Hey Guys!
So we discontinued the Ensuite Plumbing as we are working on a revised kit. We experienced a couple small bugs and we wanted to fix them (and try make the kit better overall) - as we always try to do with stuff we bring out. We initially planned to release the updated kit in May but we over estimated with the release and now have revised the release date to be in quarter 3 of this year - August or so
I don't know too much just yet about the kit, but I can confirm that the water flow switch and shower head will be updated to our custom designed shower heads. I'm not allowed to give out heaps of info on the shower heads just yet as we are still perfecting them (plus they are also planned for an updated kit later this year) but from the samples I have seen - they are really freaking sweet. Work a treat and GREAT at low flow as well, give out a really nice spray pattern
Aside from that, they will work in the same way. A hose system from the water heater, live inside the tent and make things super easy and convenient
I just asked and the new ensuite plumbing kits should actually still be able to work with the current shower tents

Hope this helps