I am easy with dates .... but though given some members have kids that it might be over school holidays ?
My plan would be for more than 2 weeks but I can work around that initial period 
These use to start on the first Sunday of the QLD school holidays with us leaving Cairns that morning.
What are peoples thoughts ?
Well I take it that since Yogi is open to dates that people post up dates that would suit them and we try and work it out amongst ourselves. I would suggest that the start date is the day we leave Cairns. So you need to figure arriving in Cairns before then. The end date is when we reach the Top. You will need to figure your time to travel home.
Itinerary :- This is only a suggestion.
Day 1. Cairns to Lions Den via Bloomfield Track. Personally we are not a fan of staying at the Lions Den and usually camp at a private camp ground a few K's away from there. Nice rain forest setting. We could split up and catch up at set time in the morning.
Day 2. Lions Den to Cook Town - BattleCamp Road to
(INSERT 1) Coen. Camp north of Coen at the River. Another day could be added here if the majority wanted to go to Elim Beach and the Coloured Sands. Then Camp could be made at Elim Beach.
Day 3. Coen to Bramwell Junction Roadhouse. Start of the Track. Usually we camp there or just cross Palm Creek and camp.
Day 4. Continue North. Camp when we have had enough. But do the southern section, cross to the Northern Section - visit Fruit Bat Falls - Elliot Falls and generally Camp at Canal Creek, There is No rush , so an extra day could be spent here to back track to the Falls or walk from Canal Creek. Never done it but apparently it is there.
Day 5. Canal Creek to Nolans Brook. Great crossing - can be challenging. Will be soft if a lot of vehicles are going through. Camp there as it is fun to watch some of the antics. Another day there maybe - Good swimming as are a lot of the crossings.
Day 6. Nolans to Old Jardine river crossing. Cross here if desired (ferry costs money). Anyway/which ever way cross the Jardine and head north. We normally camp on the beach.
Day 7. Head to the Tip to get the Photo for posterity. Visit the Croc Tent.
(INSERT 1) - Laura - then the start of Old Coach Road. 1 day in and out with a little site seeing.
So you see 7 days plus it would be easy to add a few more. This may happen (add more days) if the Track is busy because there can be hold ups from traffic at some of the crossings and I'm not into traveling in the dark.
After doing the Tip we could split up. There are other things to do up here - Seven Beach run -------- East cost.
A day trip to Thursday Island and Horn Island was good value for money. A lot of Military History here. Or visit a pearl farm on Friday Island - Mum will love this.
And yes, some of us could continue on and keep touring on the return trip - Forbidden Run (this would take some planning and time and tide have a lot to do with this run.) Weipa - Penefeather River. Creb Track - Zig Zag Track - Suggest something.
All things don't suit everybody,