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Good cause
« on: November 02, 2022, 05:54:51 PM »
Hope this ok to post.
But a student at one of my schools has set up a go fund me for a young leaders trip he was selected to be part of of.
See below

Sebastian is a Cecil Andrew's College student who aspires to be a strong leader not only in his school community but in the wider community and beyond. Sebastian is the Head Boy at Cecil Andrew's College and has been actively involved in the school community since Year 7. He is also involved with his local church group and is a highly spoken about and respected member of both the school and the local community.


Sebastian applied for the Future Leadership Academy's leadership trip to Samoa on the advice of his Student Council networks who attend other schools. With uncertainty around if he would be accepted to the trip and how he would fund it if he were offered a place, he took a chance and applied in May of 2022, he received an invitation to join the Future Leader's Academy on their trip to Samoa in December 2022.


The trip works with young, aspiring leaders to engage with communities and tackle real-world issues, such as climate change, humanitarian issues, and youth well-being while covering leadership and business topics. It is a program well-aligned with Seb's personal and professional goals, aspirations, and dreams.


As a member of the community who resides in a  low economic area, Sebastian is honoured by the fact he was accepted to what is such a unique opportunity to grow and prepare himself for the world, and yet the only obstacle would be the financing of this trip.


Sebastian is asking for any financial support and help to get him to Samoa to attend this program and start his journey of building on his leadership skills and abilities. In true leader style, Seb has already promised to come back to Cecil Andrew's College in 2023 to teach the student body the leadership skills he has developed along the way to have a continued impact and legacy on the school. He also plans to document the trip, so he has a visual diary that he can share with and inspire other students to take a chance and reach for their dreams.


Please help Seb achieve his goals of attending the Future Leader's Academy program in Samoa. A little bit goes a long way in supporting Seb to have a big impact on his local community and beyond.

Go fund me link

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