Yep, as little kid in the 60's, archer63's Mum would mind me from time to time.

Hey, what ever became of Mark Carbine?
I can vaguely remember Martin Slack after I saw his name.... did he live at the bottom of the hill on the opposite side to you?
Do you remember, oh geez, not sure if I should admit to this, the time the park went up in flames?
It burnt right up to the houses, yours included.
Ummm, that was me....

There where piles of dead grass from the mowing and a couple got set alight by some other kids and just burnt themselves out.
So I set one off, the westerly wind kicked up and in seconds, the whole park went up and nearly burnt down a row of houses.
Man oh man, was my arse sorry for that one.
Sitting down was a whole new experience after the ol man got a hold of me.