so they all do afaik. Insurers must comply with their rulings. Customers retain their rights to legal challenge ie court if they are not happy with AFCA's ruling. Insurers fund AFCA and pay heavily for any claims or matters brought before them. I am out of touch with what the costs are but someone suggested recently they charge $2500 to open a file and then $1000 each time the file is referenced. In other words if I choose to escalate a claim to them and they open a file my insurer pays $2500 - without redress. Assuming my insurer maintains their position AFCA will charge them $1000 for each of the 3,4,5,6, times they get information and add it to the file. Naturally the win / loss ratio is in the favour of the insurers. They have to be pretty confident they are right before it goes to AFCA. I still see some of the claims outcomes and really struggle with the naivety of some of the insurance coy decisions. My suggestion is don't be afraid to escalate not only claims but also dramatic premium increases that are not clearly supported by reasons - it won't cost you anything and your insurer stands to lose several '000 regardless of whether they win. Quite often insurers are hit with additional (punitive) costs just for being dumb !!

Insurance premium rises following LA fires. This is quite complicated. All insurers buy various levels of reinsurance and inevitably the Australian Insurance market is supported by many of the same reinsurers as those behind the LA disaster. Now - reinsurers have to seek markets and depending on their perceptions they will make determinations to make their product cheaper or more expensive. Unfortunately Australia has been on the nose for a while for obvious reasons. Our biggest problem goes back to the whole insurance concept ie the losses of the few paid by the many. Over the last 10 years the few have been too many and the many have been too few. Our premiums will probably take a hit but I don't think it will be massive - subject to the rest of the summer we are in.

The "loyalty tax" exists because as a population we are slack. When I was employed we knew that customers would renew at a rate of around 80%. Insurers test that from time to time and know what they have to do to keep it level. Attracting new customers is a long term strategy because next year the new ones will fall into the 80% and so on and so on. To beat them you have to test them. ie get quotes, challenge their increases, etc etc.

Climbing off soap box now but keep on pushing your insurer and don't just accept knock backs.


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Offline wakychapmans

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Re: bloody NRMA...
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2025, 11:16:30 AM »
for those following... there was a silver lining to the keys fiasco at least.

I used my businesses Star Track account and had the keys picked up on Monday morning (the 13th).

Then... despite phone calls to Star Track on Tuesday morning that advised me "they aren't due to arrive in Darwin until Thursday the 16th"...

Kyria received a phone call from the Australia Post business Centre in Darwin at 5.02pm on Tuesday (the 14th). As they didn't close until 5.30 she rushed down and picked up the keys.


she got the car back yesterday morning. Ran some errands to pick up a Karcher at Supercheap and a heap of waterproof, IP65 rated heavy storage tubs in assorted sizes from Bunnings.

Today she does the 3H "convoy" drive to Katherine with a bunch of other teachers from Yarralin in 4wds. Then tomorrow the 5H drive to community from Katherine.

We had some serious rain last night and more is expected today, tonight and tomorrow. Thankfully all three vehicles all have winches, recovery gear and at least 4 Maxtrax between them. There's no phone reception at all once we leave the gate 16klm out of community. But two of the 4wds have a Garmin Inreach and a Zoleo. So if the Shit hits the fan... then they can get ahold of me and i can bring the Troopy out to help.

Exciting times.

anyone got suggestions for roadside assistance? More for when we're actually "in Katherine or Darwin". Should I just use whoever Club 4x4 use?

« Last Edit: January 16, 2025, 11:25:13 AM by wakychapmans »
Wayne & Kyria Chapman
(+ Tucker & Monty the Samoyeds)
2018 GXL 78 Troopy with Alu-Cab conversion
105 series Landcruiser 1HZ (soooooo much power)
1994, Supreme Getaway 14' (a "renovators dream")

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Re: bloody NRMA...
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2025, 08:14:17 PM »
We just switched to Club 4x4. Same underwriter, but a pretty good deal we think for a bit less than we were paying before. They offer different levels so may be worth a phone call, especially in relation to were you are. Just depends what you want or don’t want.
2013 ex Telstra GU Patrol 2004 Kimberley Kamper

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Re: bloody NRMA...
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2025, 10:01:27 PM »
Don't even think about 4x4 wayside assist
 My mates car recently had to be towed for 90klm's to Norseman, and that's where they left him
Mechanic in Norseman spent 3 days (free of charge ) and couldn't fix, tilt tray and $1200 his car was delivered to a vw dealer in Perth and the van into a caravan park.

