Hi Swaggers,
I've recently been chatting with James who is from Western Australia and is the inventor of the low power consumption, portable air conditioner called the Close Comfort.
This video that James features in, is a great explainer of the Close Comfort and how you'd use it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3Odi2wO05kThey sell two models, one that has thermostatic control and costs $699 and another which just goes flatout until you turn if off for $549.

You can visit the website for Close Comfort here:
https://www.closecomfort.com/au/shop-products/They were originally designed for the purpose of providing cheap personal cooling around the home, or in countries where mains power is less reliable. For instance, most of South Africa is suffering from load shedding, where they shut off entire suburbs for hours at a time. This means most households have generators for their fridges, and sometimes have some spare capacity for a small air conditioner - for those very humid unpleasant nights. But of course, if they wanted to run their household air conditioner - the generator required would be massive.
The Close Comfort uses 300W though, so the power consumption is lowish - but still pretty hefty if you're wanting to run it from batteries.
My question to you, is would you like to see these featured in our stores & more importantly - can you see yourself using one for camping, and being able to supply enough power to it to run through the night? How would you power it?
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.