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so a very strange thing happened here...

I got back on the fatbike again. Been a few years and my body sure knows it.

today was day 5 in a row and my knees still know it... (my rear end however has recovered from days 1 & 2...)

even got Kyria out one day and she's keen for more. Her bike is called Alvin. Because of all the purple parts.

In pic 1 I'm clearly being out sprinted by 2yo Noah... one of the other teachers lil boy.

pic 2 is at 8.31am... 31 degrees and 71% humidity

Also... last night we saw this "cloud" in the distance. I think it's a Gamma Bomb cloud. (expecting the Hulk to show up at any point)

Also unsure if Brisbane, Sydney or Canberra still exist anymore or if Trump decided to "buy" Australia...

General Discussion / Re: For those suffering from depression
« Last post by Bird on January 28, 2025, 09:46:37 AM »
General Discussion / Re: Anyone picked up Covid again recently?
« Last post by grunf on January 28, 2025, 08:34:09 AM »
Not vaxed. Never had it.
General Discussion / Re: Anyone picked up Covid again recently?
« Last post by Wazza999 on January 27, 2025, 03:49:34 PM »
Yeah 48 h seems to be norm. When we got it in 2023 my wife had gone to the pharmacy on a Thursday (the only outside contact for several days, we were busy getting set up for a trip) started to feel sick on Saturday, me on the Monday. Same for the son's family a few weeks ago, first days in childcare for the youngest at 10 months, covid 2 days later then progressed through the family. Interestingly the 3 year olds only symptoms were a runny nose.

Sent from my SM-A556E using Tapatalk

General Discussion / Re: What's making News, 2025
« Last post by Bird on January 27, 2025, 12:45:22 PM »
You can't park there...
Come on... let the tyres down and nail it :D

While his car suffered some water damage inside, Mohammed stayed calm,

calm until he gets the insurance bill...
General Discussion / Re: RUOK Day | Check in with family & friends
« Last post by Bird on January 27, 2025, 10:41:36 AM »
Thinkin of ya Foo.... ya got plenty of people here and elsewhere ya can talk to..
make use of em if ya feel ya need to.
General Discussion / Re: RUOK Day | Check in with family & friends
« Last post by Foo on January 27, 2025, 08:48:26 AM »
I cannot imagine how hard that would be, I hope I never have to do it, and I feel sad that you have had to go through it.

All I can do is say that I feel some of your pain, and hope that time will reduce some of your hurt.  Remember though that we are all thinking of you.

Thoughts are with you Foo, the toughest of decisions one can ever make. All the Advanced care directives, medical power of attorneys, DNR orders do not make the decision easier.

Thanks for that and this is very true. .  :cheers:

Rightly or wrongly my thought process is the same for our furry mates = if we let them suffer we hard considered selfish or cruel but with our family it is viewed the opposite way and that thinking is so screwed up and wrong. :'(


General Discussion / Re: RUOK Day | Check in with family & friends
« Last post by Pottsy on January 27, 2025, 07:23:20 AM »
Thoughts are with you Foo, the toughest of decisions one can ever make. All the Advanced care directives, medical power of attorneys, DNR orders do not make the decision easier.
General Discussion / Re: RUOK Day | Check in with family & friends
« Last post by Traveller on January 27, 2025, 07:10:08 AM »
I cannot imagine how hard that would be, I hope I never have to do it, and I feel sad that you have had to go through it.

All I can do is say that I feel some of your pain, and hope that time will reduce some of your hurt.  Remember though that we are all thinking of you.
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