 4 weeks later he put the van into storage @$400 p/m and the car onto a truck back to Melbourne ( $3500) and flight back to Melbourne

If he had RACV Total cover his car would have taken to the nearest RACV approved repairer, if it was not repaired within 3 days it would have been car and vane been taken to the nearest RACV approved mechanic that could fix it.
 The van would have taken to caravan park and his accommodation paid for.If that had all failed his car and van would have been shipped back to Melbourne and his airfare paid for.
Yesterday he spent a couple of hours in an RACV office confirm all these facts, he signed up to the top level there and then.He thought 4x4 would do something similar.
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Re: bloody NRMA...
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2025, 06:53:10 AM »
Excavator, your experience / understanding of the RACV process is exactly the experience we had a few years ago. I was towing a van and had just left Winton in Qld when the bolt holding the diff lock let go and jammed it. The gearbox was still trying to turn the shaft and diff and whilst it still worked it was obviously pretty sick. Mechanic came out after we called RACV and we managed to limp back to town under our own steam. He put it up on the hoist and said he couldn't get to it for at least 3 weeks. We were put up in a motel for 4 nights, we flew home, got a cab from the airport, our car and van arrived home a few days later. When the truckie started to unload I asked him take the car to my mechanic - 15mins away. Said he couldn't do it as he was only interstate transport but suggested we call RACV. I didn't feel comfortable but did anyway. When I rang they answered the phone and welcomed me by name. It was all coded in and they arranged another tow in 30 mins. All it cost us was a few bags for clothes. They even paid for meals on the plane from Townsville to Melbourne. Needless to say they have a customer for life.

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Re: bloody NRMA...
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2025, 08:10:51 AM »
This is exactly what DaveR said a couple of years ago - if you travel anywhere vaguely remote, especially if you're towing, sign up for your Club's "Premium" coverage.

He's driving a car transporter, does some of those pick-ups from remote spots, & reckons that $5-figure bills are common! :o
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Re: bloody NRMA...
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2025, 09:55:33 AM »
Our experience with RAC WA isnt much better.
About 6 years back we were travelling from Broome to Port Hedland when about 15km from PH the Prado suddenly lost power and stopped. Contacted RAC who we have Ultimate cover and they sent out roadside assist which was a tilt tray truck. Guy didnt look at our vehicle and just loaded up the car and hooked up the van. He asked us where in PH did we want to be dropped off which we replied the van park in Cooke point. Thats where they dropped us and that was it for assistance except to tell us to ring them in morning to advise which mechanic in town we wanted the car dropped off.   In regional WA roadside assist comprises of  10L of fuel , a jump start or a tow. They dont have any mechanics contracted to look at vehicles or make minor repairs.
RAC offered us either a few nights accommodation in the caravan park or car hire.  Any one who has visited PH and wanted to get a mechanic to look at a breakdown would know its not a easy task
and the mechanics we contacted all said it would be over a week for them to get us in. 
Long story short, saving grace was a phone call to my mechanic in Perth who diagnosed it over the phone as being a issue with the venturi fuel transfer "pump" in the twin tank setup and he suggested putting 20L of fuel in and see what happens. OK, nearest petrol station to Cook Point is almost 5km and RAC offered no help, so jumped on shanks pony and headed off there. Ok for getting there but 5km walk carrying 20L jerry of fuel wasnt easy but a local felt pity and gave  me a lift .
It worked, car started and ran then we hooked up and started heading home ensuring we never got down to the second tank.
Once home my mechanic looked at it and after dropping the tank, checking venturi pump and testing it over 3 days by running with a pump taking fuel out of the tanks into a drum to simulate using fuel, he couldnt find any fault with it and was kind enough to not charge me as he actually didnt fix anything. ( He does look after our 5 vehicle so swings and roundabouts.)
I dont know if we got wrong advice on initial phone call but RAC ultimate is the only option we have for roadside assist so have to stay with it.
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Re: bloody NRMA...
« Reply #13 on: January 17, 2025, 09:34:07 PM »
Yeh well & good RAC won’t insure my 2014 Patrol Cab chassis because the ancap rating is no longer high enough. A few years ago (2018) RAA left us high & dry in NT. Admittedly we were remote but it pays to check out what they will cover. We’d have been happy to get a tow to anywhere even if they couldn’t fix it, better than being stuck in the donga.
2013 ex Telstra GU Patrol 2004 Kimberley Kamper
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Re: bloody NRMA...
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2025, 08:40:13 AM »
There's no phone reception at all once we leave the gate 16klm out of community. But two of the 4wds have a Garmin Inreach and a Zoleo. So if the Shit hits the fan... then they can get ahold of me and i can bring the Troopy out to help.

Getting away from NRMA for a moment, have you looked into a Starlink Mini, that can mount on your car & be used for voice calls while driving ???

~$600 to buy, then ~$80/month.
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Re: bloody NRMA...
« Reply #15 on: January 18, 2025, 08:48:03 AM »
Getting away from NRMA for a moment, have you looked into a Starlink Mini, that can mount on your car & be used for voice calls while driving ???

~$600 to buy, then ~$80/month.

Even cheaper until Jan 30...
Geoff and Kay

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Land Cruiser.....the Patrol that Toyota try to build.....

Offline wakychapmans

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Re: bloody NRMA...
« Reply #16 on: January 20, 2025, 08:59:16 AM »
Getting away from NRMA for a moment, have you looked into a Starlink Mini, that can mount on your car & be used for voice calls while driving ???

~$600 to buy, then ~$80/month.

Have considered it... especially while it's on sale.

We have a Gen 2 dish on a pole on the drawbar of the van out front that supplies us with in-home internet and allows me to work from home in a remote place.

The Mini on the Troopy would be nice... But, (following these things through the Starlink users group) I read that NZ has just started direct to phone txt and voice calls from Starlink low earth orbit satellites. Apparently an iPhone 14 (or newer) is all that is required. The word is that Australia is only 6-12 months away from the same availability. (government approval is the only delay)

So that may explain the discount hardware right now.

They're also offering now a $15 month data plan for 5GB and $3 per GB after that (for emergency use I guess)

Wayne & Kyria Chapman
(+ Tucker & Monty the Samoyeds)
2018 GXL 78 Troopy with Alu-Cab conversion
105 series Landcruiser 1HZ (soooooo much power)
1994, Supreme Getaway 14' (a "renovators dream")
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Re: bloody NRMA...
« Reply #17 on: January 20, 2025, 09:45:37 PM »
Have considered it... especially while it's on sale.

We have a Gen 2 dish on a pole on the drawbar of the van out front that supplies us with in-home internet and allows me to work from home in a remote place.

The Mini on the Troopy would be nice... But, (following these things through the Starlink users group) I read that NZ has just started direct to phone txt and voice calls from Starlink low earth orbit satellites. Apparently an iPhone 14 (or newer) is all that is required. The word is that Australia is only 6-12 months away from the same availability. (government approval is the only delay)

So that may explain the discount hardware right now.

They're also offering now a $15 month data plan for 5GB and $3 per GB after that (for emergency use I guess)

Now that is interesting
spending the kids inheritance as fast as I can

tug 2018 Isuzu Mux LSU
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Re: bloody NRMA...
« Reply #18 on: January 20, 2025, 10:20:20 PM »
Have considered it... especially while it's on sale.

We have a Gen 2 dish on a pole on the drawbar of the van out front that supplies us with in-home internet and allows me to work from home in a remote place.

The Mini on the Troopy would be nice... But, (following these things through the Starlink users group) I read that NZ has just started direct to phone txt and voice calls from Starlink low earth orbit satellites. Apparently an iPhone 14 (or newer) is all that is required. The word is that Australia is only 6-12 months away from the same

availability. (government approval is the only delay)

So that may explain the discount hardware right now.

They're also offering now a $15 month data plan for 5GB and $3 per GB after that (for emergency use I guess)

Seen something in the last few days about Telstra offering this shortly if not now didn’t read it  I’m afraid but an internet search would probably find it. Also seen something a few months back that it would be available this year on the latest iPhone,this year through Telstra. I have Starlink at home & use my sons when we travel but this would make it obsolete. I have a Thuraya paper weight as well
2013 ex Telstra GU Patrol 2004 Kimberley Kamper
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Re: bloody NRMA...
« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2025, 07:54:25 PM »
Star link are only offering 50 gig plans for the mini to new customers for $80 per month or $195 for unlimited data on the roam package
For residential it is the gen3 version 4 for $139 per month.
They are emailing customers that have suspended or given notice to cancel or suspend their account and offering them a $15 per month and 5 gig of data, then $3 per gig after that.

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Re: bloody NRMA...
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2025, 08:02:42 PM »
Going back to the OP comments on NRMA insurance. My NRMA vehicle policy went up significantly last year. Time for a change I thought. Club4x4 initially appeared significantly cheaper by I think $500, but it is a nominated driver policy. By the time I added the wife and adult children (30s) and their partners the cost was the same as the NRMA policy which does not limit drivers, and yes I specifically checked the PDS and the FAQs.

Sent from my SM-A556E using Tapatalk

NT Pajero/2007 Goldstream Crown
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Re: bloody NRMA...
« Reply #21 on: January 24, 2025, 07:24:55 AM »
Going back to the OP comments on NRMA insurance. My NRMA vehicle policy went up significantly last year. Time for a change I thought. Club4x4 initially appeared significantly cheaper by I think $500, but it is a nominated driver policy. By the time I added the wife and adult children (30s) and their partners the cost was the same as the NRMA policy which does not limit drivers, and yes I specifically checked the PDS and the FAQs.

Sent from my SM-A556E using Tapatalk

ahhhh we only have the wife and myself on it. (the dogs cant drive... yet)
Wayne & Kyria Chapman
(+ Tucker & Monty the Samoyeds)
2018 GXL 78 Troopy with Alu-Cab conversion
105 series Landcruiser 1HZ (soooooo much power)
1994, Supreme Getaway 14' (a "renovators dream")

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Re: bloody NRMA...
« Reply #22 on: January 24, 2025, 07:31:54 AM »
sidebar here:

PET INSURANCE. (these two are our children)

so let's talk about pet insurance...
When we first adopted Tucker in 2014, at 8 weeks of age. His insurance was around $40 a month. Seems fair.

By 2021, it had risen to $195 a month.  (so an increase over that 7 year period of... sit down for this one... 390%)

Currently it's $352 a month... Yep, it's gone up by a further 65% in the last 3.5 years alone.

On top of that... we have a $150 (per claim) excess. But I accept that as an excess is common for all insurance matters.

But we made a claim last week. The first for him in something like 4-5 years and wait for this one... an "Age Contribution" of a further 35% that is deducted from any claim we make.

Naturally I went straight to Petcover Australia's website and searched for the term "Age Contribution"... guess what I  found?

"Search results for "Age Contribution"
We have found 0 results relating to your search term."

Now I'm sure it's in the PDS (or was added to it at some time over the last 10 years) - But it would be nice to find it on their actual website...

Wayne & Kyria Chapman
(+ Tucker & Monty the Samoyeds)
2018 GXL 78 Troopy with Alu-Cab conversion
105 series Landcruiser 1HZ (soooooo much power)
1994, Supreme Getaway 14' (a "renovators dream")